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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. Looking forward to seeing pictures. Nice work Augie. Old Texas Cowboy Proverb: be careful if someone says it tastes like chicken!
  2. Very nice. Gives me some ideas when it comes to building the 7 boats I have on the Morgan. Thanks for the pictures and updates. John
  3. Looking good Augie. It's amazing how all the lines bring em to life.....and yes it does get tight. Thanks for the pictures, and I love the Larson's! John
  4. This really looks great. I'm working on the CW Morgan, and about ready to start planking. Your coppering job will be of great help on this. I'll be using it for reference. I just completed the Constitution by Revell after 44 years of working on it. I hope the Morgan doesn't take that long cause I won't be here that long.....I'll be following this. Thanks for the pictures. John
  5. Here, here!! Ahoy Mates, we're on the right track here. Those of us who love this log and the forum have spoken. Welcome back to all, and just maybe Augie will have some pictures of progress. We know that will make you know who happy as well as those of us that do love a good ship build. Our banter shall continue, and one of the reads I read earlier, actually inspired another builder to take his Conny off the shelf where it's been for the last 3 years and maybe get started constructing her. Good for him and welcome aboard. By the way lads......where is Augie?????
  6. LR, break it out....the hardest step is getting started. Look at the pictures in the logs....drool some, then break it out! and get started....I look forward to watching the build... John
  7. Thank you Mark. That is one of the most sensible things I've heard regarding this subject, and I appreciate your input. Sorry Augie --- stole your log again! Aaarrrrggghhh! Here's to ya Keith! Bendin an elbow here!
  8. Well, I've been hesitating posting on this, but I'll stick in my two cents also. I agree with Keith and support his statements. I'll accept part of the blame also, even though I am new here, but I also didn't follow the "Practicum" format. There is always a sour grape in the bunch, and my suggestion is that if he doesn't like this forum then perhaps he should move on to another one, rather than ruining the whole bunch. The comradere of this forum is probably the main reason I just was able to finish a 44 year project. If I'm wrong here, then I'll sign off and go back to not posting things, and sharing no photos for anyone else to benefit from. If I would have thought that establishing friendships and some occaisional banter was offensive and against the rules, then I would have never joined in the first place. Reason is reason, and many of our comments relate to the subject of a great hobby, and sharing interest of our lives with it, and that makes it quite personal and enjoyable. Just the fact that the sour grape posted will probably only generate more banter and unfortunately take up some more space on Augie's build log. I guess it's time to get keel hauled!
  9. Thanks Mark, I think I'm learning about this "crew", and so far I have thoroughly enjoyed the various banter that happens here. Trying real hard not to get splattered, and still trying to make the little pieces of wood....lol
  10. Thanks Keith, actually I'm looking forward to it even though I seemed to have feared it at first, but once I got to working with the wood, I realized how much I love working with wood. So, I'm getting close, and anxious actually.
  11. glad you showed your hand with it for scale...impressive. Funny I stabbed myself on the same finger last night. Bad part was I knew I was going to do it before it happened...big case of the d...a..!
  12. Augie, seems like we steal each others log, so just to get you to thinking I thought I'd add this:
  13. I like your detail as well as the colors you are using. this is much more detail than I included. I felt you couldn't see it so I wanted to spend my time where it was visible. I like what you are doing, and when I started building mine, this forum wasn't available so I never even thought about this kind of build. Very good, I look forward to the results.
  14. Hi Popeye, yeah, I'm getting closer to the planking stage. I'll probably do the wales first then progress to the real stuff...
  15. Caves can be an excellent place to spider hunt....might even get a few slaves out of it....
  16. Thanks Augie, your's is looking really great....I see a Sopwith Camel on the horizon
  17. Thanks Mark, it probably will slow down some now, as I've got other responsibilities that need to get done, so the shipyard might have a break.
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