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Everything posted by NAZGÛL

  1. Nice magnifiying glases, and your joy is quite obvious. Thats very impressive detail carving! /Matti
  2. Looking forward to follow along. The kit looks really nice! /Matti
  3. Blue thingie is finished and Im almost finished with the details for the beakhead. I'll update later. Getting closer to the rigging, but still some steps left. Thanks for the interest mate. /Matti
  4. Cheers! I'm getting closer to rigging and will look at your pics for guidance. /Matti
  5. Thanks Wolf and Lawrence! I'm building more details for the beakhead at the moment. It is fun and a nice change from painting sculptures. /Matti
  6. Looking great, thanks for all in progress pics showing how you do it! /Matti
  7. Cheers for the advice Mark and Ulisses! Its just that I dont know anything how to do it so it will be all new. So far Ive done alot of improvisation and focused on reference. I hardly ever measure, only go by eye and gut, tryimg to get the right feeling. Hopefully I figure the rigging out once I get started. Buck, sure go ahead. I already used photoshop to get a better balanced contrast on many pics but use the reference as you feel. Thats one of the things I like with this branch of model building: the helpfullness and openess about sharing reference. Thanks for the kind comment! Yeah! It would say splash as its open at the bottom. Its must have been weird for those standing beside the beakhead when she was in harbor, admiring the emperor sculptures and all of a sudden "stuff" starts to fall down in front of you... /Matti
  8. Fred Hocker just gave this update about Vasa II: http://warshipvasa.freeforums.net/thread/57/vasa-ii Seems like they have found new information about how she was rigged and that the available reference and plans are wrong in some details. I will buy this book as soon as it is published. /Matti
  9. Cheers mate, I hope I can get the gunports half as nice as yours. /Matti
  10. Yeah its a nice documentary and I think its nice that it covers the everyday men and not the king. Some of the footage was made by the father of the film director. /Matti
  11. I bought a few other book instead as it seemed very much to focus about the salvaging and recovering and personally it didnt offer many reference pictures for modeling. I think perhaps you get more reference with A Swedish Warship than this. It depends of what you look for of course. The book is very thorough and well made though so it definately is a great buy if youre interested in the salvaging. A Swedish Warship has been a really great friend during my build. Vasa 2 should be great to get a nice rigging. /Matti
  12. Very nice history and reference pictures. Thanks! Will this put your Vasa build even further in the future? /Matti
  13. Ulisses, cheers! I haven't come to the rigging planning yet, but if I understood what you ment, the 1:10 does not look like that, maybe it's because the real Vasa is "prepared for winter"? I'd do some research before changing anyway. I'm starting to dread the rigging. So far the building has been kind of close to scratching styrene models. Rigging will be all new for me. Matti
  14. Cheers mate! Yeah comfort seems to have been of low priority, at least for the common crew. Vasa wonderfully reflects 1600 society in that way. It must have been awkward to go to the loo when the ship layed in harbor... /Matti
  15. Hey everyone, here is an update on the beakhead. First some reference pics I took at the museum: And here is where Im at. The thingie is finished and the heads also. The planks above them are only dryfitted. I will wait with gluing them until after the steps are in place: /Matti
  16. Here are 10+ available at eBay. /Matti http://m.ebay.com/itm/151185771993?nav=SEARCH&sbk=1
  17. Looking good Jan! Great choice of red against the hull color. Your build is very clean. Things like that beakhead "floor" is really making this a great model. /Matti
  18. The documentary linked above is also sold as a DVD, with subtitles in english, russian and german. /Matti
  19. Yeah, the documentary is great Lawrence and Mark. If you missed part one, give it a look. The thingie is finished, and I'm working on the head boxes/toilets. I'll post pics later on. Cheers /Matti PS, The DVD has English subtitles.
  20. Very nice, you nailed the look! The curtains has a tricky color to mix. Yeah it's the best model when it comes to the sculptures. And to that price... Great kit. /Matti
  21. Hey all! Just a heads up that part 2 of the documentary is up now. http://www.svt.se/dokumentarfilm/se-program/article208243.svt /Matti
  22. You must have been longing for this stage, enjoy! /Matti
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