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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. Got the railings finished, so now all I have to do is clean them up and also finished the aft end rails. Some progress for today so here's some pictures for Augie and You Know Who....
  2. Looking very good. At this scale this is wild. Very Interesting....
  3. Thanks lambsk, wood is different...probably less forgiving than plastic, and it doesn't break as easy.
  4. Thanks Popeye, it would be nice if some older logs were to show up again. Would greatly help. First attempt at wood - so here goes.....
  5. Thanks Grant, that must be why one side always looks better than the other....lol....I hope to make this build of interest. It's unfortunately hard to find build logs on this ship, and I know it's popular in the community....go figure? Speak of repitition she has 7 whale boats......
  6. Thanks Augie, the bluff bow is tricky....sharp curve, so I got to try my first attempt at bending wood.. realize I don't have the right tools. I used a piece of wood and pins to form the first piece, and now I'm seeing if the second piece will match...lol. Much duplication for sure.
  7. Hi Mike, thanks for joining my log. Model Shipways Quality is almost impossible to beat. I have built a number of their kits, including ones that have nothing to do with a ship and find them wonderful to build as well as customer service and general overall goodwill to the modeling community. A+++ here in that aspect. As far a references, I do find the instructions leaving a lot for interpretatation. I found a couple of build logs and photos on another site called shipmodeling.net. It is a difficult site to navigate, but there are some good reference photos. The other downfall to the site is that most info is 6-7 years old or older, but nonetheless there are photos. Im trying to document most of that into this log so that the questions that I have had perhaps can be answered easier. This format is very user friendly as well as many good people (yes Sjors, Augie, Andy, JPett, Keith and everyone else here) to help answer questions or guide you. Cudo's to the whole group! This is a good build in that you don't have to mess with the guns! You can devote your time to "whaling tools and many whaleboats" like 7 of them....lol....any way this would be a good choice for your build - in my opinion....not only that but I'd have someone to bounce things off of!!! Speaking of burnout - my last burnout lasted over 3 years... John
  8. Thanks David, I've wanted to build this ship since I was a kid. What's cool is that it's real and you can actually visit and go on board if you live or go to the East Coast. I've been on her 3 times when I've traveled to New England. Of course you live in Vegas, but Connecticut is a cool place to visit...
  9. yes, now we can start calling him Fred Flintstone.....
  10. Here's a couple of more and then it's off to the Starboard side for a repeat.
  11. OK, well, got some progress yesterday and today so far. Got the Waterway, Plankshear, stanchions, Knightsheads, Timberplanks, Mainrail, lograil and topgallant rail attached to the port side. Took some pictures for anyone that might want to build this kit, as some of the parts can be confusing as to how they come together.
  12. That looks nice. You should be able to get some nice detail on them. Hopefully they will show up good with your lights on the inside. John
  13. Thanks EG, you know when I got finished with the Conny, (actually I still need to mount her to a nice base and tidy up a few lines) but, for me it was the first time I have ever seen this beast completed in person. It actually was quite thrilling to back off and let just how much detail goes into these things soak in. They really do make outstanding displays. Hardest thing is protecting it from getting hit, and I don't have the room for a case...oh well back to the Morgan, wood is fun to work with --- at least so far I think that.....I'll look forward to following your progress...good luck. John
  14. Wow, and I thought regular planking was going to be tedious....A hearty salute goes out here! Nice work Grant, John
  15. Looks great Augie. Glad to see you have some rigging skills. Very nice...... John
  16. wow, didn't realize a little red car could stir up the fleet....yes, Augie, you can have your log back. Thank you Sjors, glad you enjoyed the side trip. Cars is also a fun hobby, I have a couple but that hobby is sometimes like a "money pit". But, that's another thread.....back to the shipyards! John
  17. Thanks Augie, if you're tall the Ferrari is not the way to go. I'm glad I'm the size I am which allows me to really enjoy it. I guess 5'8" is the average size for a "tall" Italian.... sorry to have hijacked your log here....you can blame Sjors....he started it.....lol.......Anja likes it so maybe if she ever gets to Texas I'll give her a ride in her.... got a little more done on the Morgan today, so maybe tomorrow I'll post a few pictures.... John
  18. Hi Sjors, sorry about the joke, but yes, it's real. The car is built for a person 5'8" and 180 lbs. That's exactly my size so I fit well. The Targa top comes off, which gives a little more headroom, but the leg room is the same. You would not be comfortable in it. I just sold my Mercedes E-350 Sport. It too is fast and comfy at the same time. Funny thing, I actually took the 348 out for a spin this morning for a little bit. John
  19. Thank you Anja, she's a lot of fun...fastest I've had her was 165 mph, she'll get to almost 200....and of course....is there any other color????? Perhaps Sjors could get one for Father's Day and then really dream! Sorry to hijack your log Augie.... John
  20. No problem on the MS lead, I found it in Force9's blog. Blue Jacket is a really good company, and shouldn't be a problem. That's a nice discovery, I wish I had known about it earlier....like a couple of years ago...lol...but very good for future reference. John
  21. Yes Sjors, I know what you mean. I dream about a Ferrari also, but then fortunately, I go out into my garage and fire up my 348ts and hit the road with her......she's worth the dream!!!! John
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