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  1. Wow!
    DSiemens got a reaction from Knocklouder in The Kit-Basher's Guide To The Galaxy   
    What a cool thread.  Here's one of my regular items.
    Bamboo Skewers.
    Bamboo stays very strong at small scale and pulls through a draw plate pretty well.  At my 1:500 - 1:1250 scale it works great for masts and yards.  On a larger scale I think it would do well for oars or harpoons.  
    Here's a couple of ships with bamboo masts and yards.  I've thrown in a couple other shots to help show scale.  It may be hard to see but that is an American dime next to the Santa Maria.    
  2. Like
    DSiemens reacted to JesseLee in Scottish Maid by JesseLee - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - 1:50   
    Glued on rubbing strake on one side. Got to the other side & even though I had already steamed & shaped it the other one broke in 2 places. Got mad at first but noticed it broke at angles along the grain which should be easy to hide when glued & it was. Then added on the stern rubbing strake reinforcements & the fenders.

  3. Like
    DSiemens reacted to Mirabell61 in Gorch Fock 2 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale1:95   
    Build log part 12
    The ultimate GF 2 actual Version has rivited plates to the frames and also welded plates for horizontal seams. As I do not exactly know to what degree the riviting was in 1958 when launched, I "rivited" the entire models hull. Perhaps someone may now better...










    Build log part 13 to follow.....
  4. Like
    DSiemens reacted to Senior ole salt in 27' Gaff-Rigged Cutter by Senior ole salt - RESTORATION - wooden sails   
    Has anyone here made sails of wood ?  
    I made this little model with wooden sails.  It was of a 27' gaff rigged cutter I built for the family. Through years  ( the model) took on several storms. I took the model apart to facilitate the needed repairs to make the model whole again. The dust was pretty thick and the rigging rotted away. The bowsprit was broken off as well as the cross trees.  
    ( That's a 6" ruler in the background.)  
     Here is a picture of what the boat looked like under the sail taken in 1960.  This time I plan to put the model in acrylic case with a sea of some kind.  
    I like sails of wood. you can make them look like they're full of wind.  
  5. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from GrandpaPhil in German Cutter 1910 by DSiemens - FINISHED - 1:300 - BOTTLE   
    She's done except for seagulls.  Part of me is still debating that.  I know I can do it it's just a matter of do I want to spend any more time on this.  I'll mull that one over.  

    Also a something to note.  The Bottle Shipwright, Ship in Bottle Association of America's quarterly magazine, had a great template for Turks head knots.  


    One more photo just for fun.

  6. Like
    DSiemens reacted to maggsl_01 in Half Moon by maggsl_01 - FINISHED - Corel - 1:50 - First wooden modelship   
    Hello to all my friends on MSW and everywhere
    I had a lot of work... ähem real work in the real life ... so I had hardly time to build and to update my log. Well, the times are a-changing  and so I could do both today. I finished the Standing rigging the last few days... step by step and no more than about an hour a day. But I have time .. if I had the Money I have the time... I colored all Standing rigging black, the shrouds and ratlines are somewhere between bad and top - but as it is my first bulid I say ist quite ok. I learned a lot doing the shrouds and I am sure the next time it will be better. I used the original knot.
    Today I mounted the yard on the bowsprit (did not find the english word for it, in German it is Blinderah) and the rigging for it.
    I attached some pics to show the progress.  I hope you like them.
    Best wishes to all

  7. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from texxn5 in Holiday Harbor by popeye the sailor - 1:20 scale - multi build   
    Popeye I think that's called sleep drunk.     
  8. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from robbl in German Cutter 1910 by DSiemens - FINISHED - 1:300 - BOTTLE   
    She's done except for seagulls.  Part of me is still debating that.  I know I can do it it's just a matter of do I want to spend any more time on this.  I'll mull that one over.  

    Also a something to note.  The Bottle Shipwright, Ship in Bottle Association of America's quarterly magazine, had a great template for Turks head knots.  


    One more photo just for fun.

  9. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from Vivian Galad in Red Dragon by Vivian Galad - Artesania Latina - 1:60 - modified   
    Sorry to here about your accident.  Your right it isn't a matter of if but when.  I recently got a new set of exacto knives and cut myself two or three times the first time using them.     Not so bad as your's though it sounds.  I like your idea on giving the ship a theme.  It will really will make it set it apart from other models.  Plus I think bashing is a good way to get into scratching.      
  10. Like
    DSiemens reacted to Michiel in Chapman Frigate by bucknbarney - RADIO - Plank on Frame   
    don't be to sad, my 8 year old son is almost completely non interested, my 6 year old daughter on the other side... 

    already a year ago, but now she is already building herself a bit..
  11. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from Elmer Cornish in Queen Anne's Revenge by DSiemens - FINISHED - ~1:1250 - BOTTLE   
    I also stained my rigging box.  

