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Everything posted by AJohnson

  1. Those Buccaneers are based in South Africa along with EE Lightnings that you could book flights on as tourists. Then they lost a Lightning and the ejection seat failed, due to lack of maintenance and they were grounded. There is a group trying to get them airborne again, but it is an uphill task even in S.A. for them to get permission and funding and infrastructure back in place. It was called Thunder City
  2. Great progress Sam, really starting to take shape and get the feel for how she will look completed. 👍
  3. I like the wash, suppose you could make it heaviest around the engine and undercarriage / access panels and less prominent elsewhere where less maintenance was done, you are zooming along. Me, well the hall carpet was laid today so the end is on sight, just feel like I’m missing the party here! Living through you Craig!
  4. Another great build Andy, the Beaufiighter is a good kit, I have built a couple, including the thimble radar nose version.
  5. With seasoning, don’t Peacocks, Pythons and Iguanas all taste like chicken 🐓? 😋 Sorry maybe not the “modern” response required….. I’ll get my coat.
  6. There are “hints” from Chris he might re-visit one of his earlier designs, the “Cruizer” class of Brigs/Sloops would be a good commercial option as they have many RN/USN incarnations he/we could chose from.
  7. On the plus side two of the armourers are wearing red lipstick 💄 so supplies can’t have been too bad! (for the important stuff) 😉
  8. Looking forward to seeing the results Andy! I might even dust off my Airfix “car-door” this year, maybe! 🤣
  9. No, good spot, he does tend to do “catch-up” posts every so often, as he doesn’t browse MSW constantly like addicted souls like us. Hope he is okay. 👍
  10. Yes I did spot when first looking into the box, there are a few parts not required for the S2.C/Ds This is a common theme with the more recent Airfix releases, they must have a whole production run/alternative version release dates mapped out. Shows some forward planning to get the most/economy out of the initial moulds. I have the new 1/24 Spitfire Mk.IXc in stock and that is definitely set up for future releases including retracting tail-wheel, clipped wings, broad-chord “shark-fin” rudder, whole new engines forward of the firewall. So take your pick - Mks. VIII/XXII/XXIV(high back) might be on the horizon. 😁
  11. Hi, Yes I have the same issue and it doesn't seem right to me either. Thanks for the heads-up, I think that little rectangle needs filling - although in-flight Buccs do show wear of paintwork around the hinge areas there are no holes!
  12. Both those pictures show the ledge the "flaps" rested on, Egilman got this covered. 👍 Btw. did you spot the "Dash-cam" on the top of the tail in the second picture, this must be one of the ground taxiable Buccaneers? Looking at the mould of the Airfix kit it looks like it might benefit from a bit of thinning above the front tilt limit of the tail plane, if I could be bothered, the photos seem to show it is thinner?
  13. Yeah I think that is correct, I don’t understand the mechanism or why it was used but the whole elevator/tail plane tilted on top of the tail unit and also the traditional elevators moved up independently. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will know why? Sure there would be a reason, maybe to do with the aircraft being design to go near supersonic at low altitude, a design feature to avoid “flutter” is it on the elevators?
  14. Glad to see you back at your "Nisha", you won't get any comments from me on delays to building "Nisha"! 😆 From memory Chris does provide a plan for "Nisha" when it had no sails and alongside, but this involved having the gaff/boom down and bowsprit pulled inboard, so quite a radical 'look' (But it would make the model even smaller for displaying.) 😄
  15. My 1990's gulf war one is open, so I will do mine closed this time.
  16. The fit doesn’t look too bad generally Craig, but the intakes gaps reminiscent of the 1990’s mould. Great job in filling and cleaning up, good tip on sanding ’wet’.
  17. You are zooming along Craig. I’m hoping to join in soon on this log, done a few bits on the cockpit, mostly scraping off the moulded detail to add my Eduard P.E. set and started on the ejection seats (I’m using the kit ones and a P.E. Set for belts etc.) Picture updates over the weekend I hope.
  18. Made to Measure by acrylicdisplaycases.co.uk, 3mm case on black ash base with black velvet inner. Nice but not cheap, delivered it is almost as expensive as the basic Nisha Kit was when I bought it!
  19. The “Nisha” is now in it’s new home, decided that having gone to the trouble of adding sails it needed protection from dust.
  20. The walnut parts can be very brittle along the grain. If you can, make some new ones from the sheet the kit parts came from. For drilling try putting tape on top and drill through that, it can help reduce the damage caused by drilling, also I'd use a hand held pin vice to drill rather than an electric drill as it might be too fast and causing the fragile Walnut grain to lift as you drill.
  21. I've not seen the water slide instrument panels before, I got the traditional P.E. ones, it will be interesting to compare.
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