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Everything posted by Richmond

  1. Looks good - that's a lot of decals and stencils - I noticed Plasmo used a hair dryer to assist in decal conformance on a very tricky area on one of the motorcycles he was building - I think there is a link on my Youtube channel. Will you be doing any panel washes?
  2. Thank you for the clarification - wish I had seen this before I stuffed up my trawler build and had to purchase another kit! Irrespective as CDW remarks this seems a delicate operation requiring great skill.
  3. Thanks - 'Ground' seems you are more than drilling - if so what are using to grind? as if you used drill bits to complete wouldn't the finish be uneven?
  4. On another model I really struggled with cutting out rectangular windows in that I couldn't get something small enough to sand the edges. May I ask how did you achieve this?
  5. Looking really good, fantastic work, and great photography as well.
  6. Thanks Slog -for a very detailed and interesting log and fine photography as well. One thing I noticed when placing Eduard pre-coloured PE onto my spitfire build was there was a problem using CA in that it tended to attack the paint maybe I just wasn't being careful enough. Anyway after some research I have since gone over to micro crystal clear for attaching the PE - not sure if this will be robust enough over time. Love the console. Your dry brushing doesn't look bad to me - maybe a wash will darken it down if you are not happy with it? Look forward to more By the way I have located some links to other builds over at Scalemates https://www.scalemates.com/kits/eduard-11110-crusader--1067628
  7. Jo - Chuck talks in detail about sanding frames in his logs - I think he uses a black marker or pencil which marks off areas to be sanded and not be sanded
  8. Love this guys videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG0ZCl2VfG9PcCJyucWJR3w
  9. Another 'beginner' video - as step up from the first one I posted
  10. This seems to be a very 'simplistic' painting method using dry brushing and washes. Looking at this I think it will enable some new figure painters to do something reasonable - say picking out a part of the clothing and paint the 3 different coats to it - base, dry brush and wash all using the same base toned and diluted as required to achieve the light and shadow of the clothing item .
  11. John - thank you for opening this topic up - I will post some further links as I work may way through them
  12. Dennis This may be of interest https://www.scalemates.com/profiles/mate.php?id=15819&p=albums&album=48489
  13. Jo for the planking you may wish to have a look one Chucks builds maybe the one currently sitting in the group projects - he is very detailed with his explanations. Each ship is different but I find his explanations very good especially on planking.
  14. How did you achieve the brass / black toning? - apologies if I missed an explanation earlier.
  15. Jo I recently built a large book case in pine recently and had to do a lot of staining - as it was a softwood I sanded and primed the wood before I stained which prevented the blotching effect.
  16. Ahhh - you threw with wash - I am aware of their panel line accents - I have only seen these used within panel lines using capillary action not as a panel wash per se.
  17. I never knew Tamiya did a wash - what is the Tamiya product code?
  18. I have seen this done as well - look forward to see how it works out for you. I was thinking of trying out the wood grain stencils. Also there are decal options from Uschi and SWS Really like the dry brush effect . I tried this for the first time yesterday on a Spitfire I am doing and it seemed a bit over done - however this looks perfect.
  19. Credit cards are the bane of man's existence - I ripped mine up when I was about 19 (many years ago) I will not get into my view of tax
  20. The Wingnut Wings Website https://shop.wingnutwings.com/ has massive discounts (many greater than the 25% you quote) for the whole of April while stocks last if you buy direct. Some of the really expensive models such as the Felixstowe are now more reasonably priced. I was tempted but I have 2 WNW in my stash and I want to keep to my strict annual budget and besides my stash is getting too big
  21. Excellent work. Would love to see someone tackle a water diorama in a build log.
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