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Everything posted by garyshipwright

  1. She really does have beautiful lines Oliver. Keep up the outstanding work, look forward to you next update. Gary
  2. Thank's Albert. Great looking shop. Look's like you have a few build's going on at the moment. Am doing good just working on one. Thank you again. Gary
  3. Looking good Albert and you have a very nice looking shop to go along with you build. Any chance of getting a shop tour??
  4. Thanks guy. That's what am hoping is a more comfortable way of working on her and not being bent over to do that.
  5. Hi guy's. Here's a update on the build but this time it is more about her building board. I add a way of being able to tilt her from side to side which helps keep the back in tack and a lot easier getting to thing's. I worked on a couple of hanging knee's and being tilted made it a lot better. I can't take the Credit for it which goes to Alan/AON and the tech info on it. Hope you enjoy the pictures and any question will be more then happy to answer them
  6. Nice job Doc, and looking good. Enjoying your build very much and look forward to the next update. Gary
  7. Oliver enjoying looking in on your build and the workmanship that you are putting in to her. Nice job sir and another build for me to aspire to. Thank's and looking forward to your next update. Gary
  8. Morning Giampiero and thank you. I like the boxwood light color and wish I had built her gun deck with it but hindsight is 20 20. The pear does show up nicely. She does have a few different wood's in her and hope my son wil get some enjoyment out of her in the future. Once again thank you,. Thanks Bitao and Druxey. Glad you guys like her and hope to do even better on her in the future. Getting the lower deck some what done, it's giving me a push to get more done on her, that and having you guy's push me forward. I do get a lot of enjoyment out of looking at her, and thanks again. Gary
  9. Hello. Here's a new update for you. Not perfect but I like it . One thing for sure, It really takes a lot of time to make and fit the knee's to the side but am getting there. Thank's for looking in.
  10. Hi Doc. Can you give me some ideal were to get a set of those fashions ring bolt pliers? Could be a good one for the shop. Thanks for the tool infor. Gary
  11. Bitao have a question for you . Was wondering how you go about cutting the notches in to your beams and carling's? Very outstanding build you have and enjoy visiting and seeing how your coming along on her. Clearly shows the talent behind the building so keep up the very detail work. Brings a smile to my face ever time I see your update's. Gary
  12. Thank's Giampiero, and your not doing to bad your self.
  13. That's a possibility druxey, of course I probably need to finish the rest of her first 😁
  14. Hi Bruce d. I did finally get a reply which came from Henry Kriegstein late Friday but didn't get to it till today. Took the family to Cincinnati and just got a chance to look at it. It helped me answer question about pillar's in the manger and was it possible that they may of been used as roller's for the messenger. I was excited to see this in their book, the pillar's in the manger but looked to be holding up the beams and not what you think of as rollers. Hard to really make it out from the picture for sure. I would post it but would have to ask the Kriegstein first to make sure its ok. If your interested let me know please and will ask them if it ok. Gary
  15. Thank's very much Mark P for all of your help. Gary
  16. Thank you very much Hubac's and hopfully I have another up date some time in the near future.
  17. Well guys, sort of out done my self this time on updates, figure it was time to work on the mast to make sure it fit in place before I can't get to certain places. After a couple of daysI finally got the fore mast looking some thing like a mast, but still a long way to go with it but its a start. Have to say thank you to Alan and druxey for info on the mast and helping me bring it to life.
  18. Thanks Siggi. It's no problem, the new photo show's what was missing, the over head view of the forcastle. Thank you again Gary
  19. Looks good Siggi. On the one photo that you showed how you draw out the size of the main headrail what angle are you using? Thank's Gary
  20. Have to agree with you 100 percent No Idea. Really outstanding work Albert. Been watching your build and she is really growing.
  21. Thank you Chuck, its nice to be back to working on her.
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