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Everything posted by garyshipwright

  1. Hi Giampiero Nice job good sir and will be a outstanding piece on a outstanding ship. Who know's you might want to build a second one and put it under a glass dome to show off your work. Gary
  2. Hi Mike and outstanding good sir, she is a beauty. Now that you have her finished what's your next model going to be? Also I noticed that you have some paint on you work bench and was wondering what they are. May come in handy getting some for my Winchelsea. Look forward to your next build good sir. Gary
  3. Congratulations, Chuck, on a job well done and may you next one be just as good if not better. Look forward to seeing it and have enjoy watching your Winchelsea come to life. Gary
  4. Hi ChrisL. If I had to make a choice over what mill I would still get a Sherline . It really depends on how deep your pocket's are. They have a 14" Deluxe 8- direction Milling Machine which has a 15" extended Column upgrade, believe the cost was 1500, for the base package. They have a lot of accessories to fit all of your need's. They have a tilting angle table, Manual Rotary table Milling vise, and a rotating base to hold the Vise. Digital Readout to help you with the precision on your cutting. A sensitive Drilling attachment that you could also add. Works great when your using very small bit's so you don't break the bit's. It sort of lets you get a feeling of what the bit is doing. Of course it all comes at a price but I brought mine over the last few year's to help with the cost of it and have not regret it. You could go to their site, make a list of what you might need to get started and they will give you a package deal. Once you get the base package, what ever that may be then you can get the accessories you really need and not have to put out a chunk of money. You can do that over time because you are buying a tool for a life time. Also If you purchase their lathe get the 17 inch one, you can use the mill accessories on the lathe which would cut down on the cost of the accessories.
  5. Hi Kris and thank you. I did find a place, the office depot does this accept they use plastic rings instead of metal. She also put a clear plastic sheet on the front cover and a blue one on the back cover. Came out real nice and now resides in my library. Was very happy how it came out that's for sure. Once again thank you very much for putting this on the site. Gary
  6. Thank's Alan. We don't have a staples here any more but a Office Depot and they said they could do it and the price is really really low. Thanks again. Gary
  7. Hi Kris. Thank you for putting the Pdf here and just to let you know I downloaded it for my self for my own personal use. Have a question, where did you have your's bindet? Have to see if I can find a place to do that for me.
  8. Nice job Frank, She is looking good and look forward to seeing the whole hull planked.
  9. There is a 2 part to David's Drawing Techniques for the modeler but doesn't really have any thing really on the stern other then correcting the stern tilt so you can make the parts for the ship the right length. If you want it let me know and will add it. Also if you want I can delete some of the Franklin stuff so it doesn't clutter up your log once you have down loaded them unless other's want this to. Gary
  10. I have to look and see if I can find any more of David's drawing techniques article. I think there is one more and will take a look. Here is the start of 41 and I also found the conclusion of John's articles which I have also inclosed.
  11. Hi No Ideal. When I come to hard spot's like what your up against you might take some painter's tape, take it and push it in place, then taking a pencil, mark around the planks and see what comes out. It usually a rough copy imprint of the area but it does give you a starting point. I do this a lot when I get to a place like your self. Hope this help's good sir. Gary
  12. Sorry about that, I had a brain fart. Model Shipwright, Issues 41, September 1982, HMS Egmont, part 1, 74(1768) starts at page 4 and run's to page 13, author is John Franklin. Hope that help good sir. Gary
  13. I also like David White articles Traditional Wooden Shipbuilding, but he didn't finished them. I believe the last article seem's to be missing, at least I believe it is. Those articles in Model Ship Wright opened up my eyes to what really was.
  14. Hi Alan. I sought of got hung up with my printer. Tried to scan the picture in to the computer but kept wanting a password. O well. I took a photo of the side and aft view which may help. He does go in to more info then any thing else I found. Let me know what you think of his article. Gary
  15. Alan there is a good article by John Franklin in Model ship Wright, HMS Egmont(74) 1768 41/4 and 42/29 that will give you some help on building your stern. I used his article's and David Anscherl such as Drawing Techniques for the Modeller and his 64 gun ship Polyphemus. If you don't have them let me know and I will copy them and send them to you. They always had such wonderful article's it a shame they stop producing them. Gary
  16. Thank you folk. I seen them before just can't remember were and they are called a whale. Very interesting. Gary
  17. Looking good Alan. Your making good head way sir. That stern is a hand full that's for sure and is a heck of a lot of work.
  18. Hi good folks. Have a friend who is trying to figure out what this Blue tool is in the picture and what it's called. I have seen it used but for the life of me can't figure out what's it called. Maybe I have seen it in one of my books some place. Look forward to finding out what it is and thank you in advance. Gary
  19. Ben if you was going to buy some Holly for you building where would you go to get some? Am not sure if I have enough and figure maybe I would get a couple of pieces before I start that part of the build. Thank you. Gary
  20. Ben I have some good holly with no gray streaks and probably have had it for a few years. Not sure if I have enough to plank the hull but we will see. I also have some silver maple which is probably just as white. so maybe I see if I can find more of both. Well good sir you got it right and wood now days is quite expensive. Thanks again. Gary
  21. Hi Frank. No sir I painted the wale after adding the second layer. Didn't come out to bad. When I was talking about adding more planking, it was the planking around the wale. It can get real messy trying to keep the paint and dye off of new plank's laid along side the wale it self. When I was working on Alfred I put them in two layer's but they was in anchor stock. A lot more time consuming that's for sure. As far as the outer stern frame's I just haven't got around to sanding them down yet to the finished side, but thanks for letting me know about it causing problems with the positions of the outer two stern windows. I make sure they are not to thick. Thank you good sir. Gary
  22. Hi Ben. I been looking at your planking and must say it is out standing that's for sure. The holly you used for the planking below the wale is a eye catcher. Am think about using holly for the lower planking that is with your permission good sir. Keep up the great work. Gary
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