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king derelict

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Everything posted by king derelict

  1. Thanks Patrick I only planned to make start building a few hull pieces but one thing led to another. Alan
  2. Thanks Andy The 20 no guns look very fiddly. I'm trying with using a couple of spare Flyhawk plastic ones and adding the brass shields from the IBG PE . But that's ducking the challenge Alan
  3. I just dropped one of the PE grab handles on the Renault. Did the whole retrieval routine with flashlight and dustbuster. Nothing so I've made one up from 0.2 mm brass wire. The utility room / work space is the cleanest room in the house Alan
  4. Thanks Patrick, I had seen it referred to as a skid plate and was theorizing that it was to reduce the risk of the tank rolling over backwards on a steep climb. Alan
  5. Your PE work is so neat and sharp. Very impressive. Tampa looks like getting a close brush from Elsa. I hope the power stays on and you escape damage. Alan
  6. Individual links and rollers sounds daunting but I bet it helps understand the mechanics better. I've got to think bigger and try a 1/350 ship and a 1/35 AFV but I do like the tiny world and it delays the display issue creeping up on me Alan
  7. With the Penelope diorama on hold while the Sculptamold dries and the Kujawiak waiting for primer to dry I thought I would investigate the contents of the Flyhawk Renault FT17 box a little more closely. Somehow a few hours passed and progress is being made. The hull was straightforward to build up with everything fitting well. The detail is very crisp and impressive. Some nice PR parts complete the details. The track and drive wheel assembly had me reading the instructions and playing with the parts several times to ensure the assembly was correct. Its not obvious in the photo but the little chain drive in the top left is a folded PE part and is going to be invisible in the final assembly. The sprocket wheel and the front wheel are specific to the variant being built. The hull needs some more PE adding which will make it quite delicate. I may wait until painting of the major assemblies is complete and the tracks are added. The turret and tracks are completed as far as being ready for priming Thanks for looking Alan
  8. That is a great image. Many Thanks Patrick. The Spanish Moroccan paint scheme is going to be my first type to build. Do you know what that structure at the back is (where the chains are)? Thanks again Alan
  9. This is great information Egilman. I really appreciate the help. With your input and Patrick's it lifts this from being a kit build into a historical learning experience which I really enjoy. I have found that dues to over enthusiasm on Ebay I have bought this kit twice so I have the ability to make four of the six variants. With the Penelope diorama drying and paint going on in sequence on Kujawiak I have made a start on an FT17 so a new build log is up Many Thanks again Alan
  10. Great picture Patrick. Many Thanks Crewing FT17s doesn't look like duty for claustrophobics but I suppose that is true of all tanks. Alan
  11. The Penelope diorama is still drying so I made a little more progress on the Kujawiak. Fiddly stuff. I cut off the barrels of the four inch guns and replaced them with brass ones. I think it looks a lot better compared with the basic kit parts. Then on to the mast. The reference book was used to obtain the correct height and rake of the mast and the width of the yards. I used 0.5 mm brass rod and soldered the assembly. I'm finally getting a bit neater with the soldering iron so I think the new mast is acceptable. It may be still a little overscale but it is pretty close and better than the original. The work so far has now been sprayed with black primer. The parts on the sprue are disappearing fast. Hopefully I will get teh dark grey decks painted tomorrow. Thanks for looking Alan
  12. Thank You OC. The IBG PE is nicely made and apart from the Oerlikons is relatively straightforward. I think a breakthrough for me was to to think out the folding process and use some tools to help instead of going at it "freestyle". That little aluminium block with grooves is great for getting decent curved sections. Alan
  13. Craig Looks like this one is going to be yours. Good luck, stay safe and I hope the power stays on. Alan
  14. In between throwing Sculptamold around the Penelope diorama I made a start on this little Hunt Class destroyer. The hull and decks went together very nicely. The plastic is not as fine as the Flyhawk stuff, softer and parts are generally thicker but so far its all matching the Kujawiak drawings I have. The first PE has been added, The railing around the searchlight platform was a bit fiddly but the fold lines in the PE work well and I really like the little grooved tool for curving PE (I use drill bits of various sizes with it). The PE is nice to work with so far. I have my doubts about teh Oerlikon guns though. The instructions are nicely presented using 3D models to illustrate the work Next I plan to add the brass barrels to the four inch guns and the primer. Thanks for looking. Alan
  15. I mixed up some Sculptamold and smoothed it over the foam contours to develop the fjord landscape. This was my first acquaintance with Sculptamold and I found it harder to use than I expected. It is a mix of plaster, clay and finely shredded paper so it has properties of Papier Mache and plaster. It is quite lightweight and adheres well to most things. I found it has quite a fibrous appearance although I have seen notes claiming a glass smooth finish is possible. I embedded the plaster "rocks" made earlier and blended them in with some of the Sculptamold. I Sculptamold instructions state that the mixed compound remains workable for about thirty minutes. Videos I have watched said twenty to twenty-five minutes but I barely got ten minutes. It allowed me to get the first cut at the landform but barely It occurred to me that water from the cold tap is not truly cold this time of year in Florida and working in the garage is also a warm environment and these factors might be shortening the cure time so I mixed a second batch to finish the landscape using water from the refrigerator and working in the house (ahem). The mix was unusable in fifteen minutes but I got the last parts done to my satisfaction. I read a wide range of statements about curing time; from 2 hours to 48 hours. Its still damp to the touch so I think at least twenty-four hours before i put a layer of white gesso over everything and see if I like it before painting.
  16. Jack I forgot to add in my original reply. Your Sherman dioramas are really impressive. Beautifully executed. Alan
  17. Greg. Thank you for the kind comments. I aspire to be better; your models are an unreachable goal I amafraid but they are works of great beauty and I love watching them come together. Thanks for the information regarding the YX resin chain. I had ordered a couple of lengths but I won't wait for them to arrive; I will use the PE chain as you suggest and hope the resin might work with The Prince Of Wales which I think is the biggest kit on my shelf or the USS Wasp Thanks again Alan
  18. Many Thanks Egilman. That is some very detailed research and I value it a lot. I learned a lot as well now having an identity for the tank. Its a great help Thanks again Alan
  19. Thanks Patrick That is hugely helpful. I had been thinking Spain for #4 but the paint scheme doesn't look very desert but I suppose Spanish Morocco was also the coast and some of the Rif mountains as well as Western Sahara, I still like the paint scheme so this will be one of teh two builds. Thanks again Patrick Alan
  20. Patrick Yes please. The Flyhawk kit is quite comprehensive; it builds two complete vehicles in any of six configurations. A paint scheme is provided for all six but nowhere in the instructions have I found a clue to the six configurations or the operators of each paint scheme. The first one has a marking "Le Tigre" so maybe that is a French one. I quite like the white / brown camouflage but have no idea who might be behind Ïnfantaria" marking. If you are able to shed any light on any of these paint schemes it would help enormously. Many Thanks for your help and Interest. Alan
  21. Thanks Jack i found the Sculptamold to be a bit difficult to use, probably because it was the first time Alan
  22. Craig It's rained a lot here but the lakes were so low there is still plenty of room for more. Elsa looks like it's coming up your side but I think we are both in for some dirty weather starting tomorrow night. As long as it stays as a tropical storm and keeps moving,........... Take Care Alan
  23. Hi Ken. It's a very nicely produced book, a lot of information and well written and translated Alan
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