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chris watton

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Everything posted by chris watton

  1. I will show you the problems I can have with maple veneer. This is a picture of a few examples of a whole batch I had to return. However, all of my supplier current stock is like this, which is absolutely no good to me. But as always with natural products, this is something I sometimes have to contend with. For Indy, I have attached a pic of the sample deck planking I received. It is called Red Alder. It is slightly darker than lime and consistent in colour/tone and grain fairly tight, which is important for deck planking - needs to be quite plain. I did contemplate Tanganyika, but realised that some batches are great, and some are God awful, so didn't really want to risk that. Same goes for maple strip, some batches could like like that scrap you see in the maple veneer pic.
  2. Cheers I had originally intended for the larger models to be not so parts heavy as Sphinx, more like the Amati Victory design, but I think scale deck beams are a step forward and, as the deck beams have absolutely no relation to the hull framing spacing, or kit bulkhead spacing, I could not go back to that relatively archaic method, not when a simple beam ledge pattern can in integrated in with the bulkheads to take the beams, making the beams perfectly aligned and spaced with the minimum of fuss. So I have already gone right past my original remit for this kit, but I do believe it's for the better. After Sphinx, anything less for even larger and more expensive kits would seem regressive.
  3. There is no maple veneer laser etched decks in this kit, the decks you see are 0.8mm plywood sub decks (using 800x600mm size sheets), like any other normal kit, except I have lightly etched planking detail, in case some want to use as a guide when planking with the 1x4mm planking strips. the 1x4 planking strips will be standard in this kit, it does not have a laser etched maple veneer deck option for two reasons. The first is that I have to get this size made as a special order, and the price per sheet (one 800x600mm sheet per kit) is a lot, over double the cost of the standard 600x400mm sheets, coupled with the fact that I cannot use every one of the very expensive sheets, as some will have natural marks and colours too contrasting on the surface that will not look right on a finished deck. This is always a problem with the standard 600x400mm sizes, and I can only use around two thirds of each maple veneer order because of this. The second reason is time, each full Indy deck sheet would take over one hour each. It makes no economic sense, coupled with the fact that half the modellers who buy these kits go their own way anyway, and plank the deck. Indefatigable is designed with individual deck planking and hull planking in mind (as will all very large kits). I am using a maple veneer deck set for mine to simply speed up the development process. As for the cut outs on the ply sub decks, if you want to plank the whole deck without the optional openings, then just leave the retention tabs in place and plank over them. If the price to scrap ratio for the maple veneer was much better, I would use it, but unfortunately, this isn't the case.
  4. Don't forget that there's quite a few cannon to be added to the quarterdeck (14) and forecastle (6), and they aren't small, so the openings have been made to take that into account
  5. Although they will be completely hidden! Cannon carriages - These will be the same as I did for Victory. The front axles will have a tab which will locate into a slot on the gun deck. The barrels are added after. I didn't want to do this, and avoided this method, hoping to think up a solution. However, unlike Sphinx, this has some pretty heavy duty beams and a much wider gangway with boat beams under the gangway, not on top. The only real solution was to add the carriages and then barrels later, so no cap squares. The 12 pounder long chasers on the forecastle will have integrated cap squares, however, and the 18 x 42 pounder carronades have none anyway.. ETA - The kit will come with 1.5x6mm limewood for first planking, I used 1x5, so I could more easily check the overall run of the planking, all is fine...
  6. All of my kits are FULL kits. It will be entirely up to the modeller as to what to leave on or off, but the kit will be complete - full hull, decks, fittings, masts and rig. What you see is simply a work in progress, the model is nowhere near complete! Here are the upper and poop sub decks (to be planked over) They come with tabbed slots, so you have a choice whether to leave them in situ or remove them, so you can see the deck below.
  7. Just a little update on Indefatigable. Development going well, still tons to do, but the pre prototype (test bed) model is starting to take shape with final parts (and some not so final parts)..
  8. On a happier note, Indefatigable development moves on relentlessly. I have started the first planking of the hull, which will take a few days. Still not sorted a figurehead though, but all armament, anchors and other castings type fittings have already been produced. I decided to 3-d print the majority of the belfry. This is still quite small, and the original has many shapes. I did originally design it in separate parts, with laser cut and engraved supports, but it would have been quite fiddly to assembly, and I don't like fiddly if I can help it. I then designed it with the stanchions and canopy (always a problematic shape if in wood form) as one piece, and the bell cross beam in pear. I have attached my original drawing for this, it will not look as 'clunky' as a wood only part. As with the anchors and guns, this is produced using black resin.
  9. Just a little, if regretful update: Over the past few months, material costs have risen from 10-25%, from essential materials to stuff you don't really give a second thought to, packaging materials. On top of this, in the UK at least, electricity/fuel costs are rising - this does have an impact, especially for larger kits like Sphinx, which takes a whole day of laser cutting time per kit, a lot of electricity. With this in mind, from Monday, I have to increase prices across the board by 10%. I really don't want to, but have little choice. I have swallowed any past extra cost as best I can, like the import duty costs for my materials from the EU, but I cannot soak up the new price rises for the rest of the materials I have to buy that go into each kit.
  10. Cool! When international shipping is finally sorted (still get only one option of $90 for shipping), I shall place an order for those two Naiad volumes. Can never have too many books. Although my wife may beg to differ....
  11. Just had a new book arrive for stock: Ship Models from the Age of Sail – VANGUARD MODELS It is very nice, written by Kerry Jang, and features Speedy as one of the builds. There is reference to Chucks (Syren Models) great models, and a picture of the fantastic Winchelsea and Cheerful. Book is hardback and full colour. I shall keep one for myself...
  12. OK, regarding Saucy Jack, the Barking Well Smack, thanks in no small part to James Hatch, the box art and plans and manual are with the printers. As soon as I am in receipt of the plans, manual and boxes, it can go on sale (or sail...) I have attached a pic of the box art I did yesterday, and the manual will be available to download in the usual way once the product page goes live. Price will be £137, same as Nisha. So the Saucy Jack folder has been moved from the 'Kit Designs in Progress' folder to the 'Completed Kits' folder. This is my 10th kit since 2019, Ranger will be the 11th (and the last non navy vessel for a good while). Indefatigable will be the 12th, and this is what I am working on right now, and hope to have this released this year. It is a very big project, and I did promise myself I wouldn't go too far, but as usual, I cannot help myself.... One last thing, I get emails on quite a regular basis asking when Amati Victory is out. I do not know, I do not work for Amati, so those who ask have as much idea as I do!
  13. Shipping does need to get sorted out. I was going to order another set of books (Naiad), but $77.72 shipping for two books is too much. To put that in perspective, a 7.5kg large box Sphinx kit costs around £40/45 to send to the US from the UK, using UPS.
  14. Maybe one day. If I do, there is one with the words, 'While I live, I crow' engraved on her stern, and the name being Cock o' the Walk! But, after Ranger, a South Eastern fish carrier (UK), that will be the last in this line up for a good while, I think I have done enough for now...
  15. The top part around the mast cap is simply thread that secures the lift blocks shown each side (M&L), and the vertical lines you highlight are battens. These have a part number and are pre cut on one of the 0.6mm (I think) pear sheets.
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