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Posts posted by bobandlucy

  1. 7 minutes ago, druxey said:

    Nice result for a first wooden boat build, Bob. Every build is a learning process. You'll find the next model will benefit from your experience building this one.


    Well done!

    Thanks very much, Druxey! I did get better results than I had rights to expect. I'm so glad I did not build the model I bought first, AL's King of the Mississippi.




    pic 12.jpg

  2. 10 minutes ago, Keithbrad80 said:

    Very nicely done! This model is perfect for people without prior ship modeling experience and it looks like you are doing a nice job on this one. The addition of stain thwarts looks really great as well. Getting close to the end, any ideas for the next build? 


    Thanks, Bradley! I am always in danger of succumbing to perfectionism, which is not realistic in my case. I seem to have overcome this disease!


    I bought the Norwegian Sailing Pram, that's next.




  3. I decided to stain the thwarts. This is where the framing inaccuracies show the most, as the boat is a little wider in the middle that what was intended. But overall I'm very happy with the addition of the red oak stain color. I did not seal them with poly (yet) because afraid I would screw it up. I can't find the wipe-on poly in matte or satin at our local historic hardware store ( wonderful store called Placerville Hardware, I love going there). I might just do the tops of the thwarts at a later time. I put in a couple of the tholes and had to stop because doing that almost made my head explode. . . also, I thought better to get the becketts in prior, in order to not break the tholes. Maybe that's why the instructions are written as they are!





  4. Adding the cleats. I had some glue squeeze-out at the intersection of the bottom and the first plank that I wish I'd taken care of on the spot. My attempts to remove the glue scared me somewhat, and I decided to live with it on this model. I did a better job, I think, after that.





  5. 3 minutes ago, Ryland Craze said:

    Nice start on your build.  This is an excellent kit for the first time builder.  I look forward to following your build log.

    Thank you Ryland. Yes, I'm very pleased with the kit - as a former specifications writer I know how difficult it can be to convey instructions clearly. They did a pretty good job of it, while keeping the cost (really) reasonable for entry level modelers.

  6. Now is where I ran into some trouble. The instructions are to overlay the frame pieces on the plan to assemble. However, the plans are not to scale. If I were to do over again, I would have resized the plan before proceeding. What I did was assemble as best I could with the object of maintaining a flat bottom on each frame. It worked, but caused some dimensional inaccuracies and of course made things a little more difficult later on. Sorry for poor photo. . .



  7. Hello all. This is my first model boat. Previous model experience was as a boy, plastic cars and one balsa wood plane. I don't think I finished any of them. I think I'm going to finish this one soon. I started on December 28. I did a lot of reading and gathering of tools and supplies as I waited for the model to arrive, and also read every build log on this model that I could find. I made a spreadsheet with a link to each log, and noted the specific tips I thought were pertinent or unique in each, so when I arrived at that particular stage I could identify which log applied without re-reading them all. I think I will do the same when I start the next model.



  8. Hello all, I'm Bob. I retired last year and needed a new indoor hobby as we were in "lockdown." I finally decided on wooden ship models. I started with the Model Shipyards Grand Banks Dory, which may be finished soon. My Dads nickname for me was "Spaz," and not without reason, so it's surprising that I have not destroyed this boat with one of my patented "moves," haha. I did break a couple of pieces. . .


    Anyway, I found that I really enjoy this, and have three other models waiting. I was lucky to have found this site, and have reviewed all the build logs for this model. Such an invaluable resource for a new modeler, and thanks to each of you. My model is full of flaws, but certainly would be a lot worse if not for this community.



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