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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Happy New Year to you, Bitao. Enjoy your time off, in the mean time your work is as beautiful as always.
  2. Chris, there's a shadow line giving the illusion of depth, Is that the result of the marker or is that the kit design?
  3. Glen, the transitional period is unique and some gorgeous ships came from this period. The Magenta is one of those beauties. I wish more folks would model ships from this period and I wish more kit manufactures would design kit's from this period.
  4. Tom, take your time, we're a patient lot. I'm quite certain you'll not disappoint, I've not seen anything in your work to indicate that would be the case. If you need me to hold the dumb end of the tape, just ask.
  5. Phil, I'm really looking forward to this build and I'm hoping you enjoy every minute of it.
  6. Were it I, I'd remove the standing rigging as well and start with fresh rigging including ratlines. You'll be able to remove the mast and repair them properly and it'll give you access to the entire deck to clean, make repairs, and add those elements that are missing. With seven yards per mast you're going to want to be able to work off model rigging all those yards. On one hand replacing all the rigging is a large task but in the long run it's going to make restoration much easier, IMHO.
  7. Seven yards per mast? A rigging nightmare. I love restoration projects so I'll be following along. It appears at some point in the past there was a cosmetic restoration attempted which looks like it did more damage than good, IMHO.
  8. Glen, great save! Everything looks spiffy. You stuffing the Aurora into the neck of that brandy bottle (by the by, what happened to the brandy? ) reminds me of when I restored a triumph TR3A and had to pull the differential. Typical British engineering, to remove and replace the differential you need a differential housing spreader, much akin to SIBs.
  9. Simon, thank you for posting the photos. Your pin vise is much different than mine, see the attached. I kinda like yours, looks as if it would add a little better control plus the collect can be adjusted to accept larger drills. The Microbox drills look to be close to the same as the ones I purchased from Micro Mark. They will walk if you don't first press a starting point into whatever it is you want to drill. And they are tender little buggers, I just broke my fav size, .022 inch. I used it the most to drill holes for eye pins/eyebolts. I'm reduced to using a .025 inch which is a little big but will work until the cavalry arrives. Thank you again.
  10. Simon, maybe you have a different pin vise than I do because they won't fit in mine due to the collet size? If it's not too much trouble can you post a photo of your pin vise with one of these drills attached and something to give an idea of size, TYIA.
  11. Rob, are you running the futtock shrouds to a single eye bolt or is it one shroud to one eye bolt? I'm at this stage on my build and I'm becalmed with indecision. TYIA
  12. Steven, good to see you back to working on the GH. She's becoming quite the tidy little keepsake. I smile every time I think of her journey from boy to man.
  13. Reece, welcome to MSW. Great first build, I look forward to seeing more of your work.
  14. Dan, welcome to MSW. Have you built a wooden ship before?
  15. Simon, those drills are Okay but obviously can't be used in a pin vise. Trying to use them in tight quarters is almost impossible. The best micro drills I've found are from Micro Mark but the set I bought a couple of years ago is no longer offered. The do have the set below which I will be ordering shortly as I need to retool as it were. https://www.micromark.com/20-piece-Micro-Size-Drill-Bit-Set-with-Index-61-80
  16. Brian, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard and look forward to seeing your work.
  17. Allan, the model turned out really great, congratulations. Now that the first one's done, what one is next?
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