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Everything posted by Richmond

  1. Last time I heard they were in administration - search MSW - there is already a topic on this -there may be updates.
  2. Its his deadpan look that always gets me. Funny guy I think he did all own stunts - some pretty dangerous situations in that small segment alone.
  3. Has anyone ever considered a MSW sanctioned group build for a plastic model kit? - This was not in the voting options.
  4. Quality HD photographs and I am still struggling to find any faults - those railings and stairs look magnificent. I would have been scared to fit the railing until I had fitted all the other parts - Can I assume you have appropriate above the line controls in place 😉
  5. CDW - I have this kit as well - here are the instructions 115195-98-instructions.pdf
  6. I Model Kit brings up the many alternatives for SC03 - using the software the best matches I can see from the main brands are Tamiya XF75 or TS66 Val Air 71.050 AK 733 All are very slightly darker but I am certain you would never get an exact match when switching between brands.
  7. I use the Tamiya pin vise - their model 74112 is their best one as it takes 0.1mm to 3.1mm bits https://www.tamiya.com/english/products/74112pinvise_d_r/index.htm If you shop around you shouldn't have to pay more than $17 for it.
  8. I have the Carson Pro Magnisvisor Deluxe comes with 4 lenses and LED light. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egJyxIxm9XA
  9. Maybe if you give us some perspective as to where these fit on the ship we could help
  10. Nice work Jorgen, I am currently working on the Tony but decided to 'chicken out' on the green camo and will go with Version 2. Was going to post some cockpit pics but.................... I just noticed my camera is broken !!!!! .
  11. I use the H&S Evolution AL Plus (Gravity Feed) with a Hang Sen Compressor - the Airbrush cost more than the compressor! You are paying for top quality with the Airbrush but you get great after sales service. Irrespective I have seen people with $25 airbrushes produce top quality work. Iwata is another popular airbrush. Badger are produced in the States - they have great videos on Youtube - you should spend the time and watch one of their airbrush guides. The compressor was a little over $100 - if you are thinking of cutting corners and getting a cheap garage compressor - don't ......unless you are going to buy the whole family ear plugs.
  12. According to Scalemates the 2006 version is a rebox, and it could be of the 1961 kit, therefore not much or indeed anything has changed. Of course there may be other versions in between that have not made it to Scalemates yet. I also noticed there is a detail up set for the guns - not sure if its still available. Anyway here is the link for the newer kit - https://www.scalemates.com/kits/revell-05603-civil-war-steam-ship-uss-kearsarge--103477 with kit reviews and walkarounds and of course your version https://www.scalemates.com/kits/revell-h-391-uss-kearsarge--194949.
  13. Sorry $700 was an understatement or maybe a different seller - its over a $1,000 with PP - Maybe you should put it back in the box and get it on Ebay Anyway here it is https://www.ebay.com/itm/1960-S-REVELL-USS-KEARSARGE-MODEL-KIT-No-H-391-1200-CIVIL-WAR-STEAM-SLOOP-SHIP/123317340811?hash=item1cb6494a8b:g:9eQAAOSwUZZbdu3p
  14. That looks good Jo, Also noticed, like me, you have the Bentley Blower in your stash, have you commenced the build yet? Richmond.
  15. Yes - I am getting the clear coat fog issues - Thanks for the info.
  16. Great work Danny. Puts my current efforts on the Tamiya 1/72 spitfire to shame .
  17. Can anyone comment on applying clear coats to models when living in the tropics? would humidity be a factor with clear finishes? Regards Richmond
  18. Follow this link https://www.artesanialatina.net/en/modelcrafts-initiation/427-wooden-model-ship-kit-san-juan-nepomuceno-s-boat.html
  19. The micro clear coat forms part of microscale set from BNA
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