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Everything posted by AJohnson

  1. Hi all, I did get a reply from John Wright today and he said the they still intend to release the Surprise kit, but other business priorities have take over and they are very short of production space. They hopefully fixing that in a few months, but no date for when they’ll then be starting on Surprise, so my guess is it won’t be 2023….
  2. Know how you feel Edward my SHAR has been been sadly neglected this last week or so, don’t know where time goes!
  3. @Beef Wellington @DaveBaxt oh I know what's going on here! - you are trying to shame me into restarting my "Bounty"! 🤣 Well yes, I did lose my mojo with it and "proper" model ship building for a while and then got distracted by some card models (all Chris Coyle's fault! 😁) and then thought I better tidy up some half-built/started Airfix kits that have been gathering dust. All excuses I know, I'm suitably chastised! I am on my last Airfix to finish now, but will swing back to "Bounty" via finishing my "Nisha" soon I promise... Is this my first brush with the MSW Build-log police? (joking! - but Jason & Dave thank you both very much for dusting off this neglected thread and your kind words!)
  4. Hi Kev, Those are some really fine enhancements I’ve spotted and may try to replicate those on my build when I get back to it. How are you doing with yours? love to see your progress. 😁
  5. Fortunately they still are, I have gone through all the ones listed in the old link (hunting for snippets about Scylla) and they all are still available on RMG. Although laborious, typing in the reference codes for the plans still works. I use RMG a fair bit (mostly out of idle curiosity) it is a huge repository, just not very user friendly! 😑
  6. Jotika/Caldercraft appear to have gone back into "hiding" mode again and not answering my e-mails enquirie(s)-yep plural, about the release date of their HMS Surprise. However, since the arrival of Vanguard models like HMS Sphinx and the hope of other frigates in their range in the not-too-distant future, I think I'm close to giving up on CC and Surprise, especially when you compare the quality on offer.... 🤔 - but I'm such a Patrick O'Brian fan, this is going to come hard.
  7. Hi Allan, as noted in my post #151, I'm interested in Ship rigged, Sloop versions of the Cruizers (HMS Scylla in particular), but think I might have to settle for plans based on others in the class that were so converted in the 1820's. It is fascinating to do the research, I have found a treasure trove of information via all the online newspaper archives that are out there now, mostly of interest to historians and Genealogists, but I don't mind piggy-backing off my wife's family history research if I can! 😁
  8. I agree with Allan, the RMG site is awful now, but the staff are very helpful and really quick to try and help you if they can. I am currently researching HMS Scylla (1809-1846) a Cruizer-class brigg that had a long and interesting career and was converted into a Ship-rigged sloop. I am hoping to build a "kit-bash" of Caldercraft's HMS Snake into a representation of Scylla in the later part of her career when ship rigged (1830-1840's) at some point and noted they had a sketch of her, but no picture. After enquiring and submitting a little request form, the picture of the sketch was up on their site in less than a week!
  9. Thanks for the feedback guys, the fragile nature of the Mig Ammo primer is another concern, if you need to revisit an area and work on it or sand it, the primer tends to ball up and tear off rather than abrade to a thinner layer. @Edwardkenway yes it is the one shot stuff. I shall be returning to just using another (usually mid grey) enamel as my primer of choice.
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