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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. Is there any other way? That's good to know Chris. I got them back in place and it was good practice fixing one of what will be several heavy handed oops. Well I'll be right in line next to you! I've faired the hull and the MDF sanded well but caution should be used as it is easy to remove too much if you're not careful. Also the stem has been added in anticipation of placing the bulwark patterns.
  2. Hi All, Like Bob (Rafine) I'm in between chapters with the Winnie and the Duchess of Kingston caught my eye. I thought it would be a great change of pace and Chris's Vanguards models have looked so good I had to give it a try. I started a little while ago and have been meaning to post my progress but everything I'm in the shop I get distracted and start working on the DOK. The hull pieces all went together very smoothly. I didn't have to adjust any and all slots were a nice firm fit. I too dry assembled it and then used a brush to apply the wood glue. After assembling the hull I added the fore and aft sub decks and the cross braces. Be careful adding the sub deck. The two up right circled below are fragile and can be easily damaged like I did. Luckily I could move them back in place and glue them and all is well.
  3. Looks good Bob. This is only the second time I've used a one piece bulwark and I agree they went on nicely.
  4. Very nice Bob. I agree that it all fits together quite nicely and the brushed on glue method really works well.
  5. Very nice masts and spars. It is something I think we all do a little differently and you seem to have found out what works for you. That's what's important. Each time you do it it'll get easier and easier. Well done!
  6. Hi Glenn, Great save. Those little buggers were hiding on you. Beware when your placing the fore deck. The two vertical pieces circled in your picture below are fragile and can be bent or snapped off if your not careful placing the fore deck. As least if you have heavy hands like me. Keep up the good workmanship!
  7. That is some fine work on those sticks Glenn. Nice tight joints too! It's really rewarding when you can take " sticks" and make them into something nice like you did.
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