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Gus M

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Everything posted by Gus M

  1. Good work Pascual. If I'm not mistaken, it's a typical Spanish Mediterranean llaut, like the Mallorcans, isn't it? It's a very nice boat, we must follow you carefully, the beginning is promising for those of us who are "novices". I will follow your work to learn, it will be a pleasure.
  2. these are only for the ornamentation of the lower cargo deck, they will not be "very visible".
  3. Thank you @Keith Black, much appreciate tonight I have been doing some work on the ropes, the coils as a complement to the lower cargo cover. I don't know if this is the usual way, I decided to make them in two sizes, for diversity. Some with a narrower mast and others using the mast of the model. what I do is to fasten with tape the thread with which I am going to knot them to form the roll, then I roll up the rope and apply a light coat of white glue for wood on the roll to hold it well. finally I make the ties as tight as possible and also apply a little white glue to them this is the result, I think they look quite credible, I don't dislike them. I don't know if this is how they usually do it, but it's the best idea I've found for it, if anyone knows or can tell me another one, I'd appreciate it. thanks for watching
  4. wow, this is an impresive project and work, congrats @giampieroricci
  5. Hi to all, thanks for the likes and comments. little update. I continue with my learning process, little by little, I've been working these days, but without hurry. I have varnished the lower deck with an oak stain, it is the one I liked the most and the one that best suits the existing woods in the area where the ship was built, although it is not or has great historical accuracy. I have also placed the columns that support the beams that will hold the intermediate deck. Contrary to the instructions and as I have seen in other compilation logs, I have not sanded them to give them a column shape, I like their appearance better this way, it is a personal taste. then I continued to line the hull with the first lining until the whole thing was complete, I had some difficulties, but little by little I managed to get something decent. I had to use a guide to keep all the supporting strips in square, as you can see in the pictures. This is how it looked before sanding In the end, I sanded it and evened out the defects to make it as uniform as possible. I haven't taken any pictures, I forgot it, just the before. In the next post I'll put the after pictures. Now I am building the small details that will be put on this deck, ropes, boxes, boards, etc. that I will discuss in the next post. Not forgetting to adjust the intermediate deck, which I have already mounted and adjusted. They are giving me more work than expected, a bit small for my thick fingers and eyesight, although a magnifying lamp with light that I bought is helping. thanks for looking
  6. good job, I have this kit to do, but I have read so many bad comments about the quality and the difficulty, that I don't know if I will leave it for the future. yours has turned out very well
  7. thank you @thibaultron and @bruce d much appreciate Yes, I read that they are very legal and very good quality products. What I needed to know is the question of imports to Spain from other countries, sometimes the customs (depending on which country it is) is very hard and the costs of buying outside are very high. I couldn't find it on your website With China I don't think there will be a problem, my wife is a fan of Aliexperss...so..., when I decide, I will buy from CAF without any doubt. thanks again
  8. Hello checking this thread, I see that it says Artesania Latina is out of business since 2019. It seems that they are back in business recently after fixing problems with their production line, I have read that after many complaints from users of their poor manufacturing line in China, they have now fixed these problems and are back in business. His youtube channel is now active and your website another question I don't see CAF models, I am trying on their website to find out where they are located and where they ship from, could someone please tell me this.?
  9. big thaniks @Trond @Mike from Aus and @GrandpaPhil
  10. good day all thanks for the likes @Keith Black and @Chuck Now, a small update I have finished the interior walls of the bottom deck, finally it has been easier to do it directly on the model and not externally as I had planned. Then I positioned and adjusted, only without gluing, the second deck, there is a slight error in one of the seats that I will fix when I will put it definitively. I also positioned the beams that support the main deck to help me in the lining of the hull and bring it as even as possible, but without gluing them, I needed the help of a "beam" supported by two clamps to keep the distances well. and continue fitting the first hull plating on the starboard side. I continue the work with the port side walls and then finish sanding to mount definitively all the elements of the lower deck. any advice is welcome to learn...I'm sure I'm doing some things wrong. thanks for watching and commenting all my best
  11. one question, which I haven't seen.... when will this model be available? I plan to purchase a Vanguard model in the future and this could be a great option.
  12. a small update and some ideas after placing the lower deck, I drilled and made a "presentation" of what would be the lashings for the cargo in this hold, then I removed them, I am not sure whether to put them or not, in the photos of the kit I don't see them, but having the perfforations, it will be useful if I decide to add them at any time. Then I started with the first hull plating until I reached the area where the second deck would start. some battens have not been well and I will have to solve it, I suppose that sanding and applying a little putty, in spite of putting a lot of interest, some of them have come unstuck on the strakes that now are inaccessible, I can only opt for the solution of unstuck them and do it again, is the one I value more, or do it with putty and sandpaper, that I do not like so much, I have to think about it. I have decided to make the "walls" (I don't know the real name) of the deck that go between the strips in an external way, measuring up to the beginning of the second cover, I have made a template to try, it is not the definitive one, but I have liked this way of doing it and I think it will be the one I will use. Finally I have made a test with the varnish on some strips of board marked as if they were the deck with the nails, the right one is walnut, the middle one is oak and the one on the left, without importance, is to test a colourless varnish that they offered me in the shop, nothing more. The two to decide are the oak and the walnut, I think I will use the oak tone, the boat was made in Cantabria, North of Spain and it is very common to use this wood there, I like the tone more. I hope to continue the work and improve these bugs for the next update. thanks for watching and, if you feel like it, giving me advice.
