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Keith Black

NRG Member
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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. It's worth what someone is willing to pay for it. That's a cheap answer but probably the best answer unless you have it professional appraised. If your goal is to sell it, let the market decide what it's worth. Stick it on eBay and let the ponies run.
  2. Roger, thank you for the explanation of the fitting out process. I know that comes from personal experience and I appreciate you sharing. Mark, I would think that the majority of the tanks would have been off the shelf items. The Navy signs a contract for X number of tanks in X number of sizes and installs them as required? That seems logical but...Roger maybe able to shed light on that. The tag is slightly cupped and I assume the dark area on the reverse is where tag was soldered to the tank.
  3. Thank you Eric and Glen for the comments and thank you to all for the likes. The Madawaska/Tennessee artifact arrived today. I don't question it's authenticity but I do question how it was made. The letters and numbers are indented which suggest stamping yet there's no evidence of bulging on the reverse. All the cast makers plates I've seen the letters and numbers are raised. Another curious fact, the Madawaska was launched in 1865 yet the date is 1866. Once back from her shakedown voyage did the Captain put in a requisition for what he thought was a needed 40 gallon tank to go somewhere aboard the ship? Is that why the name "Madawaska" appears on the tag as it was a speciality item that had to make its way through the yard along with all the other ship's items being made? I do love a good brain teaser, I suspect I'll enjoy many moments conjuring the reasons "why". I'm absolutely ticked pink to hold and be able to place with the Tennessee model an item 156 years old that was part of the ship no matter how insignificant.
  4. Bless and thank you, Dave, Glen, Brian, Roger, Mark, and Keith for your kind and supportive comments and thank you, Phil, Tony, and all for the likes. Yesterday I swapped out the old folding table I've been using for the past seven years for a regular table. The folding table was okay but it was narrow, 20 x 48 x 27 inches high and not real sturdy. I was reluctant to put very much weight on it. The new table is 36 x 48 x 30 inches high and solid maple. If rising off the floor after searching for the odd bit gone missing I can grab the edge and pull myself up putting my full weight on the table without worry of it collapsing. Much safer for both myself and the Tennessee. I'm back to working on the Tennessee.
  5. Chris, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  6. Piero, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  7. Mark, I'm sorry for the setback. I do hope you've managed to contain and fix the problem. Don't know what I could do from here to help but if you can think of something let me know.
  8. Kris, welcome to MSW. A suggestion if I may, read through as many MSW build logs as possible and see how folks go about building their models and solving problems during a build. Note what type of tools they have and use and start collecting the tools you'll need when you start building. You should be able to buy used tools pretty cheaply and then you can upgrade as your experience and interest grow. Wishing you the very best.......Keith
  9. Pretty delicate job with a sword, not something you'd want left to the village goof and have the countryside populated by a bunch of lads with the nickname "Stubby".
  10. Andrew, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  11. Mike, good to see you and your family settled into your new digs and glad too see the ole girl getting some much needed attention.
  12. The past couple of months seems much longer than a mere two months and have been surreal in so many ways. My sister and I just finished cleaning out my son's effects from a house she owned. Going through his possessions was very physically and mentally demanding. Discovering his "treasures" and uncovering those things we thought he should have found important but didn't was difficult for us both. It's made me feel the need to go through all my things and put my possessions in order pitching the "why am I still hanging on to this" in the bin! The house has sold, that chapter is now closed. On a lighter note and speaking of possessions, the seller of the Madawaska 40 gallon tank tag and I have successfully negotiated a price. It wasn't an arm and leg but I do feel somewhat bruised. But having something to add with the model that was actually onboard the actual ship.......priceless. https://www.ebay.com/itm/275321765340?hash=item401a74bddc&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAA8MIUG%2Ffuf4OsaVsGCXPdn%2F6JZJG9gFwTVYzLb1yWyYpinbbyp3rwrqrOZm4P6TnmTw0%2B17o4nOx6Gu6iggZodl3Kn1IR9oDxoQwIhM5OeTN937QGQL064%2FzF5jWCbQavEP5F%2FKSoc1Ym0sCNEInqs1CisI6mI8QjoMmvM%2FAtTefk90N4K0GllSeBDMW1gMgizVYTa7h5nHlfu5zZxSgFHNyLS8LOfpy9tc30H5mn%2FEneOtyaH9qExoJ1pj2oXnwQLpvEeN99btqkn2XZk61n5S10tJy80tEGK3bBISdorjGc3DQdt9WZqQlviurOzhzF5g%3D%3D|ampid%3APL_CLK&autorefresh=true&nma=true&si=Krr0OP4qqMAV6BuQ0RN8jE3Zhlk%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 Thank you to all for allowing me to share my victories and defeats. God bless each of you.
  13. Parker, welcome to MSW. What a great trash can find. Most collectors would rather purchase an item in "as found" condition so go easy on cleaning till you've had a chance to have the model properly evaluated. Best of luck.
  14. RB, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  15. Abbot, welcome to MSW. I'm 75 so don't think you're too old to start wooden ship modeling. You can start with an easy dory kit (which are fairly inexpensive) and see if you enjoy making wood model ships but if you prefer plastic, please join in. Glad to have you aboard.
  16. Rob, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  17. One would swear that the launch doesn't have a bottom, it looks like you're looking right through the launch to Germania's deck. What a neat effect.
  18. Dave, you might consider searching Facebook's Marketplace for display cases. What you find might not be your traditional model ship display case but I guarantee what you find will be cheaper even if building your own traditional case.
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