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    Collecting books. Bonsai. Classic Bikes. Ships and Ship Models.

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  1. This is a very old kit; over the years I've seen several built to very high standards. Being an elderly Yorkshireman, I have vivid memories of this type in the East Yorkshire ports such as Hull and Grimsby. Over the years as the fishing industry declined one saw how the maintenance basically stopped. The most remarkable example I recall was moored at Bridlington sometime in the late 1970's. I've never seen a more neglected example. The entire vessel was orange with rust, yet it was still in use, evidenced by the nets hanging to dry and the deck machinery was at least lubricated and operative. Haven't seen one in decades, but in their day were regarded as the finest sea boats. Actually the last I saw was in Goa, India taking day-trip tourists along the coast.
  2. A thin smooth, calendered stock is called 'Bank' paper, made largely from linen and originally specified for bank notes.
  3. I've always wondered where items such as this fish davit are stored? Not a small or light thing to hide. When needed many such things must be quickly recovered from storage, used, then whisked away again.
  4. Thank you for your input, my friends. Some of you may be aware I'm still in hospital since losing a leg at the end of November. The big issue now is getting home to a house unprepared for the paraphernalia required to accommodate a wheelchair user. Part of my problem is the result of collection hoarding (massive book collection, massive heavyweight coin collection, massive stash of mostly plastic aircraft/ship kits, a recent developing cycle collection....among other things). Now there's no room for me! Eventually I hope these issues will be resolved and I have a little corner to park my bum! I was waiting on delivery of 6 'Falconet' oared boat kits before the accident and can't wait to get started on them. My questions relating to longboat strake planking are to help a keen modeller friend who had a handsome Christmas gift of the Artisania Latina 'Endeavour' longboat kit. I suspect what appeals to him is a model which displays the charm of exposed wooden planking. My investigations reveal that kit has totally inadequate plank stock to make a fair representation of such details. Which means replacing the kit planking completely. No doubt most of the kit can be improved, given some research, but the kit at least has the bones to proceed and make a fair resemblance of such a craft, remembering all the bones were FREE! So, watch this space for my own build logs of the Falconet boats and news of my new life/adventure as an amputee! EDIT 6/2/2025 Just to assure; the reason I was trying to find the number of strakes for a longboat (or any other small boat) would be to give points of references to allow the spilling of each plank to the form of a hull. Spilling rarely provides a plank with parallel sides, so asking for a plank width is irrelevant. I've no personal experience of this, but the first 'keel' or 'Garboard' can be a mystery, due to its top edge having so much influence on subsequent plank profiles. I believe this is where a plank 'fan' become essential. It doesn't matter if the project is scratch built or a kit, both can have their planks 'set' once the 'lines' or 'form' of the hull is established.
  5. Looking for some general guidance as to how many strakes/width of planking would a 25 foot longboat (c1770) have? At this point approximate plank width will do, thanks.
  6. Another delightful model, Valeriy, thank you for sharing once again. I'm afraid I can only score this one 9/10. A man with your talent and skills resorting to 3D printing....where will that end!
  7. Seeing how quickly 1:350 model ships are being introduced, it's only a mater of time before an 'R' class ship comes on the market. The 'QE's and 'R' have similarities, but too few to justify the work required.
  8. To coin a Michael Cain phrase....''Not many people know that''......CS's lines were derived from a steamship!
  9. As a whole the Revell 1:96 comes with a multitude of problems, all of which can be overcome by a moderately skilled model maker (see some excellent examples online). What the kit provides are two very accurate hull halves, again not without minor solvable issues. I haven't seen a wood based kit hull that bares even close comparison to the Revell assembly. The kit is so old I'd say it's antediluvian, yet most sub assemblies, with a little care can be very accurate to the real ship. All the wooden kits are simple parodies, often just crude. Masts and yards are another matter, the plastic being brittle and easily damaged.
  10. Making a good job of this, like your paintwork; crisp and clean. What method did you use to attach the etch, bow and stern? Don't forget to touch out the bits holding the letters to the surrounding detail.
  11. No; the Airfix Kit is unique to them.
  12. James, thank you for accepting my apology. Out of interest there are Plenty of DIY projects to be found online; people making their own simple, working turbofan/turbojet engines. Often these are made from the simplest materials, with varying results, but usually succeed by producing something which demonstrates the basics of this type of engine. The simplest and most remarkable are the pulse jet types which have no moving parts at all! I should point out that taking that rout can be fraught with danger, but a big dose of common sense and a modicum of research would be wise. Looking at your model I can see it could be modified to work as a real engine, but for how long? Again, thank you for sharing your project, I'm sure you'll have years of reliable service.
  13. So glad you found this kit so rewarding. Sad my earlier wry comments weren't appreciated and subsequently deleted. My expectations were this would be a functioning gas turbine engine. The disappointment was totally mine; that shouldn't detract from the pleasure you sincerely derived building this kit. Thank you for sharing.
  14. Isn't that why he says.... ''PM me if you are interested or want further information''.
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