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Everything posted by Dave_E

  1. Hi Tim, Welcome to the forum! 👍😀
  2. Welcome Andre! I am an ex-RC helicopter enthusiast… got to expensive for me. Excellent choppers! 👍😀
  3. Welcome to the forum! Do you have a name we may call you to go along with that neat handle? 😀
  4. Hey Ed, I have an old airplane iron, and my wife gave me a couple spare hair curling irons (smooth type). When I’m bending my guitar sides, I soak the wood pretty good and then it goes into a heated bending jig. For the water ways I will be using one of the curling irons… bend and check, bend and check. When it’s time to start any planking… search the forum for instructions on plank bending. Make yourself a jig and get a small travel iron or the like. Don’t even need to wet the wood! I don’t want to hijack your thread and turn it into plank bending, but I know of 4 different ways to do planking. If you search the build logs, you’ll see all of them. Decide on what you like and go for it. However…. I’m here to tell you the dry heat bending does work pretty slick. Look at Glenn Barlows work.
  5. Hey Dave, welcome to the forum! 👍😀
  6. I just watched your video with 3 grandchildren who wanted to watch how you get a ship in the bottle. 👍😀
  7. Hi Wolff, welcome to the forum! 👍😀
  8. Hi Charlie, welcome to the forum! 👍😀
  9. Nice work! I’m pretty sure whatever my next ship is… it will be a 1:48 scale. 😀
  10. Looks good Ed! You are now a building resource of knowledge for those of us not as far along as you. Outstanding explanations of your process, thank you! 👍😀
  11. Hey Chuck, Welcome to the forum. Bump everything these guys have already said. 👍😀
  12. Hey Ed, Check out my post #93. After completing the bulkheads and making the transom carvings… that stern piece did not fit. I studied the drawings and came to the conclusion if I just put it in position, it would be way to low on the bottom. I goofed something or the drawings aren’t 100%. More than a couple of views on the drawings are “view” only and not to scale and that didn’t help me with the fitting problems. So I downsized the stern piece to fit, that’s why my Britannia seems to “fit”. So… when I get into one of these predicaments (it happened on my lady Nelson also), I do some engineering. When the ship is launched, only a fellow builder of this ship might notice a minute deviation from the drawing. If your stern wood fits per drawing, Jim’s suggestion is good. 👍
  13. After studying some more… did any of you other MS builders get this piece in your kit? Nothing mentioned anywhere that I can find.
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