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Kenneth Powell

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Posts posted by Kenneth Powell

  1. Well it's been a while, work has picked up a bit and I added more exercise time for better general health.

    I was at a point of rigging 2 of the guns under the upper deck and just got stuck. I don't like the rigging line that came with the kit - it has a memory and is not very flexible. I did well on the breech lines and may do those only on the model to reduce clutter on deck. Please tell me what you think. I planked the upper deck but I will pull a few off and add more nibbing. My photos are blurry so I will take more soon (relatively).


    Comments Welcome


    Thanks - Kenneth

  2. Russ - It was good to see you at the wooden boat show last weekend. I really like your use of building jigs you had on display. Too bad the rain put a damper on the sailing.


    Everyone - This is a great little lugger. The lines are clean and hull shape shows the fine lines of an original Biloxi shrimp boat.


    Thanks - Kenneth

  3. Russ -

    It was good to see you at the wooden boat show in Biloxi yesterday; once a year is not often enough.


    Everyone -

    The photos are nice but nothing is like seeing this little schooner up close and personal. The decal work is amazing for this scale and so is the deck planking. You almost need a magnifying glass to see the hardware (I used my reading glasses) and it is top-notch.



  4. Hello Everyone -

    Just to let you all know what I've been up to the last few months:


    My son is now an official BSA Eagle Scout. I didn't do any of the work on his 39 merit badges but as a dad I pushed and worked him right up to the end. He's much taller than my 5'1"



    Once again, I didn't do any of the work but keeping a teenager focused through graduation is a real challenge. The admiral and I are very proud.


    I would steal a few moments at a time and work on my Rattlesnake. I realized I need to put a finish on the deck before I can mount the guns and I need to build and place the gratings and such before that. The guns almost completed and set on the deck:






    I want to put a light stain on the deck to minimize the differences in the color of the kit supplied wood. I made a little test sheet:



    The stain is drying and I will apply a coat of satin varnish on that. More photos to follow.

    Comments and suggestions welcome.






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