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Everything posted by HIPEXEC

  1. You're going to love Captain Jack Aubrey in all the O'Brian series.
  2. Preparing inside the gunwales. Thinning them and making them even to receive planks
  3. I put in the hole for the rudder. I'm holding off for now installing the stern post until I finish planking
  4. Amazing work! I feel like I'm on the real ship when I look at your pics.
  5. More stern planks. I think I'm pretty close to hiding all my mistakes when I veneer plank the hull. If I were coppering it the same would apply.
  6. Continuing to build the stern. This is rough veneer planks plus the decorative trim that will eventually be installed. You can see where I screwed up rough planking by the stern post. I'll correct all that with sanding, filler then veneer planks. First I have to finish the bottom half of the stern.
  7. Here's my supply of veneer. I'll be using some to build the transom even though I'm a long way from putting veneer on the hull.
  8. More work on the stern. This piece will greatly strengthen the whole thing. While I was fitting the several pieces that comprise of the upper part of the stern, the ship slipped off my holding rack and the tip of the bowsprit broke off! Thank goodness it glued back with a perfect fit even though the break was jagged.
  9. Working on the stern. The plans and instructions are vague on this part with one fuzzy picture showing planks before painting.
  10. Your "V" box is very clever an cost effective. I made a more elaborate stand so I can hold various size models over time.
  11. The last side plank is installed. It was no bigger than a long toothpick. Now I'll tackle the stern
  12. Down to two pieces on this side. I'll probably finish the sides today if I'm not distracted by life.
  13. Wow! You work twice as fast as I can. Excellent work. It's a pleasure to look at your models
  14. The last main piece on this side. Two very small pieces at the rudder post then I'll finish the other side.
  15. Down to two short planks on this side. I'm using the Philistine method of making stealers. I just use sharp points shaped to fit. I'll leave the correct method of making stealers to real ship builders and the purists.
  16. Yes. It will feel good to enclose the sides. Then I have to finish the stern with very poor plans and photos in their book. I'll figure it out ,though. After that there's my veneer planks, then inside the gunwales, then the deck. So...a long way to go. But I will be happy with the sides closed in.
  17. Well, it was a good lesson....to slow down and plan ahead better. I sometimes get on a roll and hate to slow down. Bad habit it ship building.
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