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Everything posted by NAZGÛL

  1. Mike, yeah press the tounge and the gunports swing open. Cheers for the kind words Kevin! /Matti
  2. Yeah I agree, and after all discussions I grew a need to have it. /Matti
  3. Cheers, yeah there is a face there. A is some sort of blue monster/dragon. The golden wings of it turns into B a face, a mascaron (perhaps Poseidon?) on its back. So looking from behind its a face. C looks like two seamonsters side by side with the A monster. I will try to make the red fins for C. /Matti
  4. Happy new year to everybody! Mysterious Blue Thingie, part two: /Matti
  5. Ok, here is Mysterious Blue Thingie, part one: /Matti
  6. That was a new pic for me. Thanks for sharing! /Matti
  7. Keith: Yeah it is pretty low light in the museum and they have climate controle. Here is info from the museum page: http://www.vasamuseet.se/en/Preservation--Research1/To-preserv-Vasa/Climate/ Vasa is slowly dying and they are building a construction to make her stronger and make her life longer. Nigel, I just have to try and see if I can make the thingie. Ill start right away. /Matti
  8. Cheers everyone, your kind comments are very nice and gives plenty inspiration! Keith, I agree with Kriss that its the shadows. Im fairly sure all the gunport doors had lions, but the two small message ports didn't have lions however, I asked Fred Hocker about it earlier and I think I remember correctly. Remember not to take the colors in the reference pics as gospel a I changed the contrast and lightning in some some of them with photoshop to bring out details. Speaking of reference pics, here are a compilation of pics of an old friend of ours /Matti
  9. Hey all! Ive been working on the round gunports on the weatherdeck. They are very unsymmetrical and quite different from eachother and I wanted to try and and get that look on my model. Here are some pics on the real ship that I took the pics at the museum. And two on the 1:10 model. They are too thick and to me look idealized. And finally are pics of how mine turned out. The ones closest to the stern are based on the Landstöm book, he thought they would sit differently, and sits to high. For me the best soultion was to do them in halves. Phew, that was a long post, sorry. But I wanted to share the reference images if anyone needs them. /Matti
  10. Nice progress Jan! /Matti
  11. Nice painting! Will you remove the plastic between the heads of the lying tritons on top of it? Or maybe it will not be noticeable later in construction. I get the work it must be to give tthe primer a good surface. i skipped primer on my build, I dont want to mess up the tiny details, so I went straight to the acrylics to avoid the extra coat. /Matti
  12. Mike, the instruction list them as obechi. This is my first wood model and I'm still confused when it comes to wood material, especially in english. I guess I spend to much time searching for reference and to little time learning wood. Ulises and Lawrence, its a good film, the DVD has subtitles in english, Russian and german. Looking forward to see tour updates Lawrence. /Matti
  13. Cheers, yeah it's a good film. Part 2 should be up soon. It's about the trial and the salvaging. /Matti
  14. Just saw that the Vasa film is available online at Swedish television for a month. A must if you're interested in Vasa or the history of that time. http://www.svtplay.se/video/197761/vasa-1628-del-1-av-2 /Matti
  15. From what I understand they thoroughly analyzed around15 sculptures, and Vasa has around 500. From the result they could see the pattern of how they where likely painted. We actually got a little snow last night. /Matti Edit, just noticed I called the mermen herms above. I ment tritons.
  16. Yeah, mate. My kids long for snow now. Me, I'm actually pleased we didn't get as much snow as the last winters. Thanks for the kind words gents! Looking forward to see your herms Jan. /Matti
  17. Excellent work! Merry Christmas to you too! /Matti
  18. Christmas update. Been painting the herms that sits by the railings. I also started to add the ledges that runs between the tritons. First a compilation of the herms from the 1:10 at the museum that can be helpfull for us vasabuilders: Then follows how mine turned out. I choosed to only do the blue version that I think look really nice. They didnt check that many sculptures when doing the paint analysis so I think there is room for artistic freedom when painting the sculptures. /Matti
  19. The same to you mate! You're also a big help and gives inspiration with your model. It's easy to practise washes if you wanna have a go. Enjoy your christmas! /Matti
  20. Yeah, sorry to hear about your shoulder!
  21. Yeah, sorry to hear about your shoulder!
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