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Everything posted by Paddy

  1. Antony you have the gift. All top draw and a pleasure to follow along.
  2. Thank you Sinan. It is a very enjoyable project. BTW, you're doing some grand work on your project. Impressive.
  3. Tally Ho Antony. Continuing excellent work on the Victory. Many happy returns on your birthday too.
  4. Edward, As Anja said thanks for starting your log and posting the pictures. I'll be following along and learning what I can. P.S. A belated happy birthday!
  5. Antony, What a grand project and the work you've done so far is top drawer. Love those all thread spreaders and clamps you have there. A must for plank and frame work I'm learning. Good to see you in the shipyard. I'll be among the watchers in earnest. Regards P.S. Like your drawings.
  6. Hi Remco, I'm new to your log and wish to add my own "Outstanding". Beautiful work through and through. P.S. Love those mini woodworking clamps you've shared with us.
  7. Thank you very much for the information...... good food for thought. You make a very good point about an interim project. The Triton Cross Section fills that bill and should fill my time, enjoyment, and hopefully improving my skills while I await Chuck's Cheerful project to get underway. Thanks again for your input.
  8. I’ll still be interested in doing Chuck’s Cheerful project when it is released even if I go forward with the Sherbourne. If you don’t mind are you using the cannon that came with the Sherbourne kit? The reason I ask is Chuck Passaro has three sizes of brass cannon available in 3/16 scale and I’m wondering if they would come close for the cannon used with Sherbourne kit? http://www.syrenshipmodelcompany.com/turned-brass-cannon.php My interest must be building as you can see since particulars are starting to come to mind. Also, just made an online buy of Peter Goodwin’s Naval Cutter Alert 1777 book. I’m beginning to feel like the one eyed dog in the butcher shop.
  9. Thanks for that Jay and thanks to you Kester for letting us borrow your thread.
  10. Thank you John. A bit stalled right now trying to make a decision about my choice on type of strakes to proceed with.
  11. Kester, She is looking outstanding. What excellent sail work! Every time I look at your work I get more tempted. Not that I could do her justice but for what you've shown is possible with this grand little kit. Well done sir. I'm starting to think I should start checking to see if she is available this side of the pond.
  12. Ron, Thanks for that. That's the way I'll leave the walnut for the wales with the exception I'm going to do the wales in Top and Butt strakes. The Rip Angle jig arrived this afternoon, so I ripped some basswood to the scale top dimension for some Top and Butt plank practice and checking my angles. I drew up my scale plan using the dimensions in Peter Goodwin’s tome “Sailing Man of War 1650 ~ 1850” found on page 52. Love the jig but what’s not to love about a Model Machines product. Fun!
  13. Kester, The full build I’m getting keyed up for is the English revenue cutter Cheerful of 1806. It’s a plank on bulkhead project being designed by Chuck Passaro for the first time scratch builder. Mr. Passaro is sometime away from releasing it but maybe it will be ready to go in the near future. If I were going to do a kit I think your HM Cutter Sherbourne would be very tempting. P.S. Thanks for taking a look at my current project. Its been a great learning process and very enjoyable. Good folks here to help this rookie along.
  14. Top photo walnut natural and bottom photo walnut with Minwax Ebony stain applied.
  15. I decided I want to rip some Top and Butt planking for my project and was thinking about how to do this on the Byrnes saw when the penny dropped. Wanting to do this with precision so off I went to Model Machines and ordered the Rip Angle jig. Received an e-mail from Donna yesterday that Jim had shipped the jig and should receive it tomorrow. Again, great service. So, today I‘ll draw up my planks in scale so I’ll be ready to start cutting those Top and Butts tomorrow. That Jim Saw is one sweet piece of machinery! P.S. As an idea for Model Machines, how about miniature hold-down clamps that we may use for making jigs for the saw? Maybe using all thread and wing nuts or small machine screws as opposed to T-track bolts.
  16. Hello Kester, What beautiful work you’ve done on the cutter. Recently I’ve become interested in cutters and your project is the icing on the cake. I’m new to model ship building but have started to think about doing a full build after I finish the cross section I’m working on. As others have said before me “thank you for posting your grand work”.
  17. Thanks Pete. I'll post a photo of the ebony stained walnut in comparison with the above. I do think the natural walnut has become my choice already.
  18. Joss, Thanks for taking a look. Installed treenails in the walnut and photographed with the yellow heart above and cherry below to have a comparison with the walnut before I apply the Minwax Ebony stain. I kind of like the colours and contrast with the walnut natural. P.S. Those are bamboo treenails. It will be interesting to see how they take the stain.
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