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Everything posted by Papa

  1. I’ve looked too, since I discovered a distant cousin who owned her some time after she found floating with no crew. There doesn’t even seem to be a decent set of plans for scratch building.
  2. I mounted my Benjamin W Latham (similar profile to the Bluenose) using 2 walnut blocks with the same cross section but different heights.
  3. It turns out that I hadn’t lost the decals. I put them in a “safe” place. Which really means hidden away until you run across them by accident after they are no longer needed.
  4. Good point Kurt. I think I’d better paint them. 😁. I’ve been thinking about weathering the CoP, but not sure if I could do a proper job. There aren’t many photos of the CoP from which to work.
  5. While trying to fit the fashion pieces at the stern I realized that my stern and transom did not agree with the plans. I had to rip out some planking and reshape the stern block. I should have been more careful with the shaping when I first did it. Maybe I learned a good lesson. Once again the building slip shows it’s versatility.
  6. The captain of the CoP likes his new shiny rails on the pilot house but wonders if they should be painted green to match the other trim.
  7. When I was looking for an L10 kit I think my first hit was a hobby shop in Australia. Eventually I found a US store with it but I no longer remember where. I do know it wasn’t eBay. I don’t remember the price but is was probably around $40
  8. My ship model experience helped here. The DF loop above the cockpit was made from a brass hoop left over from a ship kit. I did have to re-size it a bit.
  9. I was actually tempted to buy another copy of this kit (Special Hobby) to see if I could do it better now that I have some experience. But it seems to be unavailable. As for classic aircraft rides, I had an opportunity to get a ride in a B17 when it was at an air show in Leesburg, VA. But at close to $400 I had to pass it up.
  10. Thanks for the link. Would be fun to have a ride in one of those.
  11. Progress photo. Working on the pilot house. I am considering putting a wheel in there like I did on my Chaperon. I’ve also added some hinges. I drew them in SketchUp, made multiple copies and then shrunk the image until it looked about right. Then I cut them from the paper and attached with a dab of white glue.
  12. Ok, here’s couple more angles. Thanks for the nice comment. the photos really emphasize the flaws in the finishing!
  13. I started this kit with the intent of making the Amelia Earhart version of this iconic Lockheed aircraft. I forgot when I started it was so long ago. It is a very poorly made and poorly fitting kit. Attaching things like landing gear is pure guess work as there are no reference points or indents to show where the struts go. Ditto for many other parts. I kept putting the kit aside in frustration with filling and sanding and filling and sanding over and over. At one point I tossed it in the trash but later retrieved it. I think that’s when I lost the decals. 😣 Anyway I finally finished it with a philosophy of good enough, far from perfect. The only positive outcome was that I learned how to produce my own decals.
  14. I misread the drawing of the “fashion piece” in the instruction book. I was seeing it applied to the stern. I realized before getting very far that it is applied to the side of the hull along the edge where the side meets the stern. I have include a picture as I thought it shows the usefulness of the building slip more than the fashion piece.
  15. I think I have the hull smooth enough for the coppering. It may need a tad more in the painted areas. I will need to prime it to see how it looks. Started fashioning the “fashion piece” on the stern, hence the strip wood sticking up.
  16. In the process of smoothing the planking and filling in hollow spots. Just under 4 months since I started the planking and I was in Colorado for a month so nothing was done in the shipyard.
  17. I sanded the planks above the plank shear smooth as well as sanding the existing plank shear flush to the planks. In the photo a new ersatz plank shear is being glued on.
  18. I am making progress on the deck furnishings as I smooth the hull of the C W Morgan (which build log will be updated in a few days). The stairway on the engine room, which goes to the yet to be built pilot house, was quite a challenge.
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