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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Simon, the block on top at the yardarm is a lift block to aid raising the yard into position where the sail can be unfurled. In some cases that block is left off and the lift line is shackled to the yardarm with the line running to a block attached to the cap where the line then travels to its respective halyard block and belaying pin. Do you have a copy of the rigging plan for the Cutty Sark? Below is a link to CS build and rigging plans. I think the last one is the best. https://www.hismodel.com/cutty-sark-21
  2. Keith, more beautiful details. Seeing the Germania fitted with her completed mast is going to be a treat.
  3. Glen, glad she's in the bottle. I just realized I was staring at the above photo waiting for something to happen.....duh
  4. Simon, tell me the post # you're taking about where I can look at the post/picture and I'll try my best to explain.
  5. I think it would be pretty hard to achieve the look of leather with silkspan. Getting the edge to roll as per the photo would be difficult, IMHO.
  6. Jud, this why I think barrels would have been left below securely lashed. Even if securely lashed would you want a water barrel on deck where it could possibly be contaminated with seawater? Why couldn't buckets of salt be brought up from below as needed? I commercial fished salmon in Bristol Bay, Alaska as a deckhand on a 32 footer. One stormy day we swapped ends with a single wave and everything not tied down flew overboard including my favorite pick.
  7. Hold Fast, welcome to MSW. it was probably made in Germany in the 30's. Look for a tag on the port side attached to the keel near the rudder marked 'Germany' They're fun models as they are windows in history but as David said, it's a decorative model with little value.
  8. Juhu, I think you first have to decide what size barrel/barrels you want to portray as that's going to have bearing on how that particular size barrel would have been secured on deck, IMHO.
  9. As close as I can figure......According to Mr Google, Antarctic penguins are 24 to 30 inches in height. A foot at 1:500 scale is .024 inches, correct? That would make 30 inches = to .060 inches. Having worked at 1:120 for so long I can easily visualize tenths and hundredths. Better not use course ground pepper and sea salt. Glen, the ice pack turned out great, it looks very convincing. Is the big push in short order?
  10. Glen, just think of the awesome amount of detail you could get in .06 inches ............Can you imagine trying to carve anything that small? I'd try to replicate something that small with a tiny drop of paint and be proud as punch if the paint drop didn't spread beyond .06 inches.
  11. Capn, welcome to MSW. The Victory is gorgeous and the weathering on the sub is very nice. I look forward to seeing more of your work.
  12. rbcwarbucks, welome to MSW. Is there a time period that you favor more than others?
  13. Grant, I've got faith in Glen. I bet he's able to whip out penguins to the rate of about one an hour. I mean, how hard can it be?
  14. Mark, both are positive approaches, I'm hoping your eye doctor visit Monday produces a acceptable solution.
  15. I tried making it easy with a Polar bear but oh no, you had to go get all zoologically correct so now it's penguins, eh? Because penguins are so much smaller, a pair?
  16. Glen, how long do think it will take you to carve the Polar bear?
  17. Dave, I think it looks okay. It doesn't look any different than other Lady Nelson builds.
  18. Lars, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  19. Mark, sorry to hear this. I hope you get it resolved in short order.
  20. Chris, do you think a vac pen would be helpful in card modeling? There are several models out there, below are a couple of links as examples. https://www.amazon.com/Vacuum-Suction-Chip-Pick-Up-12000pa/dp/B07Q12CZWR https://www.virtual-ii.com/product-category/pen-vac-vacula-3-no-hoses-or-batteries/pro-series-pen-vac-vacuum-pen/
  21. The object you want to pick up has to have a flat surface. I see it being helpful for installing windows but where I see it possibly being most helpful is in card modeling. I'm going to ask Chris if he thinks it might be of help.
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