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Everything posted by Danstream

  1. Dear all, while posting, I got an error message with the following details: Your IP: URL: modelshipworld.com/topic/33879-hawker-tempest-mk-v-by-danstream-eduard-148-scale/?failedReply=1 Your Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Block ID: XSS015 Block reason: An attempted XSS (Cross site scripting) was detected and blocked. Time: 2023-03-05 05:51:09 Server ID: 19006 Is this requiring an action by me or you can do something on your side? Thanks for your help, Dan Update: apparently, I resolved the issue by deleting the content of the editor and rewriting anew my post. When I submitted the new post, I didn't get any error and the post is now uploaded regularly. Kind regards, Dan
  2. You are a wizard and your magic is amazing. To me, the illusion of the lights and of a outdoor world works perfectly. Bravo, Dan
  3. I bet this is going to turn out a head turner. Good progress on the interior. Cheers, Dan
  4. Thanks OC, I spent quite a lot of time and work on the very old and inaccurate Italeri kit of the G.91, but I was committed to get a decent replica out of it, being my memories (related to aviation) as a kid associated to this small jet. Furthermore, I started working as a young engineer, more than 37 years ago, in the factory in Turin, in Italy, where these planes were designed and built. At that time, the company was called Aeritalia, not Fiat anymore, and G. Gabrielli, the chief designer of Fiat (the 'G' in the name) had retired, but documents of the plane were still around. If you are interested, once finished, I will post here some photos of my G.91. Kind regards, Dan
  5. Hi Patrick, I am amazed by your collection of vehicles. Another thing that amazes me is the finish you get using Tamiya paints by brush. Tagging along, Dan
  6. Hi all, although I am quite enthusiastic about this kit, I had not the time to do much. I am posting few picture just to show that the build had started. This is a preliminary dry fit which showed a very good precision of the main parts: I am working on the cockpit parts, but I also started a subject that the instructions defers to a later stage. It is about gluing a number of fishplates which stiffens the tail assembly of the real aircraft. I thought that it would be easier to do that with the fuselage halves flat on the table. The work is very tedious and I can do only few of them at the time. Eduard provided the fishplates in the photoetched fret (thoughtfully, they provided them in excess of what is strictly needed). So far, I glued on only half of them (I only glued every second one) and I still need to complete it. I used a thick CA glue which fills in the irregularities of the surfaces and I bought the tweezers showed in the picture that were really useful to position the plates. I degreased the plastic with IPA and activated the back surface of the plates (which is a fancy way to say that I sanded the back of the fret with a very fine grit 🙂). Not much, but this is all for now, greetings to all, Dan
  7. Very nice display and great model. With all panels open and the crew around you show a story behind it. well done, Dan
  8. Nice build and good result with the black finish. Stencils look good too, with no silvering. Congrats, Dan PS - Should Langley have succeeded with his machines before the Wright, we would now talk of 'aerodromes' (I like the terms 'aeroplane' or 'airplane' better).
  9. One of the most distinctive British jet ever, yes of course I will follow. It is one of the kit that I would like to have. By the way, I am late, but I would also like to congratulate for your neat Sea Harrier and the family portraits. Cheers, Dan
  10. Hi Mike, your model turned out a beauty. Very carefully assembled and painted with nice, smooth finish, clean transparents and with no unrealistic weathering. Very very nice to look at. Congrats, Dan
  11. Thank you all, for your replies. It will be great to have you following and keeping a good eye on me. Cheers, Dan
  12. Not sure I have got the right sense of your line. Is it a criticism to the real aeroplane? Or a deficiency of the model? In the former case, we can do very little about it and anyway it is arguably difficult to get a good combat plane without a great engine. In the latter case, see the post from @Egilman listing possible options. Anyway, it is not my intention to include the engine. I will be satisfied with rendering the feel of the original, buttoned up airframe. If you are interested, I will be glad to have you following. Kind regards, Dan
  13. Dear all, I'd like to share with you my next build of the mighty, pugnacious looking Hawker Tempest Mk. V. The kit is the awesome Eduard new tool, last generation plastic, in its 'Profipac' edition which I got as a gift to myself for the past Christmas. The great artwork displays one of these Tempest decorated with invasion stripes in full action against a German V1 over the British countryside. I could simply not resist getting it (actually I also got a 'Limited Edition' Tempest Mk II also by Eduard, but it will be the subject of a later build). The box is packed with high quality parts to which I added few Eduard's aftermarket extras. I find the level of detail of the surfaces fantastic perhaps equaled only by the latest Tamiya models. I don't know if, once enlarged 48 times, it would look right, but, for me, it will make a fantastic miniature rendition of a real airframe construction. The Tempest was a predecessor of the Sea Fury, the model of which I have built some time ago. I can't wait to start it although, as usual for me, I am afraid it will not be a quick one. I hope it might be of interest to some of you, best regards, Dan
  14. It is amazing, it looks so real. Mind get a reset when you post one of those pictures of yours with your gigantic spectacles. Continuing watching, Dan
  15. Thanks for your comment. Good luck with your Spitfire, I hope you will post your build here. The Spitfire is always a beautiful subject and the Eduard offering is awesome. Cheers, Dan
  16. Hey Mike, you are getting a great looking model! Cheers, Dan
  17. Great start. Quality of details is astonishing already in your first post. Cheers, Dan
  18. Very nice and realistic model. It really conveys the mood of such constructions. Cheers, Dan
  19. Here another build of the guy that takes pictures of real things and tells us that they are models, in 1:87 scale! Surely I will tag along. Cheers, Dan
  20. I have followed your build and enjoyed it a lot. You got a very nice model with a distinctive weathering finish. Congrats, Dan
  21. Fine result, Mike. although the edges are a bit 'soft', you got a very good feathered camouflage. Also the smoothness of the surfaces looks very good. I see you are getting constantly improved results. It will look great when finished. Best regards, Dan
  22. Lovely models, I like so much the Opel bus design. Kind regards, Dan
  23. Lovely done. Carefully assembled and very precisely painted. Indeed, you got a great looking model out of this old kit. Cheers, Dan
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