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Timothy Wood

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Everything posted by Timothy Wood

  1. Popeye and Elia, It's 1/64 plywood alright and a pain in the backside to work with, the only good thing is the edges sand "fast" sometimes too fast. I still need to work the overall height down just to make sure the top is level and square. Cheers, Tim
  2. Greetings, Here are some photos from tonights work (victory), I have to say I've been pulling out what little hair I have left over these spray shields! The plywood supplied for the spray shields, is paper thin and somewhat hard to work with. It took me three times of cutting, shaping, sanding and gluing to get them relatively close to correct. Up to this point they have been the toughest item to get right! I hope to get more work in now that I've figured out the best way to work with the plywood (Cut it with a pair of scissors). Cheers, Tim
  3. Fantastic! I have to agree with druxey, rounding off the corners of the hatch would ruin your great workmanship! Tim
  4. Rusty, Nedless to say, I'm looking forward to seeing the completed project. You are doing a beautiful job on her! Tim
  5. It's been a while since I've checked in on your build, I must say I have missed much! You are doing a fantastic job and it's been a pleasure catching up on your build. Cheers, Tim
  6. Fantastic workmanship.... It's a joy to watch your build!
  7. Sweet, very sweet! Keep up the beautiful work!
  8. Hi jcoby, It's been a whild since I've checked your log and I must say that you are doing a fantastic job! Keep up the fine work!!!! Cheers, Tim
  9. Hi Michael, It's been a while since I checked in on your build, "Looking Good".... I have a quick question for you! I wos wondering if there is any reason you ended all the planks on the same bulkhead? Cheers, Tim
  10. Hi Marty, I'll be bringing the half hull of the Atlantic. The PT is going slow right now, I havn't been doing as much work on it as the half hull. See you Saturday! Tim
  11. Hey Popeye, Time to add another build to the list, what's one more? And who's counting anyway???
  12. Greetings all, With the weather the way it is here on the East coast, it sure makes for a good to work on the models. No snow here, but from the football games on Television some ares are getting hit pretty hard. Only rain and wind for Virginia Beach. Here are some photos after todays work, enjoy! Cheers, Tim
  13. Tonight was a good night, I was able to get a couple more hours work in on the Atlantic hull. She's finally beginning to take shape and look like a schooner! Cheers, Tim
  14. I did manage to get a little model work in today, every little bit helps. A few more shots to show how the work on the hull is progressing. Cheers, Tim
  15. Jay & John, Thanks! I agree she is finally begining to take shape, (Sometimes I even amaze myself). Unfortunatley I have to bee out of town this weekend and won't get any work done on her, with luck I'll get an update posted tonight! Thanks again for the nice words! Cheers, Tim
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