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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Ribbit needs to be taken to a French restaurant and shown the menu.
  2. Madison, welcome to MSW. I hope your search is rewarding. Glad to have you aboard.
  3. Where's that dang frog and what's he doing to help the project along?
  4. Thank you, Richard. i'll add flashing after the roofing material is added. Back in the day everyone who had a shake or thatched roof ran the risk of roof fires as everyone burned wood or coal and had a chimney of some sort. Sure there were roof fires but not to the extent one would think. When I lived in Washington state we used wood to heat, cook, and make hot water. We had runaway chimney fires if I didn't use Red Devil creosote treatment on a regular basis. Back in the day it was chimney sweeps that kept the creosote levels down. It amazes me there weren't more roof fires in early times when wood and coal was used extensively.
  5. Congratulations on completing a great model, Maurino.
  6. That's slick, Glen. 👍 Maggie and I took a little drive after going to the store earlier today and we came across a herd of longhorns. they were some very large animals, I'll have to go back with the camera and take some snaps. .
  7. Congratulations, Andrew. She's a little beauty, very well done.
  8. Becker, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  9. Exquisite work, Brian. I'm totally blown away by how real the air conditioner and boom look, just amazing. I buy fittings, blocks, bollards, cleats, windows, all manner of things. Is that cheating? Is it cheating for a modeler to buy ready made thread and then make their own rope? For a "purest" to make their own rope they would need to pick the cotton or scrunch flax and then tease the fiber off a wheel to make their own thread. Or grow and harvest their own wood or smelt their own metals. We're all dependent on suppliers to get materials and parts for our projects. I admire you for taking the step to 3D printing and for first efforts those parts look great. Let me know when I can place an order. Keith
  10. David, it's good to see you post again, glad you enjoyed the cruise. The sail shapes will look good once trimmed but they're too transparent,IMHO. You need to add color. The link below is to Bruma's Cutty Sark build, his sails are some of the best.
  11. Carson Your father's model is in very capable hands, Glen is a top notch builder. Those of us following along have a keen interest in this project and are willing to be of help and support to Glen in whatever way possible. Keith
  12. Vytautas, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  13. John, the winch turned out looking spot on. You did a great job working at scale to replicate Klondike's winch. 👍
  14. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-publish-coffee-table-book-step-by-step-guide-md-shakir-waheed-1a0kc https://mindstirmedia.com/self-publishing-company/?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADtFouHkBvI9zKxYDBop5UH17Yn3r&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7KGejdzoiAMV1Ub_AR3aDA9OEAAYASAAEgJXQ_D_BwE https://www.creativepublishing.com.ua/en/ https://www.teneues.com/en/book/the-beauty-of-ukraine
  15. Brian, because this represents a floating pile driver about a year old I think a rust patina would be too much. I'll just have to be patient and see what I get in that box of chocolates from Wild West. I'm currently leaning toward the shake roof as it was the more common but we'll see. While waiting for that order to get here I have plenty to do like paint figures, make rope coils, and make other props that go on the barge and shed.
  16. Thank you to everyone for the likes and for following along. Keith, thank you for the kind comment and once maybe, long ago and far away. Glen, Eberhard, and Eric thank you so much for your input regarding roofing material. I really liked the idea of using sandpaper and played around some last night, thank you for tip, Eberhard. Since I'm trying to shoehorn this project into the early 1880's I'm trying to stay true to the roofing systems of that time period. Asphalt shingles were't invented till 1901 so they're out of the equation. Asphalt sheeting at the time of the 1880's was seen a temporary. The most common roofing for a project of this type at the time was wood shingles with corrugated roofing coming in second. I've placed an order with Wild West Models (see the below link) for their wood shingles and corrugated sheeting. Both are made of paper which is a real selling point as I think ridged 3d printed roofing would be harder to install. It may take a week or two before this order arrives so I'll finish everything on the shed except the roof and hanging the doors. https://www.wildwestmodels.com/index.html
  17. Valeriy, there are folks that can do that for you. Your work is good enough for a coffee table style book of photos including a description of what ship the part was made for and date that you made the part. Over the years I watched you produce little works of art that are included in your builds. I for one would certainly be pleased to have a hard copy of your work.
  18. Thank you to everyone for the likes and for following along. Work continues on the engine shed. Hopefully I'll have the shed's main structure finished in the next couple of days. What remains to be done on the shed is as follows. 1. Roof treatment. I can't decide what to do, paint the wood black with a little grey mixed in or put down masking tape and paint in the same manner? At this scale i don't know that tape would look right?? 2. I'm up in the sir about adding vertical trim at the corners, the cable tower doors, and the cable tower top. I don't want the shed to look like a house but studying the old photos, in a lot of cases vertical trim was used. 3. Hang the five doors. 4. Soot up the interior prior to permanently attaching to the barge. I want to finish the shed real bad because I'm tired of working on it. The number of pieces it's taken to build this thing is absolutely amazing. And the time, heck I've got more time invested in the shed that what I had in the Donkey engine. Thank you to each of you for your support. Keith
  19. I have found that going from stern to bow keeps the stays and running lines under tension better, something to consider.
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