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NRG Member
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Everything posted by Dave_E

  1. Hi Nate, Welcome aboard. Go to the new members area and introduce yourself to everyone. 😀
  2. Welcome aboard Alex, nice to have you. Good group of folks to help you along… don’t be shy. 😀
  3. I take it the big boat is the one in your profile photo? We just sold our 36’ Trawler as she was 45 years old and in constant need of keeping up. Just wasn’t to be in retirement. Your anchors are getting a hard study right now, that’s one of my next steps. Beautiful! 👍😀
  4. Hey John, Did you order the cannon kits based on the size of the cannons in the kit? I might do the same.
  5. Hi Starlight, Lyle, Keith, There is so much I've learned in the past 2 days on just mounting and rigging of ships cannons. I wished I'd have known what I know now last week. I'd have drilled the holes for the eyelets for the breeching lines, but would NOT have glued them in. I am considering taking them out and making a jig for the cannon rope works like Olha Batchvarov shows in her You Tube channel. Sure looks easier than trying to tie them up along the bulwarks! Thank you for the references regarding cannon size, etc., invaluable. Things like I have the eyelets WAY high on the sides of the gun ports. But I just did what I saw on the drawings. This is the first, and I know being a ficticious ship with poor drawings and scale attention from the kit manufacturer have made me take notes and I have good notes for things that I will make sure are correct on my next build, the Rattlesnake. (did I say that outloud)? This build is mostly about learning the techniques etc.. 😊
  6. Hi All, I was going to start rigging the cannons to the deck and I thought I'd better ask. 1:64 scale... what diamter for the big cannon recoil rope? Also, the Amati kit does not address rigging of cannons in anyway, so I don't want to use up line that must be used elsewhere. Same question for all the anchor rope. 😐
  7. Hi Jim, welcome aboard. Navy man here also. Lots of sea-going nautical jargon as well (what else). You’ve come to the right place for all your novice building advice and help (me too). Don’t be shy asking questions! 👍😀
  8. Looking at this masterpiece makes me wonder about all the men that it took to man those guns. The movies never depict the actual numbers that a ship like this actually had aboard. You bring it to life. 👍
  9. Thanks Guys - ordering today. 👍😀 I’ll practice with some sewing thread. I’m a real sailor and have whipped and seized many a line in real life. Doing it on a 1:64 scale rope… that could be something entirely different. 😆
  10. Just found a “thread” (excuse the pun) from David Lester. The good Admiral is going to show me her sewing thread collection and I’ll confiscate a role for each color rope I have in the Amati kit. 😁
  11. You know Keith, I think so. Familiarity of the tools and having the correct tools plus the "how to" help from the forum has defintey helped with the confidence and technique. I am fortunate to be freshly retired and can sit and build as much as I want and I think the deep emersion into the hobby has helped tremendously. And that includes hours of research and chat time here on MSW! 😀
  12. Hi All, Into a new phase of building (even if it is for the cannons). Amati supplied the Lady Nelson with 1mm, .75mm, .5mm, .10mm and .25mm ropes. As I look at the drawings, these are all for different rigging on the ship. The drawings show seizing and whipping but do not address how it got there. So here is the dumb question for the day: what size of thread do I use for all the whipping etc. on a 1:64 scale ship? What are your recommendations?
  13. Ok, it’s time to break open some scale rope and get 10 cannons in place, then move to the anchors, then get her in the permanent base.
  14. I’m glad I’m not the only builder who has fellow builders on speed dial for learning and inspiration! 😁 Now you have someone watching you. 😀
  15. When you get them… watch one and tell us if the picture quality is what you would expect. On you tube it’s a mix of poor to “ok”. ROKU has the whole series on right now and the quality is no better than YouTube. 😕
  16. Your photography is outstanding! I’ve got you build on “speed dial” because your documentation and photography for the rigging is so crazy beautiful and will help me as I attempt my first rigging. Thank you! 👍😀
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