    And now back to the ship inside the rigging box.  

    I took off the rubber band for a better view.  The shrouds are done for two masts and I have the lateen yard done for the mizzen mast. 

  12. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from IgorSky in Queen Anne's Revenge by DSiemens - FINISHED - ~1:1250 - BOTTLE   
    Created a jig for the shrouds.  This keeps every thing in place while I glue on the ratlines.  In order for this ship to fit in the bottle I have to add the masts after the hull is in.  The shrouds will have to be glued to the side of the hull after they are in.  That means the ratlines will be what provides the proper spread of the shrouds.  

    My rigging box has turned out to be pretty versatile.  
  13. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from mtaylor in German Cutter 1910 by DSiemens - FINISHED - 1:300 - BOTTLE   
    She's done except for seagulls.  Part of me is still debating that.  I know I can do it it's just a matter of do I want to spend any more time on this.  I'll mull that one over.  

    Also a something to note.  The Bottle Shipwright, Ship in Bottle Association of America's quarterly magazine, had a great template for Turks head knots.  


    One more photo just for fun.

  14. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from popeye the sailor in German Cutter 1910 by DSiemens - FINISHED - 1:300 - BOTTLE   
    She's done except for seagulls.  Part of me is still debating that.  I know I can do it it's just a matter of do I want to spend any more time on this.  I'll mull that one over.  

    Also a something to note.  The Bottle Shipwright, Ship in Bottle Association of America's quarterly magazine, had a great template for Turks head knots.  


    One more photo just for fun.

  15. Like
    DSiemens reacted to michael mott in German Cutter 1910 by DSiemens - FINISHED - 1:300 - BOTTLE   
    Daniel the model looks really sweet in that bottle. Congratulations on a super job.
  16. Like
    DSiemens reacted to augie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    The finishing of the lower hull has been completed.  In addition, all of the touching up on the painted areas has been done.
    I decided to retain the natural finish of the lower hull.  As I wanted it lighter to contrast the above wale hull, I gave it a coat of Minwax Pre-Stain (I always use this on basswood), one coat of plain 'natural' stain. 2 coats of poly and one coat of dull acrylic.  It actually looks almost untreated but that's what I wanted.  In the photos it's the final one that shows the finished effect.



    Thanks to everyone for offering your suggestions on the color.  I'll save the 'white stuff' idea for another model.  The Admiral is steaming but nothing that dinner and a show won't solve.  She has also decided that I'm planning on displaying her 'in the wrong direction ......  again !!  But that's normal.  No sense having those exposed framing beams on 'the wall side'.
    Need to add those moldings we made weeks ago and then onto the stern galleries
  17. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from Javelin in German Cutter 1910 by DSiemens - FINISHED - 1:300 - BOTTLE   

    Still needs a bit of work with the sea and the main mast needs a slight adjustment but she's in.  
  18. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from GrandpaPhil in German Cutter 1910 by DSiemens - FINISHED - 1:300 - BOTTLE   

    Still needs a bit of work with the sea and the main mast needs a slight adjustment but she's in.  
  19. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from SGraham in Scottish Maid by JesseLee - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - 1:50   
    Gaps?  What gap?  Great work.  
  20. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from augie in German Cutter 1910 by DSiemens - FINISHED - 1:300 - BOTTLE   

    Still needs a bit of work with the sea and the main mast needs a slight adjustment but she's in.  
  21. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from garyshipwright in German Cutter 1910 by DSiemens - FINISHED - 1:300 - BOTTLE   
    I created something I thought every one would enjoy.  Putting the ship in the bottle on video!  Sorry about the bad lighting.  

    So I got her in things were good then this happened.

    A thread block holding the main job popped open and she had to be pulled out and redone.  Since I had already glued the lines for the other jibs they had to come off completely.  All well I'll get her fixed up and try again.   
  22. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from molasses in German Cutter 1910 by DSiemens - FINISHED - 1:300 - BOTTLE   

    Still needs a bit of work with the sea and the main mast needs a slight adjustment but she's in.  
  23. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from maurino in Lettie G Howard by maurino - FINISHED - fishing schooner   
    Beautiful work she looks great!  Very inventive idea with the file.  
  24. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from garyshipwright in German Cutter 1910 by DSiemens - FINISHED - 1:300 - BOTTLE   

    Still needs a bit of work with the sea and the main mast needs a slight adjustment but she's in.  
  25. Like
    DSiemens reacted to dgbot in German Cutter 1910 by DSiemens - FINISHED - 1:300 - BOTTLE   
    Nice video, it gives a way of doing the job.
    David B
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