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Everything posted by Bill97

  1. That is an easy fix. You think up a little closer to the bottom wale? Maybe one more plank? I just kind of went with how Michael did his. I noticed where his water line was on the rudder hinge and set mine at that level.
  2. Cardboard template made of the hull profile. Will use it to cut hole in whatever material I eventually decide to use for making water surface.
  3. Good point Veszett. I watched the video. This guy does some incredible work with a 3D printer.
  4. Thanks Michael. I like it. Do you remember how you traced the hull profile onto the cardboard? That is the one part that I am debating best process. I can definitely use your photos to determine a good waterline. Is your’s basically 1” up from the bottom of the keel since you used 1” styrofoam?
  5. Thanks Marc. I will check to see what Michael did. I know how to do the water. I have done dioramas on other things in the past. The trick is going to be getting an exact outline of the hull at the water line now that the ship is built. Will also need to decide if I am going to display the diorama with the ship at anchor (still in the water) or moving (having a gentle wake behind it).
  6. Gentlemen I am kicking around a possible crazy thought. I am considering taking my Soleil Royal off the base I made for it and placing it in an ocean diorama. I have looked at numerous photos and videos and really like the display and think it will further enhance the appearance of my ship. What do you think?
  7. Per chance you guys wondered if I was kidnapped or fell off a bridge somewhere let me put those concerns to rest. 😊 I took a few days off from the ship yard and went south to the coast to warm up my old bones. Now back to work. Spending some time making inside planking and painting the boats.
  8. Ian you asked what is going to be my next project. It is still going to be a bit before I am completely finished with my SR. Still need to paint and add the boats and crew. Then I need to design and build the display case. I plan to display both Heller ships, Victory and SR together. Then I will start my next project. With my background experience in fine woodworking I am going to tackle my first totally wood model. Knowing this was my future goal I practiced turning my own wood masts and yards while building the SR. The model I have purchased and have waiting in my stash is the OcCre Endeavor. Building this model will require double planking the hull frame, laying individual deck boards, and making all the masts and yards, etc. Will be a completely new model ship building experience including the hand tools and adhesives, and sanding dust! I will advise you guys when I start the log here on MSW and hope so much you will follow. There are a number of great Endeavour builds in the index for 1751-1800 ships. Of note is the finished OcCre Endeavour by Kiwiron and several others as well I will be looking to for inspiration.
  9. Thanks Marc. I appreciate your comments. It may be surprising but the one thing you did that I debated doing the most are the side skids (I guess you call them) on the side of the hull. I like the way they look but was not confident I could get a profile close enough to matching the side of the hull. Thanks Kevin. I hope my build plays it forward for future builders.
  10. Thanks guys for your very kind compliments. It was truly a work of love I could not have even began to complete without each of you. If I scroll back through the build log I find times each of you provided me with the advice and encouragement I needed to accomplish a task I was struggling with. For all those times I am forever grateful. Marc early on I decided I could not replicate what you are doing, but continued to follow your build to pick up small bashes I could do here and there. I will continue to follow to the day your artistic masterpiece is revealed. Ian as always, starting with my Victory, you are the professor with the ton of knowledge I able to go to for the needed answer. And Henry, with your background, you always seem to be the guy with first hand helpful knowledge. That knowledge way back lead to moving the big knighhead that was positioned behind the foremast, and learning to mold and cast additions to the ship. Again thanks to each of you so much. I am in hope that my build log will be helpful to future builders of the SR but I have yet to find where the moderators have included it in the index.
  11. Gentlemen here is a handful of pictures. Except for adding the crewmen and deciding if I am going to put the boats on board, I think my SR is very very close to finished! I am sure I will find a few threads here and there that need to be trimmed, belay points that still need a coil, and a touch up bit of paint here and there, but with all you guys I think I got it across the finish line.
  12. Thanks. I am learning to improvise 😊 Had to hang something from this tackle
  13. Yes Marc they are cast metal. I have not taken them out of the plastic yet in case I needed to return them. Will give a couple a visual test and let you know.
  14. Marc the figurines are actually just a little short of 3/4” or 6/8”. At the 1/8”to the foot scale these crewmen would be just under 6’ tall. That would not be to far off would it?
  15. What do you guys think? I picked up this set of figurines from Artesania Latina. The L. Hermione La Fayette. The scale is slightly different than my SR. The scale of the set is 1/86 compared to the SR 1/100. The period of the set is mid 1700’s where the SR is late 1600’s. However the uniforms are still French naval officers and sailors. Thinking about using them as crew on my SR.
  16. Ok doing some cosmetic stuff. Added the lanterns to the stern which really finished it off nicely. Added the little swab buckets to each of the visible cannons. Started making the rope coils for the belay pins.
  17. Just amazing Marc! That is all I can contribute. As I close in on the finish of my SR I must accept my inferiority to your incredible skills 😊. Great job my friend. Bill
  18. At this point I believe that is a Hellerism I am going to live with since I have it in place and rigged around it. Doing an inventory of all the belay points to see if any empty ones are accidental omissions. So far so good. Just need to make the tackle between the fore and mainmast. Then several hours of delicate paint touch up, trimming loose ends and make a bazillion coils to hang at the belay points, add the lanterns to the stern, and make decisions about the boats. A lot to go but in the stretch, to use a Kentucky Derby term.
  19. Ian I am not sure I know what a taffrail/transom is? According to Google it is: The handrail around the open deck area toward the stern of a ship. in the case of the SR there is no handrail, just the stern plate, I guess? At any rate the only connection point is the base to the deck. The red block in my photo.
  20. Here you can see what I did. I put an eyebolt on the starboard side of the flagpole for the lower block. I put another eyebolt on the port side of the flagpole to act as a tie down since I have exhausted mysupply of cleats. A rope coil will be added to the tie down later. Finished rigging the mizzenmast.
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