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Tim Curtis

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  1. Like
    Tim Curtis reacted to Thunder in HM Naval Cutter Speedy 1828 by Thunder - FINISHED - Model Shipwright - Scale 1:48   
    Well, I kept calling it a whip staff and no one picked me up on it. So, either no one is looking at the log, we all don't know what it is called or you are all just too kind to the forgetful model shipwright.
    Anyway, progress with building the Windlass, windlass bitts and pawl bits.
    First photographs show my effort to clamp it in place whilst the glue dries. One clamp is simply onto the keel to add a stop to prevent the second clamp from slipping. Bowsprit timber placed through the hull and on top of the windlass. Second clamp then pressing down onto the bowsprit timber.

    Pawl bits added.

    Completed windlass with ratchet and pawls and the belaying pins in place.
  2. Like
    Tim Curtis reacted to Thunder in HM Naval Cutter Speedy 1828 by Thunder - FINISHED - Model Shipwright - Scale 1:48   
    Some more shots of deck furniture:

    Here you can see the rudder post coming through the deck, companion ways and kevels. The gun ports have eyebolts and kevels for securing the lids installed.

    Main companion way and skylight (and thumb). Brackets for top of main companion way were made from a sheet of brackets found in an old etched sheet which I had brought 20 years ago.

    another view of same items. The skylights have clear sheet installed, the smaller one of which is showing as reflection here.

    whip staff progressing, much to do yet.

  3. Like
    Tim Curtis got a reaction from Karin Bartels in L’Etoile by glennreader - FINISHED - Billing Boats - Scale 1:50 - Updated to represent her current fitting out   
    Just discovered your splendid enhancement of this kit.
    Wonderful attention to accurate details.
    And fantastic sailmaking.
    Love it.
  4. Like
    Tim Curtis got a reaction from aaronc in Scottish Maid by Tim Curtis - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - Scale 1:50   
    I have been making very slow progress.
    Have added two furled sails. Flying jib, and fore gaff sail.
    Made using tracing paper dyed with tea. Edges folded over and boltrope glued on. Furled when wet. Then allowed to dry.
    Messy. And the rope tends to come off a little when you furl them. However, once furled - this is not very visible.
    I think it gives a reasonable likeness of worn and slightly stained canvas. 

  5. Like
    Tim Curtis got a reaction from Larry Cowden in Scottish Maid by Tim Curtis - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - Scale 1:50   
    Here is the completed ship's boat. Very fiddly, its only about 8 cm long. But have loved doing it.
  6. Like
    Tim Curtis reacted to md1400cs in Scottish Maid by Tim Curtis - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - Scale 1:50   
    ----- I think it gives a reasonable likeness of worn and slightly stained canvas. -------
    On the contrary your furled jib and foresail are brilliant. The scaled look is by far the best that I have seen so far with furled sails.
    Super nice work indeed.
  7. Like
    Tim Curtis reacted to glennreader in Scottish Maid by Tim Curtis - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - Scale 1:50   
    Totally concur with Michael. I think these furled sails are excellant, you have got the scale just right. I espeshally like the way the gaff sail looks, just the right amount of bulk in the furled sail.
  8. Like
    Tim Curtis reacted to md1400cs in L’Etoile by glennreader - FINISHED - Billing Boats - Scale 1:50 - Updated to represent her current fitting out   
    Just catching up - Beautiful project your attention to the smallest of details are and their execution are excellent. Great build. It was a pleasure following along.
    Yes, there are always things that, looking at her again, you may think that you would add, change, or re-do - Don't go there! it is, as you know the Dark Side of our hobby
  9. Like
    Tim Curtis reacted to glennreader in L’Etoile by glennreader - FINISHED - Billing Boats - Scale 1:50 - Updated to represent her current fitting out   
    Again, thanks for the comment Popeye and also thanks for the likes and anyone for just looking in.
    This is just a quick update with a few photos as I have finished the sails, most of the rigging and taken a few pictures. All that is left of the rigging are a couple of flag halyards going to the end of the mainsail gaff and rope coils. In fact these pictures were taken 5 days ago and as for rope coils I am now on the last pin rack.
    After this all that is left is all those jobs I have been putting off. A lot of these are because it was sensible to do the rigging first, like the poop deck railings. Some because I had grand plans which will now not come to fruition, for instance making it so that the entry port gates are removable. These will now just be fitted in place closed. Some others because at the time I was not sure exactly what to do. The best example of this is the ships launch/Inflatable, which I started and have not finished. Recently I found a good top down view of this which has helped a lot in deciding what to do with this.
    I will also mention those hoops I took so much trouble with to put on the main mast for the main sail. As soon as I tried to clip them onto the mainsail they fell apart in my hands. The plastic had become brittle! Really annoying as at this stage it was not worth trying to fit something else.
    The pictures

