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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Build log part 30 ongoing rigging operations wire chord stays and backstays beginning Tackling for bracing (including the Jarvis winches) in backgroung some of the backstay spanners to be seen spanners for shrouds laying ready to be tackled the bracing winch for the third mainmast is on the poopdeck, note, the vents have been moved aside slightly stays and backstays already under tensile stress, masts to be kept in alignment carefully, continious crosscheck every now and then Yards are braced "to the shrouds" in staggerd angles for the different Yard elevations Mars top platform of the second main mast Build log part 31 to follow.... Nils
  2. Build log part 29 one of the tree masttops topgallant platform painted upper shrouds being fastened beginning with stays and backstays anchorcrane on forecastle deck some of the Yards, the openings shall be closed with semiround caprivets later on beginning to rig the yards forestays and their spanning devices Drydock view Build log part 30 to follow.... Nils
  3. Build log part 28 quite a lot of brass on board... anchors have been upgraded... Anchor chains attached jib boom Network gets its boltropes anchor find ist place on foredeck Scroll work, "Krulle" and, jib boom stays and bopstays latest Progress to be seen Build log part 29 to follow Nils
  4. Hi Mates and Ladymates, I have a question: I am intending to post some handscetches that I scaned in in . JPG Formate and saved on my PC. These scans each are all well less than 2MB and not more than 10 a time, but when choosing them (to add to post) the posting preparation crashes. Does anybody perhaps know why ? because I have non such issues with regular .JPG Photos Thanks Nils
  5. Thanks Bob thats a good question I have to think back how I did (do) it.... I mainly use wooden laundry clamps large and small ones, even if I am soldering per gastourch. The clamps easily catch fire sometimes, but I just blast the flame out then, Need some new clamps now and then... On the other Hand it gets a bit more complicated if many small items have to be soldered after one another, actually building up the final part by adding (eg : all the jackstays eyelets to the Yards). There I use "heatsuckers", metal masses, next to the Areas where the heat (flame)is to be brought in quick and concentrated, in order not to loosten already soldered Joints again. Nils Nils
  6. David, I asume you mean the Overall shiplength and not something else ha ? I measured 120 cm, and for a furcoat we`ll have an eye open when next fleamarket takes place. I bought her a VW beetle already, but she would`nt be happy with that model in 1:48 Thanks for your appreciative words Nils
  7. Thanks for stopping Micheal, many of the Digit pics have been over 2 MB, so I had to reduce the size before posting, but you are right, I trust they still remain well representative for visual exploring... Cheers Nils
  8. I love this Little boat of yours Peter, was thinking whilst the beginning of your log parts if These template-like parts could be magnified and used for putting a real one on keel Well done! Nils
  9. Build log part 27 overview aft welldeck checking with one of the 4 aft boat davits space positioning for wheel- and Chart-house as well as other deck housings on highdeck looking where to place lifevest Containment on aft boatstation spacing aft poopdeck housings the shipyard Management is quite happy with the progress so far again checking mast positions Forward welldeck Davits mounted port lavatory door on aft welldeck pig Kennels, port / starboard (for live pork) behind the forecastle bulkhead not fitted yet Build log part 28 to follow.... Nils
  10. Build log part 26 railings fixed to boat stations, catwalks and deckhousing decks overview of aft welldeck area, cargo derricks attached utmost time for mounting blocks around the mast area (no good Access afterwards) portside boatstation railing on compasplatform and stairs attached to railing forecastle railing and stairs foreward welldeck port boatstation aft welldeck port boatstation everything has found its place Build log part 27 to follow.... Nils
  11. Build log part 25 poopdeck railing mounted, moved small vents away from the place where the brace winch goes to preliminary space check with the larger 2 ones of the 4 aft boats jib boom stays and bobstays attached Forward welldeck (primered) cargo derricks in Position check Stern view with poop railing forecastle railing not attached yet bow view at this stage Buildlog part 26 to follow.... Nils
  12. Build log part 24 cross checking mast angle, positions, hights, alignment masts go right through the decks into the "spine" above the keel, mentioned earlier in this build jib boom placed at an angle (horizontal of about 19° tripple block Arrangement for foremast brace Tackling, these two devices will be mounted to the highdeck bulwarks These two pics...., bracing tackle bumpkin for blocks and ropes for third mast bracing tack bracket for second mast mainsail bracing tackle bumpkin for blocks and ropes for third mast bracing tack bracket for second mast mainsail Build log part 25 to follow.... Nils
  13. Ken my experience is : sand the planking to smooth and step free condition sweep off the dust with a brush thorrowly and also by using a clean Cloth apply 2 coats of nitro based clear Wood primer, (Nitro Einlassgrund)that drys within 3 minutes leaving a dull smooth shiny but dense Wood surface. No sanding afterwards !!! That is the best surface base for applying the tape Nils
  14. Yes Crackers its going to be the complete sunday suit of sails, nice Little pic. you posted... Nils
  15. Thank you Nenad, yes the MSW is a wonderfull game of give and take, I`m glad if I can help anybody Nils
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