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Posts posted by Knocklouder

  1. Glen that is awesome.  I had to stop cleaning the shipyard and go show the First Mate . I should be back modeling in 4 or 5 weeks . She said to tell you " your so talented " and she agrees with all of us what an amazing build. Can't wait to see you top this ,but you will lol. 

     Great job.   :cheers:

    Bob M.

  2. Great discussion, being  a relatively new commer, do to my lack of knowledge as to how things are done I relie  on the instructions  lol.  When I coppered mine I followed the book, Chris Watton designed the Pegasus  so how could I go wrong.

     I guess it up to the modeler, start at the water line and work down or start at the keel and work up. Leave the keel open or cover it with copper. 

     After you finish something you always find something better and you say to your self I should have done it like  that. Lol 😆 

  3. I got to see the SS Klondike  back in 1978. I flew to Inuvik from Edmonton, then after a day there I took a bush plane to  Eagle Plains to paint a motel there. We got caught up with the drywallers so they sent my boss  and I to White Horse to get supplies.  

      So we took a 1/2 ton truck down the Demster HWY  to White Horse, they  put four spare tires in the back of the truck and said good luck hope you make it lol. We had 3 flats on the way there and two on the way  back, I was told it was because of the permafrost  the road was build and it cracks along the road not across it .

     Well in White Horse we walk around the SS Klondike  What a trip I still rember it clearly  well most of it lol but I do rember the river boat lol 😆 😜 

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