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Posts posted by Knocklouder

  1.   20240429_182526.thumb.jpg.69755af1ca51d7403091dd333070160c.jpg   Hello, this is the truck I bought in 1973, less then $4,000.00 (Cad) brand new lol.  It was a great truck, hard on the back tires, but I was 17. 

     When I saw this model, I had to buy it. After rigging the Mayflower  ship, I wanted  something with no lines , lol. 

     So I started  on Monday.






     The frame went well, the engine was fun to put together.  Everything looked like my truck except the battery.   Then I put what I could, together today. Now I am at a standstill till the paint drys. 

     Maybe I should start a ship while the paint drys lol. Hope you like it, it's bringing back some great memories. The love of my life has told me four times to turn the stero DOWN lol.20240501_161457.thumb.jpg.741c2b4959deca1c3bca09d24e3c1def.jpg



    Paint takes such a long time to dry. Thanks for looking, 

    Bob M.


  2. Hi Rick, it's your  circus and your monkey 🐒.  

     You can always make it look like it is in dry dock under construction.  I find if I am dreading something  stop go do something else

     Then maybe someday come back to it.

    What you have done is awesome,  you put a lot of details on this,  looking forward to seeing what you build next.

    Bob  M.  :cheers:

  3. Thanks so much @John Ruy    , no I am not ready to finish the Pegasus :unsure: Neanderthals don't rig.  Ĺol. I tried to make the ropes look good and I looked into serving the lines . But my lack  of reading and understanding how things work, lead to a Canadian foot stomping of a serving machine I bought. Lol . Oh well what can you do. I really need to improve  rigging skills before I attempt  the Pegasus.  So I am just going to model things with no strings for awhile. But I may buy another  model to brush up on my rigging skills  :D.

  4. Today is the day my friends, I am going to mark this ship Finished. Lol. What a journey :dancetl6: .20240427_183506.thumb.jpg.c21265a950f53b5f3295ac5033a90dab.jpg



    Bow lines are on. @Gabek sent me a message on how these are done. One look at his plans , Neanderthals don't rig. So I came up with this , it will do. Lol. 

     Then I moved on to  seizing the bolt rope on the sails. After that I needed 10 rope coils, whipped them up pretty fast, on my  Isaiah  coil jig.




    So I am closing the book calling her done.

     I am going to put all the figures on  and put it in the display case  in the near future.  I will post some final pictures and thoughts of  the build then. 

      Here she is , and I love it. Grinning 😀 😅 .





    I have so many to thank, I am pleased  😄.  I wonder if I can enter this for the October  page on the NGR calendar  next year lol. It will be MSW first  Finished log for the Amati Mayflower model.  I am going to have to  to let them know I am finished so they can mark it in the Data base, it will be neat to see the  Finished  marked  beside Knocklouder's  log lol . One more done 3 left to go, I have to pick one,


      but dreaming of   the Duchess of Kensington  by Vanguard Models.lol

     Ok, like I say up to the case she gos 

    Thanks for putting up with my typos and humor  lol.

    Bob M.

  5. Well Captain Marvin says he is done.20240424_010252.thumb.jpg.667c6a0ea6f023383d6467a39b5ca3d4.jpg

    He left in a huff, said something about getting his little brother and coming back.  Yeah what  ever. Lol. 

    Fellow Ship mate @Gabek came over to help out. He brought me out a most appreciated gift. A full set of Pilgrims, and a few Vikings.  


    Captain  Christopher  Jones, is now in charge. 


    I think it looks so cool. The figures are amazing!  He made four children, two Quakers and thier wives,  and eight sailors doing work and climbing. They are so nice they bring the ship alive.20240425_163254.thumb.jpg.1bbefcc7b5299c579307fc76cd900e00.jpg



    This guy is my favorite, he is just along for the ride. Safe and sound up here on the Mizzen sail  lol 20240425_163009.thumb.jpg.38ffc2d94abe5f00c64c136601a9f650.jpg

    He's afraid of heights. 


    As you can see I spent the rest of the day playing Pilgrims and where I should  place them . What a gift from my freind Gabe! I had to force him to take his cut of potatoes, and threw in a pumpkin and a squash  lol. 

    The whole ship justs seems to come alive. Lol. What a wonderful visit. Thank you my friend.  Before he left, I started negotiating with him on figures for my Viking  boat and The Sea Of Galilee Boat lol. He said Bob, whoa whoa I can't  eat that many  potatoes, we're going to have to up the price to include corn, tomatoes, beets and carrots too and I might have to up the price more . You guessed it...Shipping fees. 

      The ship is alive with Pilgrams and I still have 9 Bowlines to do  lol. I have the flags on , and two rope coils have been finished.  8 more to go.

    Also, while Gabe was here, he gave me a quick lesson on how to paint the figures.  I actually painted the two Vikins with axes. He explained everything.  It's pretty easy, but this will be something that gets better the more you do. So now I'm going to order new paint, and putting in my order with  Gabe for all kinds of figures  lol.

    So you can see why progress is slow lol. But she be up to speed in no time , all the figures are back in the case.  20240425_171113.thumb.jpg.732d176c99b02929806f167ebe993d69.jpg

     Turning out the lights  going  to watch NHL  hockey tonight, tired from all the fun two modelers could ever have. And just another fantastic memory I hope to retain for ever. :)

     This is how the Mayflower looks tonight.  With just 9 Bowlines left to do.

    Take care my friends.  More pictures soon as she sails up to the show room. Lol.




    Will I ever get my Bowlines done lol. 

    Bob M.     .:cheers:.