  10. Like
    Tim Curtis got a reaction from Larry Cowden in Scottish Maid by Tim Curtis - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - Scale 1:50   
    I have been making very slow progress.
    Have added two furled sails. Flying jib, and fore gaff sail.
    Made using tracing paper dyed with tea. Edges folded over and boltrope glued on. Furled when wet. Then allowed to dry.
    Messy. And the rope tends to come off a little when you furl them. However, once furled - this is not very visible.
    I think it gives a reasonable likeness of worn and slightly stained canvas. 

  11. Like
    Tim Curtis got a reaction from Attie in Scottish Maid by Tim Curtis - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - Scale 1:50   
    I have been making very slow progress.
    Have added two furled sails. Flying jib, and fore gaff sail.
    Made using tracing paper dyed with tea. Edges folded over and boltrope glued on. Furled when wet. Then allowed to dry.
    Messy. And the rope tends to come off a little when you furl them. However, once furled - this is not very visible.
    I think it gives a reasonable likeness of worn and slightly stained canvas. 

  12. Like
    Tim Curtis got a reaction from FrankWouts in HMS ROYAL KATHERINE 1664 by Doris - 1/55 - CARD   
    I think you have extraordinary talents. A master craftswoman at work.
    I stand amazed.
    How delightful you work is to all of us.
  13. Like
    Tim Curtis got a reaction from BETAQDAVE in HMS ROYAL KATHERINE 1664 by Doris - 1/55 - CARD   
    I think you have extraordinary talents. A master craftswoman at work.
    I stand amazed.
    How delightful you work is to all of us.
  14. Like
    Tim Curtis got a reaction from md1400cs in HMS ROYAL KATHERINE 1664 by Doris - 1/55 - CARD   
    I think you have extraordinary talents. A master craftswoman at work.
    I stand amazed.
    How delightful you work is to all of us.
  15. Like
    Tim Curtis reacted to DORIS in HMS ROYAL KATHERINE 1664 by Doris - 1/55 - CARD   
    Hello dear friends,
    I am very pleased, you like my work. Thank you all for your praise and kind comments.
    Well, it seems to be a man´s figure, but if I understand well the description of Vale´s painting from NMM, the central figure is a carving of Queen Catherine.
    It depends on the complexity of a particular statuette/decoration, but usually takes me about 2-5 hours. But for example a larger figurehead can take me more than two days....
    Oh, good question....  We take turns with my husband or mom. Telling the truth, we often do things together, it's better and faster.
    Thank you very much for your support and good advice.I am glad I have decided to recreate the Queen´s sculpture again and believe, now she looks better.
    And how you asked about the furnishing of the great cabin - of course I am going to make it in a high level of detail. Maybe I will place there some crew members as well. The decks are not fixes in place yet.
    Please enjoy the pics and have a great time.

