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Everything posted by AJohnson

  1. That compass and wheel look so good. Your build log is an inspiration, thank you for sharing.
  2. Hey Brian to what depth is your “Secret Vessel” certified? would it beat a famous brand Swiss watch? If not you may as well go down with all your “Bling” on display! 🤣 Seriously, a very tidy viewing window, I’m tempted to say leaving natural.
  3. 😆 With you, sometimes you need else (with me it can be other models entirely!) as Dave said we can all go through those times when our heart isn't in it. A change is good as a rest. Like the cannons Dave. 👍
  4. You are making a very good job of those ships boats David, the look very detailed and your usual high standard of finish!
  5. Thanks you all for your comments and likes, I've now finished the topsail and started the final work on the main sail. I have darkened one corner of the main sail to see how it looks before doing any more "patches" to simulate repairs. I don't want to over do it and make this look too scruffy. I'll think on that as I add the ropes to it this week.
  6. Hahaha! We have had Cavaliers for years, you are in for FUN! 🤣🤣👍👍 So just to check you got a spaniel cross - in the (many I hope) years you have her you will never fathom what is going on between those cute little ears (personally I think not a lot!) 🤪 🐶
  7. Thanks for the info on the lead sheets Sam, looks very good. I have seen a few comments about the boats on this kit, one to ponder when I start mine. 🤔
  8. Well depending on the day, seemingly straightforward assemblies can be a challenge and a coat of paint or varnish shine the spotlight on imperfections. But not those ones. 👏
  9. A lovely clean looking build Dan, really shows the Mk.1's beautiful lines. "N3200" (well bits of it) are back in the air, there are a fair few documentaries and videos out there of her: https://www.iwm.org.uk/history/the-spitfire-lost-for-almost-50-years
  10. Evening all, Starting to fit sails to the model, having finished the Inner Jib Sail I decided that it would be best to fit that one first and work from closest to the mast outwards, as that would hopefully give me most working space. A little bit of a delicate balancing act, using varnish to stiffen the threads in order to "push" the sails into position to simulate them being blown by the wind - hence the various pens and so on propping the sails in position until the thread is stiff. Having felt my way into the process it is time to start on the Main sail! 😨
  11. Good to hear you have had your surgery Andy and now hopefully you can be on the mend. 😀
  12. Evening all, thanks to @Old Collingwood @king derelict @Slowhand @DaveBaxt for your kinds words. Work continuing on the sails and finally finished one - the Outer Jib Sail. (pictures below) the inner Jib Sail not far behind. The start of these sails was a while back if your interested in how I made them (posts #113, #118-120ish.) Finishing touches were to glue on the bolt rope and attach the block and lines, then a final flat coat to seal everything together. Overall I'm satisfied with this first foray into sail making, hopefully the wrinkles and "roughness" and colour variations are sufficiently "scale". I'm toying with the idea of having a deliberate repair patch on the main sail, with some areas of stronger looking colours to denotes it is a more recent section of sail. I'll think on that while finish the boltropes/bocks and lines etc.
  13. Good to have you delurking Paul. Although too late for build logs, do you have pictures of those builds you mentioned, you could add to the gallery?
  14. That looks like a nice wood, are you going to treat it with anything like Danish oil or varnish, or is it painted outside?
  15. Another suggestion is to do a “build log”. Or ask a kind Admin to move this thread and make into the build log section. Where you will get more “passers-by” to offer advice.
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