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Everything posted by Knocklouder

  1. Very nice model, I am building this now . Like your work and going to use some of the details you did on mine, this is an old thread , like to see it finished. THANKS 😊
  2. Did some more work on the deck I like the main deck getting close to what I wanted ,just the colour, I think It should have been Grey like I said I have got to learn how to keep my nail line straighter lol
  3. Hi Dave really like your work trying to follow along, you do assume work. A friend ask me to blackin chains for him for his Astrolabe 1812, I used High Heat Stove  Spray  Paint it stuck really well and I just sprayed it on no prep and it sticks,    thanks for letting me  follow along 

  4. Yes, my son booked Mark this page for me long ago lol, would like to link it to my page for people to go to it but don't know how so if any one ask I say look here , if I go to that link in your last post it gives me 43 pages of reading , this is where it get confusing 😕 waiting for my son lol,
  5. Back to The Pinta lol, planking is going good got them even at the front this time I broke a bulk head but it's OK, Funny note on the SM I made a mistake on the poop deck I let the sides of the ship flow out wards so it did not cover so had to add some side pieces, this time I fitted it first then realized that I had to remove the tips of the bulk heads lol. So had to add some to the side of the deck on the this one too lol 😆 . Well that's all I got. Thanks
  6. On a side note, a friend of my moms is building the Astrolabe 1812. He found out I was doing modeling I went over wow , but he is old school and has less computer skills then me lol . A bonus for me because he has lots of the books people talk about here just thought you might want to look 😉 🙂
  7. So now back to planking . I feel I don't have enough skill to plank the first layer they way the did. Back in the day. But like the Santa Maria, will plank the second layer right hopefully. Going to cut all second layer up so I have to do it lol, I love the finish on my SM but want to make the Pinta look different Lighter in color, most likely sanding sealer then lemon oil. 🍋 Need to learn about thread and were to get what kind so be reading about that, that's it for now .
  8. Making progress 😌. Still can't under stand some of forms stuff, but my son is teaching me. Learning lots, don't want to ask questions that's been asked millions of times ,but if you don't know were to look .For the first year I never click on the banner that said , no modeling questions, lol I clicked on it found the form ,kid on the lose lol 😆 😂. Thought shore leave was punishment lol time outs lol . But all in all getting the hang of it so, again sorry for taking so long for the switch to come on. Well found a site that show how to blacken the side of your planks. Black marker, he did pastel, marker, black string. The pastel was messy ,string more then I wanted to do so marker it was. It turn out good for me . One thing is the colour of the stain I used for the floor, I should have used a light Grey stain but it will do. Because I did the Santa Maria floor want all 3 ships to have the same color.
  9. Hi I read most of this thread, my two cents is when masking the area you want to paint, take a putty knive an run it along the edge to take the air bubbles out to help prevent bleeding under the tape, practice practice practice 🙂 😊
  10. Thanks sorry for the interruption of this topic
  11. Hello I need to learn rigging, I did it once by following logs, but had no ideal what I was doing, is there a book for rigging for my time for the period for up to 1500 AD, for first timeres riggers of course.plus what ever you tell me my son will download it for me. Lol thanks
  12. Hi, even if it's not planked by the book that's a ready good job , I could not get mine by the book either.But we will on our next one. 😊 It looks really good mate!!
  13. I plan on puttying the holes , but later there will be more holes to fill ,this time I want to drill holes in the planking and putty them as well I won't mix the putty till ready to do them all.
  14. This is what I came up with, it will do.Just hope I can do the same on the main deck. Learning lots and having the time of my life. Modeling, ship building very addictive lol 😆 😄 😂 😅 Till next time.
  15. I looked all over MSW for decking ,got to many ideals , but keeping with small steps, I did a butt shift patten that I thought the Pinta might have.That Pdf file on decking got me Rev up to do a 5 shift patten but I don't think the Pinta had that anyway. So this is my poop deck, I did not need to drill the holes on the stern or most of the front row ,lol practice 🤔. The pencil lines look good , it will do. Not sure if you can see them in the picture but close to what I wanted. More practice grasshopper.
  16. HI , Welcome to MSW
  17. Decide to deck using 80 cm and 40 cm deck boards starting mid ship and moving outwards, once glued will stain and varnish the deck to keep them some what protected . Later 😀
  18. Made a material list in English , then sanded all the bulk heads that need it ran a plank over it looks like I am good for planking. But need to do the decks so been looking for ideals, seen sum beautifully decks here , would like to imitate the black caulking ideal Going to use a pencil to blacken the sides , going with the butt shift pattern this time . I will post when I finish, Can't get the hang of posting and following, And feel like spending more time trying to fix my page than just modeling ,So until I get to know how model model model lol
  19. Anyway this is what I have done, lots of clamps squared it up by using blocks like They did on shipphotograper.com page ,
  20. Thanks Banyan, 😊, it is very early in my curve, the article help me pick a patten for the ship,well trying to be some what historical, I have decided yep simple butt shift pattern. I posted this because it help me would like to put the half hull kit link on this page to but As you probably see computer skill lacking, 😉. Thanks to spell check I can be somewhat readable lol.
  21. This is going to help me decide my next decking, might use pencil to shade the edges of the planks. Plus I got the book Shipbuilding Simplified, great book I am getting excited about trying some of these things , Not sure about copy right things, but I think if I post something that I am not suppose to they notify me quickly. LOL . 👋👋
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