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Dan Vadas

Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by Dan Vadas

  1. How did you know that Mark??? EDIT - ah, I just found the post that Grant put up earlier. Thanks Mark and Grant Yep, Vulture took out the Members Choice trophy, their equivalent to "Best in Show" at the Canberra Model Shipwright's Society Show last weekend. She also came 2nd in People's Choice. I'm pretty chuffed : I'm taking it to the Mid North Coast Maritime Museum at Port Macquarie later on today after I mount the Binnacle. Danny
  2. I didn't intend it that way Hamilton, but it's an idea . Good luck with your future work, and as Grant said "Like all of us, your best model will be your next one!" Danny
  3. Looks better than my SiB so far . If the main thing you're unhappy with is the bottle itself, why not cut the bottom out of it, pull the ship out, repair it, and put it in a better bottle? OK, OK, I know - you're done and finished . Danny
  4. Binnacle When I said I was finished, not quite. The Binnacle isn't a part of the main section of TFFM, it's hidden away in the Appendix. Easy to miss . I knocked it up in a couple of hours. No finish has been applied yet : Danny
  5. Thank you Michael, John, wyzwyk and Adam. Just when you think you're finished ..... along comes Pud for another nibble on the Spritsail Yard : Danny
  6. Thank you Grant and Igor. The ribs are made from 1mm x 0.45mm Castello. I wet-bent them all before fitting, and used hair clips to keep them in place until they dried. The tops will be trimmed later. I've also made the fore platform : Danny
  7. Further to Al's post above, check out THIS blade. 120 teeth per inch - WOW . They also have coarser blades and holders/handles. Danny
  8. Thanks Sal, Bob and Per. I used furniture wax on the wooden plug, and glued each plank by wiping the glue over the seam instead of trying to glue the edge. To prevent the hull from spreading while fitting the ribs I made a jig. I had that problem with my Cutter - this will do the job nicely : Here's a tip for edge sanding very small or thin planks - another jig : Danny
  9. I drilled them one at a time Daniel, any more and the drill runs off line. However, I kept them all on the stock I'd turned to make fitting them into the pin-vise and parting them easier. The last one was a bit of a pain to clamp. Danny
  10. Thanks George, and no I don't need any help with drinking the contents . I've finished the planking. It turned out even better than my 1:48 scale cutter : There were no problems at all when I pulled it off the plug. Nothing needed cleaning up inside : Danny
  11. Thank you Mark, Daniel and David. The idea is to fit a mast and oars Daniel. The shape lends itself really well for this. BTW - I'm glad I didn't have to buy the bottle - I saw one in a liquor shop last week for $70.00. Though it WAS full . The first pic shows how I held the deadeyes for drilling: Nine deadeyes (1 spare which I've already needed) next to a couple of Chuck's 1/8" (smallest) blocks : A bit more work while waiting for the last of the planks to dry - I've made the four Chains. I used 0.25mm brass wire (the bottle was "wrapped" in it) which I silver soldered and blackened. I also drilled a 0.25mm (#80) hole in the end of each for the "bolt". Danny
  12. Thanks Chuck . And now for something SMALL - the Deadeyes. These are 1.6mm in diameter, and each has three #80 (0.25mm) holes. I turned them on the lathe in sections of 4 or 5, held them in a Pinvise to drill them and then turned them around in the vise, cut them off the section and sanded the "sprue" off : Two down, six to go. Danny
  13. Thanks Mark, George, John and Canute . Sure did George, I'm building this one using virtually the same techniques. I've started the planking of the hull, using 0.4mm thick Castello. If you think that making a longboat less than 1/2 the size of the one I built for Vulture would be easier - think again . Those "12 inch" nails I'm using to wedge the planks in place are actually only 12mm long : While waiting for glue to dry on the planking I've made the Mast and Booms. The mast tapers from 2.0mm to 1.0mm, and the small boom is 0.8mm in diameter : I also cut the shoulders into the ends of each boom : Danny
  14. Or perhaps one of those very thin blades you can get for a Dremel etc - they are only 0.14mm (0.005") thick. Danny
  15. Hi Kath, John's SKIFF looks like the beast - go with his suggestion. It's a lot easier than mine anyway . Danny
  16. Judging by the rest of the YACHT I guess it was a "work in progress" - it's likely that he hadn't actually made the pieces. Danny
  17. OK, it seems he's gone the other way about it. You'll need to make two pieces that fit to the mast for the pins on the booms to go into, something like this : Fit the lower one square to the mast like in my pic, but angle the upper one to suit the angle of the top of the sail. Danny
  18. Hi Kathy, Can you post a pic of the upper inner corner (where you are holding it) in pic 1. As Druxey said there should be some kind of yoke at the end of the boom. Check out these pics : Danny
  19. The Keel is made from English Box in three pieces. I've cut in the rabbet, and also glued on the Apron : To give you an idea of how small this boat is, here's a pic with a standard size needle threader for comparison : Danny
  20. Thank you to the Peanut Gallery for your support - this should be fun . Here's the first step. I carved a Plug for the hull, which I'll plank the same way I did the Cutter for Vulture. I'm assuming that a 26' Longboat will be proportionally thinner amidships than a 18' Cutter (i.e. they would both be about the same width) - there would be no need for extra width, as one man per thwart would still apply. I've made the hull as wide as will be possible to fit into the neck of the bottle, but still wanted the hull to be as long as possible. Final dimensions of the hull are 72mm long, 20mm wide and 12mm deep : Danny
  21. Neither would I. I actually mis-read the question, thought he meant what glue to use to fix the boat to the stand. Epoxy is definitely the way to go for fixing the stand to the glass . Here is fine Hamilton. There isn't really another forum that would suit any better. Danny
  22. Hi all, A while ago I'd intended to build a Real de France in a bottle, but I've changed my mind on that as it's going to be a present for my girlfriend and she wasn't keen on the ship. I've since deleted the topic I'd started. So I've gone with her preference, which is a model of Chuck Passaro's 18th Century Longboat in a much smaller scale (1:100). It might be just a tad easier than the R de F . Here's a pic of the finished article (Chuck's, not mine) : I have a very nice (empty ) bottle of Dimple Scotch Whiskey which will be suitable, as I'm intending to build with a lofted mast and oars. The triangular shape of the bottle will accommodate both these features nicely. The bottle is 200mm long (including the neck) by 90mm wide/high Here's a pic of a scale pic of the boat in the bottle, just to make sure it fits . These two pics are about the same size as the real thing will be : Danny
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