  13. this afternoon I hope to have time to post new developments thanks for passing by and watching
  14. I have edited the previous post, it is justice to put where I found the system to protect the hull of the ship with cardboard, today I have seen it, it is in another network location, the author of the compilation that I am doing is JeffT and he uses this system to protect the tips of the strakes.
  15. Thanks for the likes @Osmosis, thank you very much, your registration was something that has encouraged me to make this section as the first model, I hope to be up to it. thanks for the suggestion, @Keith Black, I have opted for this solution, two rigid cardboard, I do not remember where I saw something similar joined by masking tape (so we call it in Spain), is an adhesive paper tape that is used when you paint to mark the areas you do not want to paint putting this tape, I think it can serve, although you must follow with caution, are fragile. A small update, today I have worked the floor below, I have placed all the boards and after a sanding I have made the marks for the nails and the division between one and other boards, then settled in place, glued and waiting for tomorrow to finish adjusting it as perfect as possible. I'm not sure if I will like it tomorrow when I see it again, today I leave it like this, but maybe I can change the nail and plank marks, I don't know for sure.... Thanks for seeing it and giving your opinion
  16. First I'm sorry for the title @ccoyle, I didn't think to put it right and thank you very much for the likes, @Keith Black it's great to have your support in this adventure. Thanks for your kind words, the kits on the shelf are the ones I have been given and I already commented, The terror is not there because it is bigger. I'm going to put my first steps, today I had time to work on it. I have decided to build it deck by deck, as @Osmosis indicates in his compilation and in another network locations, I think it is easier to work on the smaller and difficult to access. After cutting the pieces and adjust them a little with sandpaper I proceeded to glue the strips, one by one, with about 20 minutes of time between one and another for proper drying, I have tried to put them well squared and in the end the goal was achieved, it looked like this: I noticed this small break in one of the strips, something I will address later, I am thinking about how to protect these fragile tips while I work. I checked with a ruler the assembly of the three decks, on the second one I have a problem to solve, when the time comes, two of the strakes have a small gap that I have to fill, one on each side of the model, the third one on the starboard side and the second one on the port side, it looks like in the pictures, I have to fix it when I get to this step. Checked that the first deck is well seated, I think I will put the boards before putting it as @Osmosis does in its compilation and not as indicated in the kit. next in a couple of days thanks for passing by and taking a look
  17. Hi Pascual, welcome to MSW from another "newbie" from Baleares, I also joined recently thanks to a friend who gave me several kits, yesterday I decided to start with the first of them, San Francisco Cross Section of Latin Crafts. I am making a compilation log that I started yesterday, I have seen that they are very useful, I encourage you to do it too. I don't know which one to advise you, it took me a few days to decide for mine, reading a lot and looking for information. Besides, I have no experience to do it. Best regards
  18. Ok, let's start with this first project Well I have decided to start my first registration with my first project. As some of you already know, a friend has given me several kits and among them are the three valued to start in this hobby. The other is "The Terror", but this would be for the future The premises for me are these - I am not in a hurry - To have fun... - Learn as much as possible - To share all my mistakes and learn from those who want and have time to help me in my progress. - Not to lose heart and to reach the end... After studying and reviewing three options, three above all, La Providence de (AL) , San Francisco Cross Section (AL) and the San Juan (OcCre). I have had a lot of fun searching for records on the forum, and have discovered other great records to follow and learn things from. It has also been a lot of fun looking for information about the three models on the internet, both technical and historical, my intention is not to make a model only, is to learn its history and have fun, it has been exciting. I have also read with interest this magnificent thread: and all the information contained in these articles: http://modelshipworldforum.com/ship-model-plans-and-research.php http://modelshipworldforum.com/ship-modeling-articles-and-downloads.php That said, I have decided to try the San Francisco Cross Section of AL, for these reasons: - I like this model - I consider it accessible to my skills and I think I can take it to the end, it does not seem excessively complicated for me, at least not to complete the entire section of the hull, the rigging or ropes, is a subject that I will address with more study. - It will help me to evaluate my skills working with scale objects and develop them and learn. The Galleon was built near my homeland, in Cantabria in the year 1586, this has pleased me very much to know. Its history, although short, only sailed 23 years, in 1609 it was shipwrecked off the Japanese coast, has fascinated me. It seems that this event was the origin of the diplomatic relationship between Spain and Japan. In 2017 a cannonball was found at a depth of about 40 meters at the site of its sinking and seems to have been attributed to it. Investigations continue. I have found several compilation logs, most of them unfinished (don't put your hand in the fire for mine), but I think I'll take ideas mainly from this one from @Osmosis also from several others that it would be impossible to list That said, I have opened the kit, everything seems to be fine, I have checked the pieces and it seems that they are all correctly cut and that nothing is missing, I say this from my inexperience, of course, but I have checked everything well. I will try to document at least once a week what I am doing and ask for advice when I need it. Sorry for writing so much, but I wanted to start with a good explanation of why I'm here to start and to set some goals, also will help me, when the discouragement comes, to read this first post and get renewed encouragement. I hope not to disappoint if someone decides to follow my progress and help me in my first adventure. The first thing I have done these days has been to prepare a comfortable corner that I consider suitable for working. Beside me the radio for relaxing music. Review of the San Francisco Cross Section Kit that I am going to try to make. in the next post I hope to put already my first advances PS sorry for my English, I use a translator sometimes, it is not too fluent.
  19. Thank you all for this thread, I have read it carefully (and saved it) and it has been very helpful in deciding what will be my first attempt at a model.
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