  6. Most of the rope coils have been installed.  I have 11 coils to make ,10 for the Bowlines and one for the flag.





    Looks like I might have past inspection. Captain Marvin says it'll do. But he was quick to point out I was missing  3 coils on the starboard side.  Lol  😆20240423_123806.thumb.jpg.95c32e66cabc9309b3f0c06617d5f1b0.jpg

    Captain  Marvin  also says that the corners of the sails needs  to be sized with black rope they look to shabby.  He being  picky because he got his two week notice, he is being transferred. 


    After all we been through, your replacing ME with Pilgrams !!!!! :o.

       Also today I made my frist Bowline , one down 9 to go.  First I made up the double blocks, then attaching them to the ship I made a Bowline  Looks not to bad. I can't get an opinion about it from Captain Marvin  lol he's  such a moddy little  fellow.  😂 20240423_161121.thumb.jpg.192ec246a27731453eaea333c26d037a.jpg



    The rock is in site , really  lol. I made this for the display case, I will see if I keep it, I like it, the first Mate says find a nicer rock. Beauty  is in the Eye of the beholder. I think it fits the ship .

     So 9 Bowlines 2 flags to go. Oh yes and 11 coils lol. 

    Thank you very much everyone 😊 😀

    Bob M.



  7.  Thanks  @Bryan Woods, I owe it all to MSW/ NRG  for all the info on how to build ships.   But thanks.

     Today I have to thank @Isaiah for his tip on how to make rope coils.20240422_103544.thumb.jpg.4a81c2d2d8f8f330ea52f477ecc9c114.jpg20240422_102735.thumb.jpg.e0e021883806eede6a1626c3654e1f5e.jpg

    I took them same dowel, cleaned it up, notch the top with a dremal. Soon I was turning out coils like crazy.  I soon had enough  for the Mayflower.  



    Today the coils will be in place, then the 8 Bowlines and 5 double blocks, they have to be added.20240422_111633.thumb.jpg.b31ae10d91425dfe7be51b6960b5745f.jpg

    Started scratching  the  rock , I want to use on the display case.  Not sure where that will fit in but will figure it out.

    I went outside today at the bottom of the stairs I found my Plymouth Rock. Picked it up and ran back to the shipyard to work on it. Lol. All that fresh air for the minute  I was out side gave me so many idea lol had to get working on them lol.

    Thanks so much for all who liked it, it just the most fun you can have lol. 

     I took the Mayflower upstairs to peek. lol 

    Going to have move the Sea of Galilee  Boat but that's OK.20240421_134106.thumb.jpg.8938e904dd506951b3f0c535d786706c.jpg

    I wanted to leave it here with the angel but the First  Mate  says NOT  😢  So it got to go in the case .20240421_135554.thumb.jpg.bb0baa0a638a2722b7a0c6633f67e516.jpg

    I may have to sand a little off the top it looks close lol.  And just look at the dust on the top of the case. A great example of the need to protect your ships.20240421_134713.thumb.jpg.df9c8e7febb1383ee4f5facda7f04f9e.jpg

    Onward to the rock .                                     :cheers:


    Bob M.




  8. CHOCO TACO, how did she get the job, oh I smell nepotism  lol.  Was it my drinking  ?09a88vhbww051.png.7e28948ebb73c749bed69bc76bfffbcc.png

    😆 . Leave the lid off she need a buddy lol. It's Long cold nights ahead, trapped in a bottle with ghosts 

    Your going to be in a magazine again lol Fantastic  , what a awesome  build. Leave the Penguins  lol.

    PS   .  Penguins mate for life, if there is one there's two  LOL.  :cheers:

    PSS  Much like Rats.

  9. On 4/14/2024 at 7:19 AM, VTHokiEE said:

    I can only give you my experience with the second book. I bought Ship Modeling Simplified: Tips and Techniques for Model construction from Kits by Frank Mastini when I was getting my first kit because it seemed to be highly recommended. The book wasn’t expensive but I didn’t really use it very much and I only read about a 3rd of it.


    This forum simply provided more knowledge in a more searchable form than I found in the book. The forum has great examples of so many components of construction in build logs and many general questions answered in the other forum areas that I passed the book along to make room for others in my library. 

    I was the lucky guy who attained these  books . Thanks so much. I inherited 3 other books . 


    Now there should be no reason  not to rig my next ship correctly  lol. I would say get as many books as you  can . Some have great pictures  of what we need . 

    Bob M.

  10. @Glen McGuire Glen buddy relax, the girls are back and have been in contact with some leagl people but they have exhaled and said they just glad to get a few souvenirs form the trip. They said to thank @Keith Black and yourself for the memories, 



    So rope coil assembly is in high gear.




    I am getting pretty excited about finishing the Mayflower, some coils on the bow , and I have to add Four more form the Bowlines. 20240421_125416.thumb.jpg.c5ea4fe20b775c5000e5248a8488cbf8.jpg

    The anchors look pretty good, but you can tell it's ,plastic.  . I made these  a year and a half  ago. Was happy with the way it looks though.  


    What is it about this hobby, that we can't wait to see it in the case, and start the next  journey.  

    This  has been  a great voyage for me.  Many mistakes, memories, friends, and so great full for  All who helped.  The list is long, my modeling is so much fun to do. I have enjoyed this trip.

     Back to The coils. LOL 

    For ever great full  for all that I was shown  here on MSW/NRG. A wonderful place to be.:cheers:

    Bob M.

  11. Your to kind Keith, thank you. I really learned quite a bit on this one. One mistake is on the shrouds. They didn't go as planed, but for the next ship I think I know what to do now. It's all a learning curve  lol.

      But I am still Grinning on this one. She turn out wonderful, in IMHO LOL.

    Thanks @Keith Black for all your  encouragement, as well as everyone else.  Back to the coils of life lol.

    Bob M.


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