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About Duanelaker

  • Birthday 05/13/1980

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  • Location
    Duanesburg, NY
  • Interests
    Pipe fitting, plumbing, welding, classic cars

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  1. Todd, I had started it a few years ago and stopped once i got the deck done. I'm not sure if i can help but i do have that same kit. Your best bet would be to start a build log and ask questions there, i am sure you would get alot of help. - Dave
  2. i have been a union pipe fitter for over 15 years now, and i was actually taught to "cut" an inch by a carpenter. Alot of people dont realize that the hook end tab at the end of a tape measure can cause errant measurements if you are pushing it against, or pulling it if you are not aware of what you are doing. I pretty much always measure by "cutting" an inch, gives me much more precise measurements.
  3. Made some progress about a month ago. it seems i made the rail to thin and the straps that hold the deadeyes are to far inboard to work...this has frustrated me and i have put this ship away for now.
  4. WOW, didn't realize how small that was until you placed the quarter next to it. Beautiful work Eric, Congratulations.
  5. Not sure how old your children are, or if you are trying to gain their interest by building models with them, or if you are interested in getting to build model ships....but you would probably be better off looking at Model Shipways site and ordering a beginner kit from them. As for the model you have, its worth as much as someone would be willing to pay...which is probably about $20 on Flea Bay. Or you could just have fun with your kids gluing and painting, but keep low expectations. Best of luck and happy modeling!
  6. Pirate I believe the HMS Bounty Jolly Boat you are referring to, would be the Artesania Latina Kit, there are several logs for this kit and i would say it is a beginners kit and good for entry level. - Dave
  7. I interpret this as she has finished quite a few models and this would be the most difficult that she has built thus far.
  8. Happy Birthday 🎁 

  9. Mike, like many of my builds, this one too is shelved for the moment while I catch up on home owners duties and summer time chores. I do plan to continue eventually however. I will locate the plans (shouldn’t be to hard to find) and if you bear with me, I will bring them to work, scan them at full size and send you the pdf. This won’t be until Friday however, best case scenario. - Dave
  10. Welcome to the MSW
  11. Beautiful work, welcome back!
  12. I realized that I can contact other upper NYS folk on MSW through the “Community” function. Here is an out-reach I am planning to send to about 35 folk as far away as the Albany area. Have any comments or suggestions.?

    Allow me to introduce our model ship group located in Rochester NY to you. We are a small group that was founded in late 2015. We have members in Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Florida, and even one in Lisbon Portugal. We meet monthly and through the Zoom application we have been able to include our more distant members. You can learn more about us by visiting our web site modelshipwrightguildwny.org.
    We have located you through the “Community” drop down function on the Model Ship World forum and are reaching out to explore your possible interest and participation in a lively and talented group of modelers from all walks of life.
    Generally, sessions are structured with introductions of visitors, followed by a brief business segment and then we almost always have a central presentation topic or two ending with a show and tell of group models. The sessions usually last two hours.
    So you are invited to visit us (tune in via Zoom) this Fall and see what we are all about. You might find us interesting enough to join us on a more consistent basis. Please PM me, with your email address or cell, and I will put you on distribution for our Fall schedule.
    We will not badger you beyond this outreach if you are not interested.
    Hoping to hear from you.
    Thistle17 (Joe)

    1. Duanelaker




      I think that is great.  I was looking for a local group a year or so ago, but it does not appear that one exists.  


      i would be happy to join you if my schedule allows it.


      (Duanelaker) Dave

    2. Thistle17


      Happy to hear from you. Sometime in mid to late August I will be sending out the September agenda. It will be a preliminary as the agenda tends to firm up the closer we get to "air time". We had been meeting, pre Covid, on the 2nd Saturday of the month in person. During this uncertain era we moved to the 3rd Thursday of the month in the evening. We are still sorting that out. Standby for further developments.

      Your personal info will remain private.

      Nice to have you join us!

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