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Everything posted by slagoon

  1. Sjors, cool - good to know that it is indeed Dutch. I had just given you the first two sentences so you could confirm it luckily those parts were similar to the english translation that was included...but there were some parts that I think the translation was missed...I figured them out eventually but now I know who I can turn to in order to get clarification if the English version just doesn't make sense. You bi-lingual folks just amaze me.
  2. Oh neat - Thanks Sjors. The manual is predominantly in a germanic language....so either Dutch or German..... I assume you'd be able to tell from a few sentences.... I suspect that since whatever ↑ is the primary language the instructions might make more sense in that language. The ship is really fun to work on and I've really been challenged with the paper.
  3. Time for the building on the poop deck. Finally is the ship's boat I've been working on this over the last month and that's all I've gotten to so far...just finally got around to grabbing the photos off my phone. Hope you enjoyed. Trying to understand the "card" instructions has so far been the hardest part.
  4. Next was putting the machinery deck on. They had a little staircase too - which I think I showed some improvement on over the previous set.
  5. Then I installed the little house on the ship Then it was time to prepare the walls And then I put the walls on the ship
  6. The next step was putting on the decks. Then I built my first deck building. There were little cutouts to make the hatches look more realistic so I put that and the roof structure on Then I put the upper level base on it. Then I put the stair steps on it
  7. Hi all, My job has major up and down swings as far as how busy I am, and sometimes I even run out of busy work. I would sit there and read through MSW thinking about my build or my upcoming builds...but what I really wanted to be doing during the down time was modeling. I purchased a card kit of a fishing boat. I have never ever built a card model, and I've seen some of the amazingly intricate work that was on the old forum....knowing I'd probably botch my first one I just grabbed a low cost one that still seemed interesting. So here it is. Of course you will see some big mistakes - please point them out and tell me how I can avoid them next time. Here is the kit - I can't find builds of it ANYWHERE including the paper model forums... I started with the structure. Here is my first mistake...I glued the two sides together as the instructions said - but due to their translation I didn't know to avoid gluing the tabs and that they would be placed separated on the base. I cut them back apart as best as I could. After getting my stations organized I put them on.
  8. Aw Bedford... I don't think I will be either.... Jeronimo is an amazing craftsman. I can only aspire to be that skilled. Part of the fun of this, though, is constantly TRYING to be that good.
  9. haha teak... nice work so far Sjors...following quietly along!
  10. haha - be careful with the girl's box! The polish I used is a "Matte" polish which is trendy right now, but that one was more of a satin finish than true matte which was a disappointment to me for my nails...which was why I was so excited when that was the finish I actually wanted on the funnel.
  11. Ok, so you may have seen my help request over in the fittings section and I ended up making a sculpy version of the thing that takes the anchor chain below deck...Does this look about right as far as scale? The chain is the chain that will be going into it. The part is made of clay and if it is right I'll be painting it. Next up is the Knightheads - I've built, painted, and installed them now And finally, I've installed my bitts!
  12. Andy, thanks - I'll take you up on that! Adam - it doesn't take that much patience. There is no race in finishing. If you want something to look a certain way you just do it. If it sucks, you re-do it, if it still sucks, you have your spouse do it hehe but seriously, I figure the longer it takes me to finish, the less money I'm spending so I'm in no real hurry so patience is easy. Sjors - hmmm hot-pink, just kidding - I guess, though, it would be nice to know what was the normal color since all the pictures of the ship seem to be in black and white!
  13. knowing me I'd probably just leave it on 24x7....I will keep this in mind. I've wanted to play with lighting...maybe on one of my upcoming builds.
  14. Just a thought, but if these books are so great, and hard to acquire overseas, maybe the book could be made available in a secure electronic format like Kindle books? You could still charge and make a profit, but it would make it so that those who don't want to double the book's price by shipping it could still have the ability to benefit from the contents? I still like paper books for research and learning better than e-books....but still worth thinking about?
  15. Also, make sure that the planks are fully DRY when you put them on since if they are still moist from your shaping process they will be bigger than once they dry. Wet wood swells, so if you weren't seeing the gaps when you put the planks on, but you are now, that is a likely culprit. Good luck!
  16. Art stores typically have these specialty pencils. the H and the B talk about how Hard or soft the lead is. Typically a softer lead will give a darker line and a harder lead will give a lighter colored line.... in addition to what you already discovered...soft lead loses its point quicker (because it allows more material transfer per stroke) and hard lead keeps its point longer. the scale goes like this Hardest to softest 9H 3H 2H H F HB B 2B 3B 9B (I left a lot out since you can figure out the way the scale works). A yellow, #2 pencil is actually typically a HB or an F. Here is an illustration. I looked all over the page and there was no copyright info so hopefully its okay to link this photo You might also want to note that while you are getting the longer lasting tip from a H# pencil you also run the risk of scoring your wood more since the pencil will be significantly harder than the boxwood.
  17. perhaps a dumb question, but has anyone done these and used a solar cell somewhere (like on the base) to power a capacitor and used that for the leds? That way you never have to change batteries?
  18. Yay I can probably attend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your bashing plans sure sound interesting.
  19. Karl, Joe had a couple typographical errors. Let me see if I can retype it here: As for my own comments, your woodworking is fantastic. I particularly like the cabinets. They look so realistic.
  20. The next meeting is March ##? Since I work every other weekend (like I was working yesterday) it is really hit and miss if I can go. Are you going to be putting any of your finished models in the contests I mentioned in the "meetups/events" thread?
  21. Floyd, go to the first post you made and click edit. If your "Theme" spectrum, dimension, whatever, doesn't s how you the edit button you will need to hover just above the first reply to get it to show up. I look forward to seeing this built. I think the Harvey may be similar to the shape of the Agilis I'm researching...so I may borrow some of how you do the hull.
  22. I had to wipe back a little drool - that looks like it is going to be one fun and challenging build. All the little parts are soooo cool! I will eagerly follow along.
  23. Nice work. I love those stain pens. They are so much more tidy than stain and a paint brush, and the variety of colors!! I like your lanterns too. How did you round your nail heads?
  24. Wait till you see more! He has lots of deck fittings on it now...it looks magnificent.
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