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Everything posted by AJohnson

  1. Beautiful work, the painting makes for a very "authentic" look to you build. Well done, I like the Alert and have hopes of building it one day, this log will be one of my references!
  2. Brian is not the only one who would like to see your Jolly boat finished!
  3. Wonderfull build, I really like the sails and crew - brings the subject to life.
  4. Think you are correct Alan, there will have been an entire inner structure made of wood, long gone now. As for the wall seeming to fizzle out before the cliffs, the possibilities springing to mind (from what I know of my local Knaresborough Castle) are either it has been partially robbed for building stone, much of the centre of old Knaresborough town is built using the Castle masonry from the 17th century onwards. Either that or they simply didn't finish the castle construction. These things took decades to build and so maybe over that time the original reason for having the defences at all had gone and they just stopped building? Other possibilities maybe earthquake damage?
  5. Welcome to MSW Roger from nearby Knaresborough 👋 A very nice first model!
  6. No this is new to me, thank you for the heads up. I have had a quick look and it’s a huge site, thanks. 👍
  7. Thank you all, I’m all puffed up now with my supporting wingmen, should be fun. I have been doing research on R7752 and already 99% sure she was a pure “Strafer” and never carried bombs and definitely never Rockets, despite what some old box top art of older kits might suggest. The nearby museum of RAF Elvington I am lucky enough to visit often has the 609 Squadron Museum based there. Many great pieces of artwork and contemporary photos to look at, but P7752’s looks before her “Beaumont” photo op makeover are, as usual, up for debate.
  8. Lovely looking Spitfire, with a Gallic twist ! 🇫🇷
  9. I plan to do one half all "buttoned-up" - probably the port side and the starboard side all open with the "giblets" showing, with the canopy door and roof open to show the cockpit as best I can. I did this with my last 1/24, a FAA Hellcat.
  10. We know Mike, you are a Wizard with them! 🧙‍♂️
  11. That is a good shout and I did find making those plates look neat a pain when I built the bubble top version, but I am not aware of any AM replacement P.E.?
  12. Serials are:- Interior set 23022 Mask set LX002 Seatbelts(for car door) set 23025 Armament set 23021. I also got the resin Barracuda Studios Carb intake,BCR24202.
  13. Hi Andy, glad of another wingman! 😁 I have accumulated them over a space of time, some from eBay when the price is right, at recommended retail prices that lot would cost nearly as much as the kit!
  14. Hi Craig, I shall dig out the Eduard sets and let you know the serials.
  15. Glad to have you along Rob! I really admire your builds and so any hints & tips you can provide along the way, will be greatly received. Especially the great way you pre-paint and weather - when I get to that stage. I am hoping to do it as R7752 - "PR-G" but perhaps earlier in her career than she is normally modelled. Certainly not the all shiny-new scheme applied for the ubiquitous "photo-op" pictures of Beaumont and freshly painted Train "kill" markings/yellow cannons and leading edges. I have got some marking paint masks; mostly as large decals don't seem to look right at 1/24 scale. We shall see, we have time before I need to decide exactly what era I will portray R7752. My Brassin cannons are all there thankfully.
  16. MSW is like an addiction, this kit has been sat in the stash getting on for a couple of years now and I was thinking I would be strong and finish up a few projects before diving in. But no. @realworkingsailor has done a wonderful build log of a "Tiffy" and @Egilman @Javlin @CDW @Landlubber Mike and other guilty parties (you know who you are!) have being chipping in with loads of useful insights and info and now I have worm in my head saying "do it!" 🤪 Thanks guys!!! 😆 I have built the "bubble top" version before, so know what to expect with this kit, but this time I have bought a few "extras" to pimp it up a bit. This will be a slow burner as I have got plenty still to do after the leak in the house and the place is a bit of a mess, but at least we have ceilings again as of this week. 😁 Just putting down a place marker to say, yeah I can't resist.... (now where is that straight jacket...)
  17. Yes there are a few projects on the go, hopefully one or two might make it back into the skies one day. I support the group trying to get RB396 back into the air. Got the hoodie to prove it! 😁
  18. I think the three blocks should be at the back of the mast and the rope passing through the "lubbers hole" in the platform. However the over-scale kit blocks and lashing to the mast push them too far out and so snag the platform. Your "cheat" to hold the gaff rigging in tension you could simply change to an "Ensign Halyard" and attach a flag to it! 😉 Though that usually was belayed further aft nearer the taffrail. Looking good! 👍
  19. Hi Kev, I’ve only just been catching up with your log and been enjoying your work. I hope you can find some time to do something on your model, even an hour or so concentrating on some little detail works wonders to leave your cares behind for a bit. Andrew
  20. Small update showing the bridge deck and supports added. The supports again were constructed using styrene square section; thinned for the cross bracing, I used the paper parts as templates for these. I've made a start on the benches and these are laminated and drying now.
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