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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. Come on Glenn! A little stress and aggravation is just what the doctor ordered. Seriously I think they would be a great addition to the completed model.
  2. I've completed planking the deck. It was a fun project and I'm happy with how it came out. Here it is rough sanded with no finish. And here it is sanded with 320 and a coat of wipe on poly. I will lay Chris's laser cut deck back over my deck to mark off the various precut hole, hatches etc. to make sure they are in the correct location on my deck.
  3. That's a great setup you have there. I'm suffering from workshop envy right now! I'm looking forward to your approach to building the hull.
  4. I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday! I've started making some of the gun port lids. I first set the two 1/4" wide pieces and shaped them to fit the opening. I then added the bottom piece and sanded it to fit. Then the top piece was added and sanded to fit. For me doing it this way was easier than making the whole lid and then trying to sand the whole thing to fit. It took about two hours from start to finish. One down nine more to go. Then it's on to making the hinges!
  5. Thanks Glenn and Glenn and also all the likes. It only took one 2" wide billet but the stash is getting small all the time....
  6. Next I took out the temporary beams and the MDF bulkhead tabs. Everything was sanded smooth. Although Chris's laser cut deck is really nice I've always enjoyed planking the deck so I decided to plank the deck myself. I cut boxwood to the same width and thickness as the laser cut deck. I then cut the margin planks and marked the center line and commenced planking outwards from there.
  7. Thanks Glenn, James, Bob, Bob again and Glenn too. Also thanks for all the likes. I always start with 120 to knock down the high spots etc. Then 180 and finish with 320. Apply a coat of WOP. After it dries I steel wool it with 0000 and apply a second coat. So I still have some sanding work ahead of me.
  8. The hull is planked with the pear wood and I'm pleased with how it came out. She's been sanded with 120 grit so far. You can also see some filler where unfortunately some of my seams weren't as tight as I would have liked. Good news is it's all below the water line and will be painted. This pretty much catches the log up.
  9. Hi JJ. If I didn't have the pear I definitely would have done it in cherry. I've used some of Chucks laser cut cherry parts and they blend right in.
  10. Here is the start of the second layer of planking. I used the edge bending with heat method at the bow to get the planks to lay properly.
  11. Thanks Jim, Glenn and Glenn! The pear is really nice and there wasn't very much variation so sorting wasn't much. Just my personnel fetish. Glenn the speed is deceptive as I'm catching the log up.
  12. The first layer of planking has been completed and the outer patterns shaped and installed. Very straight forward and went on without any issues. Did use most of my clamps to do both sides. Now the hull is ready for the second planking and I've sorted through the provided pear strip wood getting the ones that the color is very similar.
  13. Upper bulwarks were soaked and bent around a can, blown dry and then fitted to the hull. This is only the second time I've used a one piece bulwark pattern and it went on better than I had hoped. I had to use some extra clamps besides the nails to get a good tight fit but I'm real happy with it.
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