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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. Thanks Popeye. I appreciate the kind words. It's coming along. Starting to partially detail the stern right now.
  2. Hi Scott, thanks for following and welcome aboard. I'll be visiting both the Morgan and the Constitution in September on a New England RV Trek. I've been aboard both several times. I love Mystic, got to stay in The Mansion at Mystic Inn the first time I went there. It's where Bogey & McCall spent their honey moon. Came complete with a butler and housekeeper/cook. It was a total fluke of luck that I'll never forget. John
  3. Thanks lambsbk, it's moving along. Wood is fun so far. I might be ruined....
  4. Thanks Augie, I'm sure there are plenty of them if looked at by the experts. It's covered and I'm happy!
  5. Well, I got some more done over the last few days. Managed to get the planking done. Needs some clean up and a little sanding but overall it wasn't as bad as I thought, and I actually enjoyed doing it. I have some under deck bracing to do, and some planning and then it's time to plank the deck. Here's some progress pictures. I figure a good portion of this will be covered by the copper plates, primer and paint, so some of my mistakes are acceptable.
  6. I agree with you on the carronades, they're way too expensive. That could add up in a hurry. That's when a Sherline lathe could be handy...you could pay for the lathe with what the cannons would cost. They get a little pricey too when you throw in some of the tools to make it work. Also expensive. Plastic works good...lol
  7. Wow, I'm impressed. Looking good and congratulations on a great scratch build. I'm not that brave yet. Looking good, and I'm following you with great anticipation. Well done. John
  8. The cannon really look great. Can you get the carronades also? I would replace all of them. These really look like cannon and have more detail. Looking good. John
  9. Very nice Grant, going to really look good when finished.
  10. Wow Sjors, you really were good this year.....envy, envy....
  11. Wow, Proxxon toys.....you must have really been good this year.....
  12. Hello Sjors, she's looking fantastic. Happy late birthday. I didn't know you had one. Mine is Wednesday....getting old sucks, but it's so much better than the alternative. Hope you enjoyed your day. Time for a Heineken! John
  13. Looking good Augie. Enjoy your 4th. Maybe you'll even catch a fish and not have to go to the fish market to justify where you've been....of course that does require a line to hit the water with bair or lure attached. If you're like me, I always have more beer cans than I do fish.
  14. Hi Keith, isn't that the truth....crazy directions. Smoked unagi, well ok, if you want to go there!......Thanks for the comments on the planking. I'll be posting some pictures this afternoon on today's progress. Exposing curves to this crew could be asking for trouble for sure. Never trust a sailor since they have one in every port.....
  15. Hi Mike, welcome aboard. Yeah, I might be replacing certain things too, not sure what but I'll address it when I get there. I've been aboard her several times, and will go aboard again when in Mystic in September. I am not planning on double planking at this point. Most of what I screw up will be underneith copper plating, so I'm not overly worried about below the water line. Unfortunately I'm the one responsible for the EEL thread, joking with Augie and Sjors. It went a lot further than I expected.
  16. A little progress yesterday and today. Managed to plank section "A" from the plans which is about 10 planks down from the Wales going toward the keel. Here's a few pictures to show where we are. Still needs some cleanup and sanding, but overall I'm pleased with the results. Some of the planks are quite thin and appear to be translucent, but when primed and painted they will be solid.
  17. Hi Robert, I just found your log and enjoyed reading and seeing it. Very nice work. I like your choice of woods, and it seems to really allow good detail. I'll be following your progress. John
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