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Everything posted by iMustBeCrazy

  1. Yes, she does. Hopefully this is the start of a 1:48 9 foot cutter. (or 8'8" in 1:50) So far everything is in 1mm plywood. I'll probably fill it with balsa, fair it, cut grooves for 3 'frames', then plank it.
  2. Ok, 'that little problem' has been fixed. As I said, I had the false deck fitted with 'many rubber bands'. The top of the aft mould (the problem one) needs to be bevelled for the false deck (one of the many things not mentioned in the 'instructions'). Since I drew and made a number of angle 'gauges' for setting my bench sander I used them for checking the angle needed. Not quite 124°, probably 122° but I don't have one of those so it's either make another or fudge it. So I fudged it and tested it on a piece of scrap. It worked fine. Problem fixed. Next problem, this kit comes with a bow filler block made of some composite material (something like dough with a lot of sawdust the consistency of a rubber eraser). Again no instructions, and no build logs that I can find that show this step. Apparently the first layer of planking finishes at this filler block then the joint is filled and sanded into submission. I'm not crazy about that idea so I'll have to think about it. Meanwhile I think I'm stuck with a side project, making a teeny tiny boat to replace the metal one.
  3. Well, I probably shouldn't have but.... As I said in the title, this is an earlier version not the current laser cut one. It looks to be a fairly easy build but one perhaps difficult to build well. We'll see how I go. First off I checked the moulds/bulkheads, production errors do happen and it's best to know if there's a problem. I would normally check them against the drawing but there aren't any so I placed each one on a piece of paper, traced around them then flipped them over and checked. Two were a tiny it out but fine to use so long as I knew about it. Fairing will fix them. I fitted the moulds to the false keel making sure they were square to the keel and that the tops were square to each other (there's a bit of slop in the slots). When I got to the mould on the stern I found the false keel wasn't cut square and of course there wasn't room for my squaring blocks, so I decided to stop before I made a mistake. I did however dry fit the false deck (and found out I can glue the mould on the stern to it, yay win) and wrap it in many rubber bands so it will take the deck curvature overnight. Oh, that small cast metal boat in pic 2 feels like it weighs more than my 16' Cutter (see sig.).
  4. Sounds good. On 8/14/2023 at 6:00 AM, theoracle09 said: Additionally, I'm not convinced the hatch pictured in both images is over the ritz. It looks more to me the bridge was enclosed to the bulwarks, so the quarterdeck was completely enclosed. The hatch pictured would then lead to the skylight on the quarterdeck between the aft bulkhead and the aft wall of the ritz. Here's my interpretation of the above two pics: I've now come to pretty much the same conclusion although I think it was further forward (between the deckhouse and the beam). When they decked over the gap they would have fitted a hatch to access the hold with the crane, later they built a companionway on the hatch (or so I think). And it's way past time that I said - Nice work!
  5. The problem is the 'ritz' seems to be below the 'ritz'. Perhaps we need to think of the wardroom / officers mess / dining saloon as the penthouse
  6. More worms 'tween decks would imply to me 'on the lower deck' (between the main and lower decks), and then 'the wardroom' would be the officers mess on the main deck (under the bridge), heretofore the 'ritz'. So perhaps something like this (I know it's not going to be correct): With the wardroom / officers mess / dining saloon on the main deck untouched. Oops Wild, Marston, Crean, and Worsley established themselves in cubicles in the wardroom
  7. And some printers are inconsistent, if you want accuracy use calipers and calculated conversions. These rulers are useful for a quick check down to about 0.5mm (actual size) (about 5/8" at 1:32). Still, that's better than most people can cut by hand.
  8. No worries Andy, you're welcome.
  9. I've added 1:32 to my scale rulers HERE. Bob's right, you may have to adjust your print scale using 'Custom' or the like.
  10. See post #47, the rails were quite crudely cut on the starboard side but reasonably neat on the port side.
  11. Well, that's thrown the cat amongst the worms! By any chance, was the main hold used as the dining room during winter? That might explain it. No, I don't think that works either. Then again, maybe. I assumed the pillars were to strengthen the bridge deck but I had/have a niggling suspicion the the beams aren't really 'ritz' quality. So perhaps they did duplicate the 'ritz' layout in the hold. I'm so confused. This shot shows a glimpse through to what I have been thinking is the galley but now I realise we should see a dirty great big stove if that was the case. Perhaps it's a servery below the galley? It doesn't appear to be the Officers cabins as the 'servery' would be either the Captains cabin or one of the other cabins and the door would be wrong. The door and the wall it's attached to are better quality than the partitions down the sides and are probably original. Could be the main hold/lower deck, bottom of the stairs. Sorry, rambling. So many worms.
