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About Toolman

  • Birthday 07/09/1961

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  • Interests
    Ships & Aquariums. Both fresh and saltwater

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  1. Great work. Following along. My Smit Rotterdam is due to arrive this week.
  2. Welcome Luke. Looking forward to your new project.
  3. Sub, I didn't mean to discourage you. It's intimidating out of the box. I lack the confidence that you have and I admire you for that. I'm a pessimist. I love ship modeling and after reading your note to me maybe I will attempt it in the future. You will be my inspiration. I have been to Mystic as well as Boston. I was on the Connie. It was breath taking. When I was a little guy many years ago I lived in Portland Maine and Portsmouth N.H. I now call Northeast Pa home.
  4. Welcome Sub. This is a great place to ask questions and learn. Everyone is so helpful. I have the MS Connie. I'm sorry I bought it. Great kit but I don't think I can ever reach that caliber of modeling. Good luck modeling.
  5. Would you be able to provide a list of the n scale doors and windows and the Qty ? Your help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. John, your craftsmanship is fantastic. I have a smaller vintage Robot E Lee kit made by Scientific. Rather crude but I will build it. Following along.
  7. Does anyone know if the CA glues listed in the Model Expo catalog are Bob Smith's glues? The bottles closely resembles his bottles but with Model Expo printed on it.
  8. You're work is fantastic. Following along. I'm getting ready to start my BN around Thanksgiving. I have a month off for vacation.
  9. Thankyou,Jager. Yes, I'm am sure I will be spoiled. Thank you for your input.
  10. Thankyou all for you responses. Advice well taken.
  11. Thankyou Allenyed. I was more looking at the fact that some of those woods would hold better contoured edges and take shaping better on the trim work of the deck furniture rather than the supplied wood in the kit. Thankyou again for you quick response. Have a great day.
  12. I'm getting ready to build the MS Bluenose. I'm thinking of replacing the strip wood used for the deck furniture with either,boxwood,swiss pear or Alaska yellow cedar. Which would be my best choice? Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
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