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Jorge Diaz O

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Everything posted by Jorge Diaz O

  1. Hello, I have the complete plans from mr. Passaro at 1/35 and I will do all the sizes, they will not be the best but I will try.
  2. Hello, I start the construction of the HMS Winchelsea 1764 at 1/35 full scracht. I will use marine plywood for the false frames and false keel. For the hull lining and wooden decks by Raulí Huelle and some details in American Oak. It will be completely painted and the work alive with copper. I hope to do the rigging and the sails. I use google translator
  3. Hello, I almost missed your wonderful record, a pleasure to see you, I follow your work on facebook. It gives me good ideas.
  4. Hello, that work is impressive but it must be borne in mind that it is on a French ship that has many differences with English ones, similar but different.In English ships, the rings that support the recoil lines do not have that outer bolt in sight , the French yes.
  5. Hi, it looks pretty good, it's a breakthrough. When it doesn't work, just keep trying. My HMS Winchelsea model will have a copper-lined bottom.
  6. Hopefully everything goes very well. It does a great job.
  7. Thanks for answering teacher. Very soon I will upload pictures of my work in this incredible project. I follow in his footsteps to make a great model. I hope so.
  8. Hello again, is your company the same as the HMS Minerva? The process is very similar.
  9. Beautiful work, the French construction is very different from the English. I admire the details of your work sir.
  10. Amazing!!! Wonderful work, it's very realistic ... Fantastic
  11. Muchas gracias por responder Sr. Passaro. Tengo los 4 volúmenes de la clase Swan y estaba pensando en obtener las plantillas a partir de ahí.
  12. Wonderful job, Mr. Passaro. I wanted to ask if the wales could be made in the way that it appears in the attached photographs, I do not know the technical name but I had seen it in several frigates including the HMS Triton.
  13. The technique is very interesting, use only acrylic paint afterwards or a type of primer, what is the name of the base it is occupying and the brand? I haven't seen her before sir. Thanks.
  14. Wonderful work, neat and very realistic, I love it.
  15. Hello, very good job, now to take care of the Covid. A hug from a distance.
  16. Thank you very much, it will be very useful to me.
  17. Great job, what acrylics are you using? Maybe vallejos and what brush number and brand please. Delighted with your results, very good.
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