  12. Just remember, 'there are less rules than there are exceptions'. It will help you remain prevent you from slipping further into insanity.
  13. Well, I've had to make a few edits to post #35, my brain kept confusing the two doors shown inside the 'ritz'. I'm probably still wrong and I can't really guess at the 'mud room' and 'pantry' beside the galley, but I think the 'ritz' was something like this:
  14. You're moving along. I was trying to get ahead and was looking at the bridge deck access. From what I can see of the wing bridges they are surrounded by solid railing and it would seem the companionways have a landing at the top with a right angle turn to access the bridge deck proper. Then I found this: It would appear that the starboard wing bridge and companionway were removed, the raw ends of the beams suggest that it was probably after getting trapped.
  15. Even then there wouldn't be much showing unless you turned it upside down. Just noticed the British version is a slightly different shape and only about 5/8" thick:
  16. Some of the carriage drawings show a split top/bottom view (including ZAZ6993 which I posted a link to above )
  17. Thankfully the legible dimensions let you do that pretty easily: The British ones would be more like this:
  18. This is getting a bit out of my comfort zone, my experience is limited to modern rigs for yachts up to about 42'. Someone with tall ship experience might have a better answer. Generally when heaving on a line it should pass around the fixing it is to be tied off to (just a half loop). This provides a friction point making it easier to hold and tie off. It also changes the direction of pull. Given blocks on the main deck there would be two three fixing point options, 1/ a belaying pin on the spider band 2/ a cleat on the main deck. 3/ There could also be a pin rail on the main deck (as per the foremast). Depending on load there could be three teams of men involved, one pulling the tail of the line, one pulling the line down the mast and ( if using a belaying pin on the spider band) one pulling the line up through the pulley on the main deck.
  19. The window proportions look much better, well done. Main mast fore and aft:
  20. The aft companionway would appear to have two doors, the first two shots aren't conclusive but the third shows the left door still hanging: And a brightened version of your last shot:
  21. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Excellent_(1787)_RMG_J0723.png The bracket seems to be quite common amongst the few drawings I have. The only reason I can think of for it is to stop the axle rotating but...............
  22. Keith, we basically have two situations, pre and post departure. We have photos from both but we don't always know which they represent, for example the one above with the cat and rectangular window could be either. That shot also shows a round porthole aft of the galley door and there is another showing a cook skinning a penguin and a porthole forward of the galley door. Another of the wreck shows a round porthole in the forward galley bulkhead inboard of the galley stove. These I am pretty sure existed post departure. Of the rectangular windows or any other windows in the 'ritz' I think we only have the following pre departure shots. EDIT: The shot above has the cook skinning a seal, obviously post departure. These shots are facing aft (unless I'm really wrong) with the galley behind the photographers right shoulder. The shot below is also facing aft. The 'ritz' has been stripped, two rows of columns have been added along with partitions down each side (the left one has a sign reading 'The Billabong'). The area behind the partitions can only be 2-3 feet and probably have bunks you crawl into from the end, but that's a guess. The partitions also hide any windows/ports. EDIT: The door at the end is new and opens to the main hatch. This shot is looking forwards. The photo below is facing forwards AFT, it again shows the partitions left and right, it shows the table top hanging from the right hand columns with the trestles behind the man on the right. It shows a heating stove with a water boiler on top and a doorway which could access the pantry or perhaps a W.C. In the forward right is the entrance to the galley an office?. Now, a couple of questions: What happened to the skylight or is it still there? Where does the chimney for that stove come out, the stove must be nearly under the binnacle?
  23. Those are the 'ritz's' windows, two per side, originally over the tables (see post #11 and also marked on the plans). Three per side. Each one about 3mm long at 1:70 at a guess. The plan sort of suggests it slides but that might be my brain making suggestions, anyway it has sufficient head height that it doesn't need to slide.
  24. I think I have it (maybe). The dashed (yellow) line had me puzzled. I think it shows 'C' rebated into 'B' so that 'B' can only slide in a straight line. End view. Pin(2) is actually just indicating the stowage position for the fighting pin(1). So to stow the gun you remove the securing bracket(3), lift pin(1) until it clears the yellow line, drag the slide(A) ('B' comes with it due to pin(1)) back until pin(1) can drop in to position(2), refit securing bracket(3) and swing the gun to the stowed position. That's my guess anyway.
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