  16. Like
    Tim Curtis got a reaction from BETAQDAVE in Syren by JesseLee - FINISHED - Model Shipways - scale: 1:64   
    Love your build. Love your wonderful attention to detail.
    Ratlines seem to have just right amount of slack....beautiful.
  17. Like
    Tim Curtis got a reaction from DenPink in HMS Victory by Barbara Lange and Dad - Scale 1:38   
    Wow! Something else. Monogrammed letters on the whole row of buckets. These are things I have not seen before. Staggering.
    Like a hidden treasure suddenly coming to light.
    I am sure there is a museum somewhere who would love to have it.
    There is a wonderful model in the Melbourne museum of the Cutty Sark, which a local man spent his whole adult life making, and so the museum has put it on display.
    I feel this model also deserves the same treatment.
  18. Like
    Tim Curtis reacted to Stuntflyer in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Stuntflyer (Mike) - FINISHED - 1/4" scale   
    Thank you very much, Hubac'sHistorian and for all the "Likes".
    Moving ahead, I added the fixed block supports to the hull. Hard to believe that these would take several hours to make. Holes were drilled with a #70 drill. Once the blocks were in place I was ready to do a second fairing of the hull. One gun port upright loosened early on, so I decided to add basswood filler pieces between the gun ports and bulkhead extensions in order to strengthen the uprights. This will all be hidden later on.

    So far I have one side of the hull pretty much done.


  19. Like
    Tim Curtis reacted to Alex M in HMS Sphynx 1775 by Alex M - Scale 1/48 - English 20-Gun Frigate   
    blowing the dust here and show some progres on my decks

  20. Like
    Tim Curtis got a reaction from keelhauled in HMS Victory by Barbara Lange and Dad - Scale 1:38   
    Wow! Something else. Monogrammed letters on the whole row of buckets. These are things I have not seen before. Staggering.
    Like a hidden treasure suddenly coming to light.
    I am sure there is a museum somewhere who would love to have it.
    There is a wonderful model in the Melbourne museum of the Cutty Sark, which a local man spent his whole adult life making, and so the museum has put it on display.
    I feel this model also deserves the same treatment.
  21. Like
    Tim Curtis reacted to Noctavigant in Palamos by Noctavigant - OcCre - Scale 1:45   
    Finally got some time over the last couple of weeks to work on this. I found a problem after gluing the bulwarks in place. A couple of my clamps popped off during the night, which caused a lot of gaps around the deck. Rather than try to cut everything apart, I decided to see if I could make things work since it will be painted in the end.
    Filler blocks in place.

    Planking the interior of the bulwarks.

    Stanchions in place. I will be painting this model, so the filler will be hidden.


    Starting the first row of planking. This kit is double planked.




  22. Like
    Tim Curtis reacted to Jeronimo in Chebece 1750 by Jeronimo - FINISHED   
    Hello friends,
    new pictures.
    Part 19

  23. Like
    Tim Curtis got a reaction from Jack12477 in HMS Victory by Barbara Lange and Dad - Scale 1:38   
    Wow! Something else. Monogrammed letters on the whole row of buckets. These are things I have not seen before. Staggering.
    Like a hidden treasure suddenly coming to light.
    I am sure there is a museum somewhere who would love to have it.
    There is a wonderful model in the Melbourne museum of the Cutty Sark, which a local man spent his whole adult life making, and so the museum has put it on display.
    I feel this model also deserves the same treatment.
  24. Like
    Tim Curtis got a reaction from mtaylor in HMS Victory by Barbara Lange and Dad - Scale 1:38   
    Wow. That's a big ship! What will you do with it when it is finished? Presumably it takes up as much space as a small car! 
  25. Like
    Tim Curtis reacted to Barbara Lange in HMS Victory by Barbara Lange and Dad - Scale 1:38   
    Good question.  It has taken 36 years to build it by now - so finding the answer was never really a concern. It has to be finished to make that a real issue and we don't know if we will ever make it there. So why worry now😉
    Maybe some museum. Or not. I have a big house... 
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