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Everything posted by DCIronfist

  1. Hey Robbyn it's your boat make it any color you like wood included but this is coming from complete rookie so don't quote me lol
  2. I hope I do not have to use a Stallone accent when I say that ...lol j/k you prolly sick of that reference but I herd on news today Aussie's are the happiest country so congrats :)
  3. Just a quick update nothing picture worthy but filed/sanded ( faired if I knew the lingo lol ) the top of the bulkheads down so the bulwarks can fold around them after I wet them so they will take the shape. Will try that maneuver tomorrow Look at me taking words from the instructions like I know what I'm talking about lol.
  4. I do like the color very much can't wait to see it in its glory :)
  5. Lol Augie I am shooting for half as good and maybe be happy with a quarter :)
  6. First I would like to wish you a belated birthday wish and second do what you need to do to be happy with the build. It doesn't matter if its your first build or your 20th if your not happy with the results you can always do something about it :)
  7. Lol yeah and us beginners seem to double the time for half the work lol don't worry about the time :)
  8. Ok thanks I will give that a try in a few days then. This build will be an endurance one as I like building but seems everything takes twice as long for me.
  9. By the way the bulwarks are mde of plywood with the tiny Raman wood lining it and my ca is medium :)
  10. Ok so I lined the inside of the bulwarks and cut out the shape and the gun ports ( a more time consuming project then one would think ) and the next step is to glue it on........now to my question...... I know I still have to shape the front a bit but how does one get that bend in the bulwark for the front? Does one use water brute? Putting this on hold until my trustworthy help support team lets me know.... Thanks in advance :) just need pencil lines
  11. Lol yes Sjors I went crazy with clamps trying to get the deck flush to hulls shape :)
  12. Ok have had the deck clamped for a week while other stuff came up so will glue on poop deck lol
  13. I believe I see what you are referring to but do not see it as a problem so will just say wow it sure looks great :)
  14. I guess it should be like medium but will confirm at a later point lol. Now I want pancakes... :)
  15. Looks like a nice cross section. I gues telling you I got a garbage can from the dollar store is not the kind of advice you want lol
  16. Thanks Augie I currently have wood glue and not sure which CA but it seems to dry quick ...I thought it was medium but not too sure now.
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