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Everything posted by DenPink

  1. Hi Kevin Will you look in your mail box and see if it is full please. Denis.
  2. Hi Alistair Thank you for looking in on my log. Ratlines I just cannot do for the life of me. Just doing the ratlines on the main mast ( and they are rubbish again ). Don't be a stranger on the log as all comments are welcome ( good or bad ). Again thank you for your comments. Denis.
  3. Hi Pete and Brian I used mahogany on the bottom of my SOS keel just to give it a bit of a contrast from the hull colour. Yes it is brittle it has a very open grain but a very nice colour. All the mahogany I have and in the past has always been a very rich red colour. But this may depend on the country and part of the tree it came from. The worst wood for contrast in colour is walnut. Denis.
  4. Hi Vince Going on your photos of the kit it looks like you have got a lot of white metal parts. You said you are going to paint or gild ( gold leaf ) them. To keep your cost down you can get a substitute gold leaf that you apply the same way as gold leaf. Denis.
  5. Hi Ron You are doing a fine job, you will finish the build before I finish my SOS. Keep up the good work , and keep posting the photos. Denis.
  6. Hi Andy Will you please look in your message box and see if it is full, if it is will you delete some. Denis.
  7. Hi Mark Thanks I have just robbed one of the kits I have ( but never started ) for the cleats as the SOS come first inline :). So just doing them now. Happy New Year to you and your family. Denis
  8. Hi Ron You have done a wonderful job on the sanding. Looking forward to the second planking ( is it Walnut ? ) what glue are you going to use. Have you decided on the colours you are going to use. Keep up the good work, just lovely workmanship. Denis.
  9. Hi Popeye and Captain Steve. You two are to generous with your words, I now feel very embarrassed but thank you both , and all of you that take your time to look into my log thank you all. Cannot finish it off as I am 4 cleats short . Denis.
  10. Hi WackoWolf Thank you for that, just give me two more weeks for more photos. Thank you for looking in. Denis.
  11. Hi Amfibius Thank you for looking in on the log. Just doing the best I can. Thank you for them kind words. Denis
  12. Hi Edwin Thank you, all the best to you and your family in 2014 ( I think we both need a better year than the last one ). Denis.
  13. Hi All Have done some more rigging. I am a lot happier doing this than the ratlines ha ha. I have not tensioned some of the ropes up yet, will do that tonight. Denis.
  14. Hi Ron Nice build so far. Do you not use forceps or bull dog clips to clamp the planks together, this way you will have less sanding to do. Just a thought . Denis.
  15. Hi Mark Now that is a good idea, will try it next time I need a power tool. :D Denis
  16. Hi Gary Thank you for your input re ratlines it is very much appreciated. I am trying to do my best, but the ratlines are just way past me, but will keep trying ( one day I will get the hang of it ). Happy New Year to you and your family , happy model building in 2014. Again thank you. Denis.
  17. Hi Brian Thank you, the ratlines look fantastic. Will keep that in mind . Denis
  18. Hi CaptainSteve. First welcome to my log . Thank you for the info. will give it a go when I get to the mainmast shrouds, as I have only one more ratline to do on the foremast then finish the rigging from foremast to bowsprit area. Thank you for looking in. Happy New Year to you and your family. Denis.
  19. Hi Popeye & Kevin The top ratlines are OK but they was done when the mast was not on the ship. Will just have to plod on ( or go shopping with the wife ) :angry:. Denis.
  20. Hi Kevin Airbrushing is not that hard, just get the mixture correct and the PSI on the compressor . You will get the hang of it after about 4 hours of practice . Just keep it clean when finished . Denis
  21. Hi All You know that parts of life you hate doing things, Like cutting the lawn, pruning trees, painting the house and rooms, cleaning the toilet and shower, unblocking the drains but we have to do it ok. One thing I hate getting dragged out to go shopping with the wife and after 6 hours coming back with nothing. :angry: . Now I am going to add to my hate list DOING RATLINES , just cannot do them :angry: :angry: :angry: . Sooner go shopping with the wife :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: . Denis.
  22. Hi all Well started to lace up the shroud lines to the dead eyes on the foremast + doing the ratlines ( looks like I am getting worse as I go along doing the ratlines and not better ) cannot think of a worse job to do. May get better when I have done a million of them ( but don't think so some how ha ha . As I have furled the sails I have no instructions or books that gives you how to rig them up. So with the help from Vince and one or two changes this is what I came up with :D. May I wish all the staff and fellow model builders a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY MODEL BUILDING 2014. Denis.
  23. Hi Ron Jeff took the words out of my mouth, nice clean work on the bulwarks well done keep the good work up. Denis.
  24. Hi Vince Another good book is The Mast and Rigging of English Ships of War 1625 - 1860. Denis
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