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Everything posted by lmagna

  1. Those baskets were filled with float nets Chris. the nets were designed to float free of the ship, (hopefully) if it was sunk giving survivors something to grab onto in the water.
  2. Do you have a Maker Space or something similar where you live Ken? They cost money but most do offer courses along with access to printers.
  3. Certainly a build to place in a prominent place and show proudly. I found it a pleasure to follow your effort and watch it develop Alan.
  4. That is quite a resume Hans! Welcome to MSW from the Pacific NW USA.
  5. "Trading With The Enemy" Charles Higham Sooner or later you will get to the part of the engine that converts money into noise.
  6. Made little difference. They could have run them inside the stack or in a second false stack but why bother. It would have just made things harder and more costly and would have had little advantage other than aesthetics as the stack is not armored/
  7. At last! A workable way to enjoy corn-on-the-cob.
  8. I was just referring to my buddy's car in high school. It really had nothing to do about your build, in face his Fury was blue and white not red, but your build still reminded me of his. You have done a very nice job of building not only an iconic car but using a classic kit as well. No need to change or add anything.
  9. Didn't do the beer part but the bodies in the trunk happened a few times. Now days if you put me in the trunk I would have to listen to the movie from there.
  10. Pretty cavernous front seat as well. No buckets or center console. "What movie?"
  11. Nice work Denis I think I would have installed the rear side windows as my mental picture just seems like that is how it should be. A friend of mine had exactly the same car that was a hand-me-down family car from his dad in high school. The stripe on the side and I think the roof were white though if I remember right. We were all jealous because it attracted almost all of the girls in school and drive-in movies were plentiful back then!
  12. I think you are just being modest Chris I'm not talking about what is available out there. I am certain there are some awesome kits available. It's what has been done with this one that makes it stand out, even under a closeup lens, and we all know how that normally goes.
  13. I ALWAYS find something I didn't know I needed! I'm even worse in book stores. I think your build of this ship is more than just a little awesome. I have the old 1/249 Revell DE kit in plastic and I would be afraid to build it and try to compare it with yours. I don't know when or if I have ever seen a paper model kit done as well as this.
  14. Must have found the hobby store open Chris. Can't just walk out with only the item you "need." Always need to look around and add to the list.
  15. If you are using video as coloring choices, I would also suggest "Das Boot". It was only a movie prop built 1:1 but I think they paid considerable attention to authenticity and detail. Your work is looking nice as well.
  16. It is at 4 WOWs now and sure to climb! This is impressive at every level. The new owner is lucky to say the least! The retirement home should have found a space in their lobby or common room. It would have made a fantastic addition.
  17. I can just see her opening the freezer door and seeing a freight car or two sitting there. My wife would just figure I had slipped another cog and go about her business figuring all was pretty much normal.
  18. I'm not talking about the impact of the shell, of course you would expect that to be destructive, I'm talking about the Shockwave from the muzzle of the gun. A LOT more powerful than you would expect, and almost certain to cause injury to anyone on the outside of the tank when fired.
  19. If someone touches off that 120MM gun while Dave is sitting there I am pretty certain that he will never be quite the same again! I have been close to a M-60 105MM when they lit it off and was glad that I wasn't any closer. The shock wave even when you are not in front or all that close is impressive. Makes a hand Grenade feel like a child's toy.
  20. The F-1 and Dodge look nice to me. The show car on the other hand............................😝 Especially at over a million dollars!
  21. I think this is the first time I have seen the Sterling kit finished to this degree Bill. Most people give up on it long before this stage. The quality you have achieved is also quite impressive.
  22. I don't know. Here is one I have in my stash. Went to quite some effort getting the decals for it. If I get it actually built it would be one of two Lotus 30/40s in my collection. The real car has been fully restored to it's Pink Stamp livery including the backwards #1 and is alive and well in Portland Oregon.
  23. In some ways it is sad to see all that beautiful planking getting covered up. But your paint work is flawless as well. Coming along nicely.
  24. At some point words are just not enough. You reached that point long ago Valeriy! Truly a masterpiece.
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