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  • Location
    Clark County IN
  • Interests
    Scale anything, Amateur Radio, R/C and C/L flying, Rocketry, and a few other things...

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  1. Very nice work! I have read a bit on the Weekender. I like the design. Your model looks like it would make a nice radio controlled boat.
  2. What a project! I really like all the different models and the work you are doing. The only plastic ship I remember building was the USS Guadalcanal because my oldest brother was a Marine serving on her in Viet Nam. I may try another one. I do have a Revell submarine. Might try building it.
  3. Your build is looking good! We owned one of these years ago and taught the kids how to sail with it. I may have to build a few as gifts!
  4. Thanks to all for the warm welcome! I have been reading several Midwest kit build logs. Loads of good info here! I will most likely pick a basic kit for my first build. Probably the "Dinghy". I'm going to continue reading build logs and other items that catch my interest.
  5. Greetings,everyone! I have been lurking and reading for a while and I just wanted to say hello. I have been a model builder for quite a few years. Lots of plastics, RC and CL model airplanes, model rockets, architectural models, and mostly anything else scale. I work on scale models at my place of employment, also. I have not built any wooden ships, so this will be some new adventures for me. I have picked up several Midwest kits over the past couple of years and I will pick out a basic one to start with this build season. As a side note, I also wanted to change my screen name. However, as I see, I need 100 posts to do that, so I better get at it! ..Unless the mods would allow an early change. Thanks for having me aboard! Allen
  6. Yes, Dion I know about the club. I guess I should have ID'd myself. -Allen B
  7. Nice Boat build! Taking those paper kits seriously!
  8. Don't know about the production. I was browsing the Sig website last week and noticed it was still listed.
  9. Sig Models still sells Silkspan. https://sigmfg.com/products/sig-silkspan-tissue
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