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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. I've been able to grab a little shop time here and there. I've completed the main mast and yards now. I've attached the brace and lift lines to the Main Topgallant Yard as well the lines to the main yard. On to the foremast now.
  2. Sorry for the late reply B.E. If I remember correctly it was a combination of both. I would sand horizontally at the rail and the first 7-10mm or so as of the frames as they were strong there. Then the as much as possible the lower portions of the frames were sanded vertically. Hope this helps!
  3. I've been grabbing a bit of shop time here and there and have been working on the masts. To work on the masts I obtained a new Proxxon MF 70 mill. Tools, gotta have tools! Anyways it came in very handy when shaping the square ends on the masts. Here are some of the various mast parts. And here is the Mizzen Mast and yards.
  4. Hmmm. I am torn because both look so good. I am leaning more towards showing the knees though. For me seeing them looks special. Decisions, Decisions!
  5. Just a little update. I was able to complete the bowsprit and spritsail this weekend. On to the Mizzen Mast next.
  6. Thank you Theodosius! Thanks Glenn but not anywhere close to Jim's workmanship. Also thanks for all the likes. Finally a day off so hopefully I get sometime in the shop today!
  7. Time in the shipyard has been severally curtailed of late and not looking good for the future either. So far I've been able to add the deadeye/chain plate assembly as well as build the trestletrees and the fore, main and mizzen top platforms. Next I'll start working on the yards when I have some free time.
  8. Purchased separately. I don't remember what is the correct size. I'll check when I get home.
  9. I asked this a while ago. Per Chuck, "The cannon are in fact the 1 15/16 resin for the gun deck. 1 9/16 for the upper decks."
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